Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

Regarding your copper, zinc and mang, are there formulas listed in the defaults? I rename shit to keep things close and I notice those 3 no longer have formulas which made me think if there ever was a formula to begin with?
now that im actually looking at it im not sure if its a default or not, it could be a custom addition that i entered forever ago and forgot, so its possible the issue was i didnt enter the info in correctly the first time on the copper and just didnt catch it

no the formula was blank but after i put the formula in it started working
hydrobuddy isnt my thing i rarely use it i always use the excel spreed sheet version

who knows man i could be wrong on the chelates... its just been to long since ive done anything different and my memory is for shit

i do remember having some issues where something didnt dissolve or somehting... but maybe that was because i put the reagent in thew wrong stock solution... after realizing the GH has the calcium and micros in the same concentrate ... im really not sure
No worries. IDK your age, but I'm 43 and my mind is also on wet ice. I have 54,000,000 hobbies, and every one of them I try my best to over complicate so the details of one gets mixed with the others.
Are you talking about reducing part A and using a PK booster like MPK and or Potassium Sulfate?
The first week I just wet the soil with non pH water once then didn't even look until week 2 , then week two I added house and garden A & B soil feed at qaurter the strengh recommend by them for the first week of veg , and they seemed too respond well but slow devolpment as you would expect for a 2 week old seedling , on week 3 I have added alittle more feed too half the recommended amount from house and garden and I will now be staying at half strengh , my temps have been at 22c lights off and 24c lights on , I am growing on a 20/4 cycle , week 3 they have got into the full swing of veg growing at least one or two nodes / set of leaves every 24 hours , the nodes are very tight together leaving no room too try and lst the tops down so I won't be doing that this time ,
I have been feeding every 3 too 4 days so far and with abit of luck that will stay that way for abit , as the least I need too un zip the tent the better for me lol ,


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Well the plants seemed to have responded well enough with a uniform healthy looking green. I mixed 36g Jacks, 24g CalNit and 11g of epsom with 1 litre of water each in separate pickling jars. I then took equal measurements from each jar with a syringe, adding it to my tap water (ec 0, ppm 500/ 40, ppm 700/60) until the solution was EC 1.2, ppm 500/630, ppm 700/860. Came out at exactly ph 5.6.

While mixing everything up I got to wondering how much I was actually saving on nutes and to be honest I'm underwhelmed. The numbers are not scientifically accurate, but they are accurate enough for me and thought I'd share.

The small stock with 36g of jacks will do approx 8 gallons of nutrient at EC 1.2. In a 24lb bag there are 10,886g which is 302 batches. This makes up 2419 gallons of nutrient solution (with cal nit and epsom still to be added)

I was running GH flora series with cal mag.

To achieve 1.2 EC nutrient solution of equal measures of Jacks 24lb bag I'd need: (bloom and gro switch quantities when I flip, but keep it simple)

Flora gro - 3 ml per gal = 333 gal per litre bottle. 2419 / 333 = 7.2 litres of gro needed
Flora micro - 2 ml per gal = 500 gal per litre bottle. 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of micro needed
Flora bloom - 1ml per gal = 1000 gal per litre bottle 2419/1000 = 2.4 litres of bloom needed
Cal mag 2ml per gallon = 500 gal per litre bottle 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of cal mag

I also use
Floralicious plus - 1 ml per gal = 1000 gal per litre bottle 2419/1000 = 2.4 litres of Floralicious
Silica - 2 ml per gal = 500mgal per bottle 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of silica needed

Over all if I was to buy GH series I'd pay; (Individual unit cost x litres needed)

Individual litres:

Gro - 8.95 x 7.2 = 64.44
Micro - 8.95 x 4.8 = 42.96
Bloom - 8.95 x 2.4 = 21.48
Cal Mag - 18 x 4.8 = 86.40


Bulk (per litre of 5l):
Gro - 5.59 x 7.2 = 40.25
Micro - 5.59 x 4.8 = 26.83
Bloom - 5.59 x 2.4 = 13.42
Cal Mag - 10 x 4.8 = 48


I'm not going to add silica to the list as I'll be using it with jacks so not making any saving there. I won't include floralicious plus or rhizo either as they're a different kettle of fish I'd say and will probably still use them, well definitely still using rhizo as I've just transplanted young veglings

I paid 150 shipped for the jacks alone so I'm actually down 30 if I was to buy GH in bulk and made like a 50 saving from buying individual litre bottles, but this saving is made after using 2419 gallons of feed.

