Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

I started off saying that reparations are evil, because the problems black people have are not caused by slavery or racial hatred or bigotry.

I think IQ is a better predictor of almost everything. I don't think that skin color causes anything whatsoever.

The reason skin color is the focus of this conversation is because mainstream democrats want reparations.
This thread is about Mueller. You must be desperate to deflect from that subject.

Lemme see if I can follow your train of thought to draw a conclusion:

Mueller investigation contains damning evidence about Trump ------> Democrats support releasing the information about Trump -------> Democrats (some) support studying how or what reparations could be made as compensation for slavery and white on black brutality afterward -------> Blacks commit most crimes proportionately more homicides on other black people ------> black people are more likely to commit homicides because they have lower IQ ---------> Skin color has nothing to do with IQ ------> "The reason skin color is the focus of this conversation is because mainstream democrats want reparations."

Nope, could not do it. Your line of reasoning falls apart in several places. Republicans are being dishonest about Russian influence in the White House. Release the Mueller report and all the evidence so that people can read it and decide for themselves whether or not Trump is a traitor. .

his own party is finding it hard to present a unified front..."we know he's picking toxic, awful, terrible people for every job he's able to appoint someone to....maybe if we start telling him they're toxic, awful, terrible people, he might pick someone better..."
but he won't...he's done shady, toxic, terrible, awful business his whole life, what other kind of person would he pick? who else could he pick? what person with morals and ethics would choose to work for a foul fuck like trump? hopefully, someone with the balls to take the job and do the right thing in it, till trump throws them out, for not "playing ball" with him...
know what? if they were spying on trump, they would have busted his balls at the time...he was so fucking dirty already by the 1970s that any real investigation of him would have sunk his ass to the bottom of the ocean.
get fucking real.
Nobody's going to do anything Violent if you wear that hat, You will just see most of the people look at you like you're Nuts.

No Offense it's more likely than not though.
I wouldn't put an Obama bumper sticker on my car because rednecks in rural districts of Oregon and all of Idaho were notorious for vandalizing cars displaying support for him. Same when Clinton was running (either time).
This thread is about Mueller. You must be desperate to deflect from that subject.

Lemme see if I can follow your train of thought to draw a conclusion:

Mueller investigation contains damning evidence about Trump ------> Democrats support releasing the information about Trump -------> Democrats (some) support studying how or what reparations could be made as compensation for slavery and white on black brutality afterward -------> Blacks commit most crimes proportionately more homicides on other black people ------> black people are more likely to commit homicides because they have lower IQ ---------> Skin color has nothing to do with IQ ------> "The reason skin color is the focus of this conversation is because mainstream democrats want reparations."

Nope, could not do it. Your line of reasoning falls apart in several places. Republicans are being dishonest about Russian influence in the White House. Release the Mueller report and all the evidence so that people can read it and decide for themselves whether or not Trump is a traitor. .
It's my thread. I started the conversation. Someone else mentioned reparations. (Which Beto and many other mainstream democrat candidates told Al sharpton they would support)
I wouldn't put an Obama bumper sticker on my car because rednecks in rural districts of Oregon and all of Idaho were notorious for vandalizing cars displaying support for him. Same when Clinton was running (either time).
I would feel safer if I were wearing a maga hat around Democrats than one supporting Obama or Clinton around Republicans. Trump has encouraged violence against Democrats more than once. All the wacko nut jobs with guns and bombs intent on killing people lately have been Republicans. Get real with this shit
I would feel safer if I were wearing a maga hat around Democrats than one supporting Obama or Clinton around Republicans. Trump has encouraged violence against Democrats more than once. All the wacko nut jobs with guns and bombs intent on killing people lately have been Republicans. Get real with this shit
I voted for Obama.
Comey may be a Republican, but he has little reason to love trump, who fired him for manufactured reasons, but really for Comey not being willing to publicly comment on ongoing investigations, and whether they involved trump or not...which is something no respectable president would ask an F.B.I. director to do...
but then again, we don't have a respectable president.
i'm not sure if Brennan is a democrat or a republican, he's worked for both administrations...a dedicated man who gave 25 years to the cia, who didn't knuckle under and kiss trump's ass, who spoke up when he thought he ought to speak up....and trump tried to humiliate him by taking away his security clearance...of course, trump was the one doing something humiliating, again....
I would feel safer if I were wearing a maga hat around Democrats than one supporting Obama or Clinton around Republicans. Trump has encouraged violence against Democrats more than once. All the wacko nut jobs with guns and bombs intent on killing people lately have been Republicans. Get real with this shit
A huge number of people on the left say, "Trump supporters are Nazis." Then they say, "It is good to punch nazis."

You know this attitude is common on the left. I have seen many comments along those lines from liars like buck.
trump has picked some fucking lulus for so many positions...does he really have any room to be talking investigation of anyone, for anything? do we really want to open up investigations into why he this kind of turn over in his administration? how many have come and gone in two years?
long, shah, zinke, nielsen, mcmahon, shine, haley, mcgahn, pruitt, hagin, waddell, schadlow, wilson, mattis, ayers, sessions, bossert, porter, fitzgerald, higbie, powell hicks, mcmaster, mccabe, mcentee, cohn, shulkin, TILLERSON..(my personal favorite that shows that trump is a piece of fucking bought and paid for shit appointment).....sorry if i missed a few...and i'm sure there'll be more, as more of these disgusting low life pieces of shit realize that even they don't want to be associated with trump...or as more of them are asked to commit felonies to protect trump...or as trump's psychoses deepens and he does increasingly erratic shit daily...
I would feel safer if I were wearing a maga hat around Democrats than one supporting Obama or Clinton around Republicans. Trump has encouraged violence against Democrats more than once. All the wacko nut jobs with guns and bombs intent on killing people lately have been Republicans. Get real with this shit
A Bernie supporter shot up Republican Congress baseball practice like a year ago.