Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Sorry, I should have said original purpose. Personally, I don’t care much about obstruction of a crime that did not occur.

“The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,” the report said.

What Republicans say: "the president is innocent for his crimes because he can't be indicted because of the Constitution"

LOL, Nice way to spin it Trumpkins.
Manafort wasn't TECHNICALLY convicted of conspiring with the russians...just everything that added together paints a very clear picture of it...the worst thing he was charged with was Conspiracy against the United States, for campaign finance "irregularities" and not registering as an agent of the Ukraine while in their employ. most of it was tax and financial things
Sarah believes!
When pressed by host George Stephanopoulos about why she "can’t acknowledge that what you said then was not true," Sanders became defensive.

"I said that the word I used 'countless', and also if you look in what's in quotations from me it's that and it was in the heat of moment, meaning that it wasn't a scripted talking point," she said.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Friday repeated her claim that it was "a slip of the tongue" when she told reporters that "countless" FBI agents had told the White House that they had lost confidence in James Comey.
Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so.

The report says these 10 instances can be divided into "two phases, reflecting a possible shift in the president's motives." The first phase took place before Mr. Trump fired his first FBI director, James Comey, after he had been reassured he was not personally under investigation. After Comey's dismissal and Mueller's appointment as special counsel, the report indicates, the president knew he was now under investigation for possibly obstructing justice, and switched gears.
I'm shocked....
The holding company that formerly owned Kmart and Sears sued Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and other former board members of ESL Investments as well as the company's ex-CEO, Eddie Lampert, accusing them of illegally stripping Sears of assets ahead of the company's bankruptcy filing.

USA Today reported Thursday that Sears Holdings filed a lawsuit targeting roughly two dozen figures including Lampert, Mnuchin, and others involved with ESL Investments, who the lawsuit alleges were involved in a scheme to "hinder, delay and defraud creditors and/or occurred when the Company was insolvent and had insufficient capital to continue its operations and to repay its billions of dollars in debt."

"Sears would have had billions of dollars more to pay its third-party creditors today and would not have endured the amount of disruption, expense and job losses resulting from its recent bankruptcy filing," had Lampert not taken actions instead to enrich himself and ESL Investments, the lawsuit alleges.
I am, that's good stuff. Helping your kids through college is a lot of work. That's great, the beer if you like damn 10 gallons is a bunch. I hope you and your wife enjoy many times together sounds like you've done a lot of hard work and we are both at the same stage of life.
I'm VERY proud of my kids. Raising kids is a lot of work...if you are a parent that gives a fuck.
I'm lucky to have a wife that shares the same dreams as I. When she retires we will get in a RV and Travel the "48" states in a year dream.
The beers are a lemon and an orange ale. 5 gallon brews each with a second racking. Pure and crisp they are. Next up will be this cinnamon and apple ale I'm creating. Waiting on a couple of bushels of apples again. Should be ready before the summer. I'm a fucking hit with my neighbors and friends...except of course if you revealed yourself as a TRUMPTARD...then NO beer for you!!!!
Sarah believes!
When pressed by host George Stephanopoulos about why she "can’t acknowledge that what you said then was not true," Sanders became defensive.

"I said that the word I used 'countless', and also if you look in what's in quotations from me it's that and it was in the heat of moment, meaning that it wasn't a scripted talking point," she said.
what do you suppose she'll do for work after this?
flipping a big arrow sign pointing to open houses?
they might give her a game show..."to NOT tell the truth"
spokesperson for herpes....?
People believe the craziest stuff. Flat earth, ghosts, just to name a few. Smart people have figured out how to control dumb people since the dawn of man. My favorite is reality TV shows. I'm more of a curiosity stream guy. I remember talking to people while working on their machine. Unbelievable what people will believe!
People believe the craziest stuff. Flat earth, ghosts, just to name a few. Smart people have figured out how to control dumb people since the dawn of man. My favorite is reality TV shows. I'm more of a curiosity stream guy. I remember talking to people while working on their machine. Unbelievable what people will believe!
i know people that believe that crystals, essential oils, burning sage, holistic mantra chanting....will change your life...then there are the people who take so many vitamins that they're damaging their livers. you see them at the pharmacy every winter buying the same mucinex you're buying, but next summer they'll forget being sick and keep telling you to poison yourself with too many vitamins, because they're so healthy...
and all of these idiots are not only allowed, but encouraged to vote...
are you happy that me and the wife are about to invest in a Tesla and a home charging station ?
are you happy that my son was accepted into Purdue and Georgia Tech engineering programs ?
are you happy that I now will have all 3 of my kids in college or holding a degree ?
are you happy that I have 10 gallons of home brewed beer ready to consume ? Two different ale brews to enjoy.
Please do tell why you are happy for ME ?
I'm happy for all of that! Very cool.
People believe the craziest stuff. Flat earth, ghosts, just to name a few. Smart people have figured out how to control dumb people since the dawn of man. My favorite is reality TV shows. I'm more of a curiosity stream guy. I remember talking to people while working on their machine. Unbelievable what people will believe!
People believe that god sees and knows everything you do while letting people like @Rob Roy touch underage children.
God is weird if true
The billionaire founder of Taiwan's electronics giant Foxconn has announced he will run for the country's presidency, citing divine endorsement.

Terry Gou will stand in the primaries of the Kuomintang opposition party, promoting a more China-friendly policy.

He said sea goddess Mazu encouraged him to promote peace across the Taiwan Strait.
i know people that believe that crystals, essential oils, burning sage, holistic mantra chanting....will change your life...then there are the people who take so many vitamins that they're damaging their livers. you see them at the pharmacy every winter buying the same mucinex you're buying, but next summer they'll forget being sick and keep telling you to poison yourself with too many vitamins, because they're so healthy...
and all of these idiots are not only allowed, but encouraged to vote...
Many idiots are encouraged to vote. Democrats want children and felons and illegal immigrants to vote. Even people with no identification at all.