I haven't included bloom boosters . However, cal nit, epsom or mpk are not accounted for in the total for the jacks mix, never mind adding any micros. But as I said it was really just to give a rough idea, I soon realised there wont be olympic swimming pools worth of feed in savings as previously mentioned in this thread.

It certainly wasn't worth having fertilizer shipped from the US with hydroponics plastered all over the box, which is probably unfinished and lacking in micros needed for cannabis, according to some anyway.

Obviously others using jacks will have different needs from my own, but thought I'd share as there may be someone lurking in the EU wondering if it's worth making the leap and getting some imported. It's easily to get excited without properly thinking it through.

I'm hoping these numbers are massively wrong and there's a 0 or two missing in jacks' favour but I can't see it. Someone prove me wrong please, no really.
Well the plants seemed to have responded well enough with a uniform healthy looking green. I mixed 36g Jacks, 24g CalNit and 11g of epsom with 1 litre of water each in separate pickling jars. I then took equal measurements from each jar with a syringe, adding it to my tap water (ec 0, ppm 500/ 40, ppm 700/60) until the solution was EC 1.2, ppm 500/630, ppm 700/860. Came out at exactly ph 5.6.

While mixing everything up I got to wondering how much I was actually saving on nutes and to be honest I'm underwhelmed. The numbers are not scientifically accurate, but they are accurate enough for me and thought I'd share.

The small stock with 36g of jacks will do approx 8 gallons of nutrient at EC 1.2. In a 24lb bag there are 10,886g which is 302 batches. This makes up 2419 gallons of nutrient solution (with cal nit and epsom still to be added)

I was running GH flora series with cal mag.

To achieve 1.2 EC nutrient solution of equal measures of Jacks 24lb bag I'd need: (bloom and gro switch quantities when I flip, but keep it simple)

Flora gro - 3 ml per gal = 333 gal per litre bottle. 2419 / 333 = 7.2 litres of gro needed
Flora micro - 2 ml per gal = 500 gal per litre bottle. 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of micro needed
Flora bloom - 1ml per gal = 1000 gal per litre bottle 2419/1000 = 2.4 litres of bloom needed
Cal mag 2ml per gallon = 500 gal per litre bottle 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of cal mag

I also use
Floralicious plus - 1 ml per gal = 1000 gal per litre bottle 2419/1000 = 2.4 litres of Floralicious
Silica - 2 ml per gal = 500mgal per bottle 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of silica needed

Over all if I was to buy GH series I'd pay; (Individual unit cost x litres needed)

Individual litres:

Gro - 8.95 x 7.2 = 64.44
Micro - 8.95 x 4.8 = 42.96
Bloom - 8.95 x 2.4 = 21.48
Cal Mag - 18 x 4.8 = 86.40


Bulk (per litre of 5l):
Gro - 5.59 x 7.2 = 40.25
Micro - 5.59 x 4.8 = 26.83
Bloom - 5.59 x 2.4 = 13.42
Cal Mag - 10 x 4.8 = 48


I'm not going to add silica to the list as I'll be using it with jacks so not making any saving there. I won't include floralicious plus or rhizo either as they're a different kettle of fish I'd say and will probably still use them, well definitely still using rhizo as I've just transplanted young veglings

I paid 150 shipped for the jacks alone so I'm actually down 30 if I was to buy GH in bulk and made like a 50 saving from buying individual litre bottles, but this saving is made after using 2419 gallons of feed.

I haven't included bloom boosters . However, cal nit, epsom or mpk are not accounted for in the total for the jacks mix, never mind adding any micros. But as I said it was really just to give a rough idea, I soon realised there wont be olympic swimming pools worth of feed in savings as previously mentioned in this thread.

It certainly wasn't worth having fertilizer shipped from the US with hydroponics plastered all over the box, which is probably unfinished and lacking in micros needed for cannabis, according to some anyway.

Obviously others using jacks will have different needs from my own, but thought I'd share as there may be someone lurking in the EU wondering if it's worth making the leap and getting some imported. It's easily to get excited without properly thinking it through.

I'm hoping these numbers are massively wrong and there's a 0 or two missing in jacks' favour but I can't see it. Someone prove me wrong please, no really.

