It's Mueller Time

Mueller laid it out. Trump is dirty and we knew it. See Bannon’s statements? He says the current investigations will reveal Trump is a lying bag of fake shit.
in trump world this is a win win, trump will twist the facts as usual and still claim he was "fully exonerated", or if congress proceeds with articles of impeachment he'll claim presidential harassment, angry vindictive sore loser democrats, witch hunt, attempted guys can figure out the rest of the bullshit that he'll throw out there...
Well if you're happy, I'm happy.
Such obvious false bravado. LOL

Your obvious attempt at casting shade on what has been a great morning only shows your false confidence and makes many of us laugh at you. Your right wing tears of bitterness were sweet.
Such obvious false bravado. LOL

Your obvious attempt at casting shade on what has been a great morning only shows your false confidence and makes many of us laugh at you. Your right wing tears of bitterness were sweet.
I'm not sure her base can support no impeachment so I think she will have to do an unsuccessful impeachment.
seems logical, but with most likely only one republican congressman calling for proceedings the right will portray him as a do nothing grand'll be partisan hate fest...
Maybe, I see no evidence of this so far.
trump obstructed right out in the open, not that it matters to his cult.
If the everyday Republican’s opinions shift about this then the Senate will shift also, if they want to get reelected.
the cult is deep seated and unmovable, maybe in a different time past, but in this current tribal atmosphere? very unlikely...
tRUmp is a sociopath with a IQ of 73, his whole life is a cover up.
I don't give a real fuck anymore about his taxes, enough information has been released to show that he sucks as a business man, and that he is a con.

But for this motherfucking self-described "Stable Genius" to denigrate and accuse others of having a low IQ level is beyond the pale.

Show me YOUR grades in school, you piece of garbage.

He has them under lock and key and threatened legal action against anyone that releases them.


The whole World knows that he's a dummy who doesn't read, can't spell and can barely speak coherently, so why keep them a secret?

Is it possible that they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that what his SoS Tillerson called him, that's he's a "Fucking Moron", is true?

I would bet on it.
The whole World knows that he's a dummy who doesn't read, can't spell and can barely speak coherently, so why keep them a secret?
sure, but his base support of lemmings are behind the moron till the very end regardless of his infatuation with tyrants and his using the position for his own financial benefit, or trying to cripple the Obama economic recovery.
he's got them in his pocket where they like it...
Like attracts like. The law of the universe. That's why the southern strategy worked for Nixon & Goldwater and the southern strategy 2.0 worked for Trump. They thought hey, he thinks like me, hates Immigrants and Muslims like me and he’s racist. A win win.

I can guarantee, Trump has had a life long hate for Puerto Ricans, being a New Yorker. Puerto Rico’s mistreatment during and after Hurricane Maria is Trump showing his life long disdain for puerto ricans and probably don't consider them Americans. After all, they're people of color so they don't matter.

I think he has disdain for anyone not named Donald Trump
Pretty clear Trump will not be impeached by Senate barring new facts. So this will all be a question for the electorate in 2020. Same electorate that knowingly elected a con man. So Pelosi must decide if it will be easier to win in 2020 with an unsuccessful impeachment or no impeachment. I'm not sure her base can support no impeachment so I think she will have to do an unsuccessful impeachment.
Success can be measured more that one way
As long as we make Trumps Presidency essential over, as long as we expose the man completely for his corruption
As long as we turn enough votes that he loses in 2020 , it is a YUGE success
Pretty clear Trump will not be impeached by Senate barring new facts. So this will all be a question for the electorate in 2020. Same electorate that knowingly elected a con man. So Pelosi must decide if it will be easier to win in 2020 with an unsuccessful impeachment or no impeachment. I'm not sure her base can support no impeachment so I think she will have to do an unsuccessful impeachment.
Didn’t you celebrate alongside white supremacists on election night?