Well-Known Member
Cam, i do feel you may have cut yourself a lil short by sending these compact panels over the Pro-Bar design. Did you research anything out now or just come on here mad confident winging it? Props either way. Just saying, youre going up against a superior light spread.
I'm only responding because you (the OP) addressed me. I'd rather sit as a silent bystander for the majority of this test and let you (and our lights) have the spotlight.
What's there to research when competitors are using white light? It doesn't matter if it's MH, CFL, LED, etc... white is white and it's been around for decades. Your MH also has a superior light spread to ours, with higher average PAR at 24" where you're using it. And yet...?
I will say, her plants are growing at an enormous rate you can tell when growth is forcing itself out cuz it needs out. Lol! Killing thr MH w/i the coverage area.
These graphs are both a 4x4 area, but the MH simply had more measurement points (every 4" instead of 6"):

So if the white MH has far more even coverage, higher PPFD and what some consider a "veg spectrum", then why is my little RGB light killing it within its covered area? By your own experience now (in just a few days) you should be starting to say to yourself "holy crap, maybe she is right about spectrum". And if I'm right about spectrum, I must be right about several other things as well.
It doesn't take my best product line to beat the competition when the competition doesn't rely on science. I know my white-label product will beat them just fine. Your plants will be growing even faster when you follow my recommendations. If you bought the lights and didn't follow my advice that's your prerogative, but I supplied them free of charge on the premise that they be used as directed. What's the harm in listening to the manufacturer/inventor of the product? I'm not questioning your growing skills, but rather instructing you on how to get the best results with our product. I'd appreciate a bit of respect in that regard.