If you keep going down this rabbit hole, you'll eventually find that not only is Jack's 3.6-2.4-1.1 too hot, but also that the ratios are also wrong, even Jack's 321 they're still wrong. If you are able to locate individual salts in your country, you'll be in the best shape. In the USA, via CustomHydroNutrients.com, one can get all of the salts needed for many years of growing for about $160 total. Of course you'll still need 2 scales after that to accurately weigh out the dosage, but more importantly, everything you mix thereafter will be totally intentional, and if you spot a deficiency or toxicity, you can tweak single elements as you see fit without affecting something else like would be the case if adding more calmag and making magnesium too strong.

Here are the numbers of both Jack's schedules, GH mid bloom at 70% strength, and also at 100% for comparison. Jack's 321 comes the closest to ideal micro levels, but is still off, but the rest is just too hot all around. I looked at Megacrop last night on another thread and it is highly deficient except for N and K. After months of questioning wise growers like @im4satori and @nxsov180db I was able to put together a list of desired elemental ppm ranges of each nutrient, and though these numbers are not to be understood as the law, they are a VERY good starting block and after months of testing, I've only had to adjust certain numbers marginally.

Example Charts.JPG

Here's my bill of materials. Look around to see if you can find these things. FWIW, I no longer use Jack's or Peter's and both of those products will just collect dust on my shelf.

BOM for salts.JPG
But if you live somewhere on Earth where being selective is just not possible, your absolute greatest tool will be to learn how to use the free app for Windows or Linux called Hydro Buddy. With it, you can look up various brands of product online, and locate the Guaranteed Analysis on their labels, then input the percentages of each element into a Custom Solution in the app, and crunch the numbers till you get a final mix that suits your desires. Know this app will allow you to mix and match any part of any nutrient line. As an example, you can use a couple GH products and mix them with some DynaGro products as well as some Rock Nutrients, some Remos, a pinch of Jacks, a spritz of some Botanicare, whatever you can find. Just as long as the product labels list the elemental percentages, you'll be able to save that information into your app and set either your targets, or various weights or liquid measures to see what your concoction can come back with before you even start.

I was fortunate enough to have finally figured out how to use the app after many years of not being able to grasp the concept, and that epiphany happened just as I started getting into 321. I too was a GH 3 part grower for many years and I have wasted a couple thousand on that line. IMO, I also wasted on Jack's and Peter's, along with their micro amendment STEM. For me, the best approach is to build everything into a blend that consists of ratios that I want.

I made a tutorial on 420mag for using Hydro Buddy along with all the other info I've learned on the topic.

Hey guys, i’ve been trying to get current on this thread, but after days i’ve only made it to page 9. I really have to make an order, so i’m gonna risk asking a question that may have been hit somewhere over the last 40 pages or so.

I’ve been really interested in switching to Jack’s brand for about a month. I’ve read and been told a lot of promising stuff and I’m ready to jump onboard. The only things stopping me are that I’m growing in soil(unfertilized top soil w/ peat and perlite), and that i’m mid-Bloom and I really don’t want to buy more of my current feed to finish the batch.

Any input on formulas for and how to use jacks with soil? Also any help weening from one fertilizer to another would be great. Sorry as i’m sure these answers are probably located around page 20-something, but I’m on a time crunch.
Hey guys, i’ve been trying to get current on this thread, but after days i’ve only made it to page 9. I really have to make an order, so i’m gonna risk asking a question that may have been hit somewhere over the last 40 pages or so.

I’ve been really interested in switching to Jack’s brand for about a month. I’ve read and been told a lot of promising stuff and I’m ready to jump onboard. The only things stopping me are that I’m growing in soil(unfertilized top soil w/ peat and perlite), and that i’m mid-Bloom and I really don’t want to buy more of my current feed to finish the batch.

Any input on formulas for and how to use jacks with soil? Also any help weening from one fertilizer to another would be great. Sorry as i’m sure these answers are probably located around page 20-something, but I’m on a time crunch.

