Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Day 42 - CDLC in DWC

Water drops about 2 inches a day - made a nute bucket of 4 gallons - mixed in and made 700 ppm food, with extra calmag (seeing a lot of calmag dots still)

Filled the bucket back up and ppm was sitting 650-700. As we are entering into flower I'm hoping that ppm isn't too high. pH was around 5.6 so i squirted in a bit of pH UP to bump it to 5.8

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Started to split the center trunk from the LST - wrapped some duct tape around it - will leave that in place for a day or two to stop the trunk from breaking anymore.

View attachment 4344948

What's your ppm drop per day?
You’re going to have to walk me through it but I’ll definitely give it a shot.... I have to start a compost bin

If you have kitchen scraps and grass clipping you can compost.

I run multiple types of compost for every occasion lol, but a standard compost will do fine. Worms make it even better.

Let me know when you want to get it up and running and I'll help you sort it out.

I'm tempted to force mine into root rot once it's a little bigger just to show you guys what the tea will do lol.
Makes the most sense in regards to RDWC from my standpoint.

Agreed. Moving water like actually flowing water will always remain cooler than water standing still in a bucket.

Oh that helps to start. so the building that I’m doing for site #1 will be air conditioned.... so maybe I won’t need a chiller? I can always add one in later if I leave space for it
If you have kitchen scraps and grass clipping you can compost.

I run multiple types of compost for every occasion lol, but a standard compost will do fine. Worms make it even better.

Let me know when you want to get it up and running and I'll help you sort it out.

I'm tempted to force mine into root rot once it's a little bigger just to show you guys what the tea will do lol.

Will do! I need to make a compost bin though... that’ll be a project on Its own.
Agreed. Moving water like actually flowing water will always remain cooler than water standing still in a bucket.

Oh that helps to start. so the building that I’m doing for site #1 will be air conditioned.... so maybe I won’t need a chiller? I can always add one in later if I leave space for it
Absolutely on all of that. Plus larger bodies of water are harder to heat and cool quickly so you have to room for play....
Agreed. Moving water like actually flowing water will always remain cooler than water standing still in a bucket.

Oh that helps to start. so the building that I’m doing for site #1 will be air conditioned.... so maybe I won’t need a chiller? I can always add one in later if I leave space for it

Control box around the res with AC piped in was my recommendation.
5 gallon bucket with a lid... that's all you need.

Hmmm this would work. But then you have to figure out a way for that to be monitored like if it gets too low and shuts the AC off the whole room would be fucked.... idk maybe a submersible heater or something would combat it.... see what I’m saying? The room will need the AC but maybe the reservoir won’t... then you’re in a pinch.
Hmmm this would work. But then you have to figure out a way for that to be monitored like if it gets too low and shuts the AC off the whole room would be fucked.... idk maybe a submersible heater or something would combat it.... see what I’m saying? The room will need the AC but maybe the reservoir won’t... then you’re in a pinch.

Separate AC unit. $200 vs $1000.
What's your ppm drop per day?
it's not that bad, ppm stays pretty stable. Last night i was seeing about 500 in the bucket before adding 700 ppm refill nute/water.

I've been using my truncheon through and it's only in 50 ppm increments.

i feel like at 700 ppm i'm going to come home to some nute burnt leaf tips tonight.... we'll see.
So what do I do? lol I’ve got plenty of all that! I’d definitely like one with and without worms.

Lay a base layer down. Sawdust, coco, grass clippings... anything that will leave some air pockets and not compact too bad. Usually high carbon content.


Add your scraps. Avoid meat and heavily processed food. This is my flower bucket, so it gets mostly P, K, Ca, and Mg components added. When you first start it, blend your scraps to a fine blend and it'll start composting much quicker.


Cover up the scraps with more carbon material.


Then scraps, then carbon. Then add some water. Damp sponge is what you are looking for. Just enough to soak into the material without water laying in the bottom of the bucket. Then put the lid on but allow airflow... VERY important to have airflow.


Once the bucket is about half full, put the lid on tight, shake the shit out of it to mix everything around, tap the lid and then take it off and leave your gap for airflow. If there's any scraps on top after the shake, cover them.

I use paper towel and shit paper rolls, unwaxed paper plates, amazon boxes without the ink parts, etc as a carbon too.


The smaller the particles, the quicker it composts.

Took me longer to write this than to make the bucket lol.
You think I can go ahead and make my mainlines cut in the next couple days on that DWC @3rd Monkey

Top growth looks better, but I would just fim the top for now to push those sides. You could just do it full out though on that 3rd if you'd like. My only objection is that the fans aren't super healthy on that node.
it's not that bad, ppm stays pretty stable. Last night i was seeing about 500 in the bucket before adding 700 ppm refill nute/water.

I've been using my truncheon through and it's only in 50 ppm increments.

i feel like at 700 ppm i'm going to come home to some nute burnt leaf tips tonight.... we'll see.

You have to top off with plain water to get an accurate reading on how much it feeds from the last time, before adding any nutes back in. Maybe you did do that and I'm just misunderstanding.