Dogs... breed of choice??


Well-Known Member
Yup lol I miss living in Santa Cruz so bad but I work at UPS Sunnyvale so Santa Cruz commute would suck pops still lives out there by Capitola
We moved over the hill when I was in 7th grade because my mom got a job there and you know how sketch 17 could be when wet out. She had too many close calls so off we went.

We lived in a killer spot up there. Right on the border of sand dunes and redwoods.

Pretty sure my brother worked at that ups for a couple years.


Well-Known Member
Yup lol I miss living in Santa Cruz so bad but I work at UPS Sunnyvale so Santa Cruz commute would suck pops still lives out there by Capitola
Nice. Yea i sure don’t miss the traffic. Im in Phoenix now. Originally from The Bay Area. Livermore. Moving soon to Fresno area or Palm Springs


bud bootlegger
We have the pit in the pic. We have a yorkie poodle mix.

We also have a bull dog mix. Bless his heart, he is a great dog, but he is dumb as a box of rocks.
a neighbor of my sister was looking to get rid of their pure breed bull dog, we took it for a few hours to check him out, took him back to the owners, then they next day told them that we'd take him.. they decided against it, and we found out like 3 days later they gave it to someone else.. i guess it was for the better as we ended up with sandy..
my gf has 2 pugs, and they're completely adorable, but so dumb..


bud bootlegger
I loved Irish Wolfhounds. I had Afghans and Pharaohs, nice pair of sight hounds.
my granmom was a big afghan hound fan, as well as chihauha when she got a bit older, and as a result, my uncle, her youngest, has had about 5 or so of them over the years.. his last one passed away a few years ago, but he refuses to get another dog.. says it's too hard on him when they go, which i fully understand, but feel like he's missing out.. he's also worried about what would happen to the dog if something were to happen to him before hand.. my mom and i keep trying to talk him into a new pet, but so far, he's not buying what we're pushing, lol.