I jumped into this thread somewhere in the mid 30s and have sought the best ratios for cannabis, but I am a hydro grower which means my media by itself offers zero nutrition. To use nutrients in soil is widely practiced and back with my first plant, I too nuted a soil plant, but it's very much outside of my scope of learning how to adequately supplement a soil without over ferting it. That said, if you talk to me, I will try to convince you to totally abandon soil and get into something soilless. I use rockwool mini cubes extremely successfully, but I presume any other soilless media would be just as successful. I would also encourage users to save money and skip buying Jack's or any other branded blend of salts and mix everything from the ground up. I once used GH 3 part, plus all supplements for years, then discovered Jack's 321, made the transition and got to talking to @im4satori , @nxsov180db and other growers on this thread and I asked them hundreds of questions and my understanding has grown exponentially, but ultimately I've veered in the direction of not using blends, though I believe they both still use blends.

My issue with blends is that they are tailored to kind of target all crops. I want nutes tailored for cannabis. Using blends left me trying to add various things in an effort to get the PPM resolution to the ideal ranges satori shared with me, though I've never been able to hit the nail on the head so to speak, especially in regards to the micro nutrients. I've migrated from using Jack's 5-12-26 to Peter's 5-11-26, then to try and amend the poor micro levels by using a product called Soluble Trace Element Mix (STEM), and always failing to hit the ideal targets without over or underdoing any. I've since concluded to purchase individual chelated micro nutrients, build my own targeted concentrate solution, then add in the macro nutrient and secondaries on top of that. Granted I'm only about a week into using that solution so it's likely too soon to conclude definitively, I am still seeing good results thus far, and more importantly no evident problems. Ultimately, I anticipate having the most perfect nutrient solution available, specifically tailored to cannabis and if plant language suggests I make a change, I have the materials to make the change w/o changing other elements.

So if you choose to get into Jack's 321, the 2-1 parts are used in what I use, and I would just advise buying the smallest QTY of Jack's you can find. FWIW, Jack's 3-2-1 is a good entry point. How to amend soil though may be beyond the scope of this thread and may require a new thread, but surely many other opinions.
i dont use blends and niether does nxsov180db

but i do think there are plenty of quality blends available that are excellent, unless your a control freak lol

You can call it being a control freak, but I found it difficult to mix a blend of chelated micros that would work well with Jack's, Peter's or others. It was easier for me to mix the micro blend first, then add other components on top of that.

On another note, the chelated micro mix so far is holding up, so I am confident that was a success.
Anyone use Jack's 20-20-20 in conjunction with kelp4less extreme blend? About to start a grow and wanted to see if anyone has used these together?
Ugh, I'm sorry. I just finished reading this entire thread for the second time. Is @lilroach still around by chance?

In my current situation, I have about enough of my GH Flora 3 part to get me through ~2 runs. I have plants for 4 runs though, that are currently in Sunshine #4. Then it will start with FFHF. I honestly don't know why I bought the happy farm, but I don't like going to the hydro store because I'm in an unfriendly state, and thought I needed more medium than I did. Anyway, beside the point.

I've got a store that sells Jacks nearby, a few of them actually. I want to make the switch over to using it. I was originally thinking Jack's Citrus to flower extra that I have in the sunshine, and then using it full term in Happy Frog. @lilroach and @RM3 both seemed to have good luck doing just that.

If I can't get the citrus feed locally, should I look at 20-20-20 or the 321 mix, since I'll be in Happy Frog I'll have some buffer and I assume some sort of micros in the soil.

If it matters, I root clones in a bubble machine with Clonex, then transplant them into their medium with a heavy dose of Photosyn Plus.
I got started using bloom booster 10-30-20 by mistake. I was a newbie and someone told me to get some Jacks. I used it from beginning to end and was blown away at how much better it worked than the General Organic's "Go Box" I started with. I didn't even know there were different NPK's back then. He meant 20-20-20.....which I found out about three grows into my learning experience.

Since I had good luck with bloom booster from beginning to end.....I just stuck with it.

RM3 uses Citrus Feed, but goes with a different medium than I do. I use Happy Frog, I believe he uses Peat.

My way of doing things certainly can be someone else's wrong way. But one thing I can tell you is that Jack's is quality stuff. If you figure out which one you like, you can find 4lb buckets of it for around $25 with free shipping from Amazon. I run 16-18 plants and one bucket will last me about three months. I go with a heaping teaspoon per gallon for the plants in flower.


Here's a picture of one side of my grow room as of yesterday. There's like six different strains in this picture.

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To achieve 1.2 EC nutrient solution of equal measures of Jacks 24lb bag I'd need: (bloom and gro switch quantities when I flip, but keep it simple)

Flora gro - 3 ml per gal = 333 gal per litre bottle. 2419 / 333 = 7.2 litres of gro needed
Flora micro - 2 ml per gal = 500 gal per litre bottle. 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of micro needed
Flora bloom - 1ml per gal = 1000 gal per litre bottle 2419/1000 = 2.4 litres of bloom needed
Cal mag 2ml per gallon = 500 gal per litre bottle 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of cal mag

I also use
Floralicious plus - 1 ml per gal = 1000 gal per litre bottle 2419/1000 = 2.4 litres of Floralicious
Silica - 2 ml per gal = 500mgal per bottle 2419/500 = 4.8 litres of silica needed

Over all if I was to buy GH series I'd pay; (Individual unit cost x litres needed)

Individual litres:

Gro - 8.95 x 7.2 = 64.44
Micro - 8.95 x 4.8 = 42.96
Bloom - 8.95 x 2.4 = 21.48
Cal Mag - 18 x 4.8 = 86.40


Bulk (per litre of 5l):
Gro - 5.59 x 7.2 = 40.25
Micro - 5.59 x 4.8 = 26.83
Bloom - 5.59 x 2.4 = 13.42
Cal Mag - 10 x 4.8 = 48


I'm not going to add silica to the list as I'll be using it with jacks so not making any saving there. I won't include floralicious plus or rhizo either as they're a different kettle of fish I'd say and will probably still use them, well definitely still using rhizo as I've just transplanted young veglings

I paid 150 shipped for the jacks alone so I'm actually down 30 if I was to buy GH in bulk and made like a 50 saving from buying individual litre bottles, but this saving is made after using 2419 gallons of feed.

I haven't included bloom boosters . However, cal nit, epsom or mpk are not accounted for in the total for the jacks mix, never mind adding any micros. But as I said it was really just to give a rough idea, I soon realised there wont be olympic swimming pools worth of feed in savings as previously mentioned in this thread.

It certainly wasn't worth having fertilizer shipped from the US with hydroponics plastered all over the box, which is probably unfinished and lacking in micros needed for cannabis, according to some anyway.

Obviously others using jacks will have different needs from my own, but thought I'd share as there may be someone lurking in the EU wondering if it's worth making the leap and getting some imported. It's easily to get excited without properly thinking it through.

I'm hoping these numbers are massively wrong and there's a 0 or two missing in jacks' favour but I can't see it. Someone prove me wrong please, no really.

Your ml/gal numbers to equal 1.2 EC with the GH 3-part do not add up. Given the 3mls of grow, 2mls of micro, 1ml of bloom, and your calmag, you'll arrive at roughly 0.7 EC. The only wildcard is the brand of calmag you use ( I estimated 55ppm/ml/gal because that's what my bottle contributes).
I got started using bloom booster 10-30-20 by mistake. I was a newbie and someone told me to get some Jacks. I used it from beginning to end and was blown away at how much better it worked than the General Organic's "Go Box" I started with. I didn't even know there were different NPK's back then. He meant 20-20-20.....which I found out about three grows into my learning experience.

Since I had good luck with bloom booster from beginning to end.....I just stuck with it.

RM3 uses Citrus Feed, but goes with a different medium than I do. I use Happy Frog, I believe he uses Peat.

My way of doing things certainly can be someone else's wrong way. But one thing I can tell you is that Jack's is quality stuff. If you figure out which one you like, you can find 4lb buckets of it for around $25 with free shipping from Amazon. I run 16-18 plants and one bucket will last me about three months. I go with a heaping teaspoon per gallon for the plants in flower.


Here's a picture of one side of my grow room as of yesterday. There's like six different strains in this picture.

View attachment 4314263
Many thanks for getting back to me after so long, especially with the side by side. I've been working on getting my brakes fixed, but there's an authorized Jacks dealer about 5 minutes away from me so I need to see what they carry. I prefer paying cash and not shipping things like this is all.

I'll get some of each though if I can and try them out, those are some good results you have going with it and happy frog.

I typically run 2 sets of 3 or 4 through flowering, offset by a month, so it sounds like even the 4lb containers should last a while. For comparison, I've been going through about 3 gallons of the GH 3 part a year. If I revealed my full methods of growing I feel like half the people would think I'm an idiot and the other half would understand, I'm just set in my ways cause they work for me.