Who is on Suboxone


Well-Known Member
It's been a life saver for me. Been on them for two years now. Two years clean from opiates other than my own Suboxone. No one else is meds. 1 year clean from all benzos which has been a long ten plus years very heavy use. Two and half since last drink alcohol. It's pretty much been since 2013 since I drank. Got my self in a mess of trouble 2 DUIs in one year 8 months apart. Went to jail for a month.
First, let me say congrats. I know exactly how challenging sobriety can be.
The only experience I have with buprenorphine(the opiate in suboxone)was when they were trying to wean me off of methadone. I did know a veterinarian that had a bad IV bup habit and the withdrawal he experienced was much worse than what I had with the methadone. Just sayin...
I use it once a day 12 mg every morning plus Wellbutrin and hydroxyzine. Not habit forming anxiety. Will never use my Suboxone any other way then attended. I've heard of people snorting then fuckin stupid.or any other rought. It got me out of the habit of searching and thinking about any other opiates. It saved my life. I was on Suboxone one time 1 before this time for 2 or 3 months. And it was a different doctor that didn't monitor me from week to week like this time the first six months your on it. Now I have to see the doctor once a month. Which is not bad at all. The first time I was using norco and perc with them then just quit going to the doctor. Then withdrawal set in day let me till you was nothing I have or would ever want any body or thing go threw. First 3 days with Suboxone was not bad. Little sweat's chills. But had not slept at least 4 days that's when in depression like I can never explain. No way could I go to work. I told my boss I was in very bad shape. She new. So I got a week off. Day 8 maybe 3 hours sleep started to hallucinating. Crazy patterns all over my walls in my house. Comeplete sober just weed no benzos in a couple weeks. That night I went to the emergency room to get checked out. Told them every thing that was up. They just hooked me up to bag of fluids. My health got way better still no sleep. They gave me some lorazepam and when I got home I took twice what they said to take. Drug addict that I am new it still probably won't be able to sleep still. I did for 6 hours. Next fews days getting better returned to work that day relapsed. Seen same old fuck Head's could not tell them no. Now that I've been on Suboxone for 2 years now all those fuck heads fell off the face of the Earth. First 3 months was tuff but just quit talking to all the bad people. Now no friends. But those were never friends. It's nice now to wake up feeling the same way every morning. Always remember were you came from. It would only take 1 slip. Right back we're you left off at.
I don't ever going to quit Suboxone. Rest of my life. It works as a antidepressant as well for me. Plus for minor aches and pains. And the pains of life. Its a gift from God for me. Might not be that way for others though. Just listen to your doctor. Don't do anything that he would not want you to.
I talk to my doctor about my cannabis garden. He is very cool about it. He's asked me before if I have any specific strain I like to smoke. I've heard the word copeing skills. Never would've think any thing of it. He said just go for a walk every day for at least 45 minutes it's your time to relax. So I did there be lots of days I didn't want to but just keep doing it. Now I go for 3 or 4 really good hikes a week. It's raining lots times. That's one of my healthy copping skills so is growing cannabis.
Like half the US I was highly addicted to Norco. My doc subscribed me 240 10s a month. In the end I was snorting 20 10's a day. I had to detox the real hard way, in jail. Now I rely on cannabis solly for pain (need total knee replacement) and other issues including anxiety and depression. Never gonna stop taking sonoxone? You sure?
Not until they come out with a better drug. Seriously. I need and like opiates. It really does work like a antidepressant for me.
Yeah so did Norco for me. I don't want anything to do with any opioids including sub. I had a very very bad withdrawal in jail. Here Suboxone is subscribed to H addicts to get off heroin and then it's tapered down to no Suboxone. Never heard of it being subscribed for life.
That's kinda how or helped make me quit alcohol. After the second dui . First time jail my life. 3 or 4 days in I'm thinking I'm having a really bad astma attack. This the jail in the state capital I live. They call the place the hub. Don't no why and will never care to. A medic in the jail was wondering what was up with me. I was in very bad shape. Shaking like a leaf. You could have handed me a gallon of paint for each my hands, they would have shook up. Fuck it making me shake just thinking about it. They ended up taking me to the medic office. Check blood pressure super high. Ended up being on clonidine the whole time I was in there and Ativan for a week.
I work full time Suboxone makes my job 1000 times easier and better! Plus been doing same job 17 years helps with the bordom. Pays way to good to quit.
That was half my problem I always had the money to score my pills. Now my house looks like a house has shit in it. Plus 100% out Dept since on Suboxone. Doctor appointment $180.00 prescription $20.00. sure beets a 200 dollar day habit. Now it's 200 a month. No more sick days. Im always in good shape now.
My point is your taking a highly addictive drug to get off a drug. It's just made by Big Pharma so it's ok I guess. Weed has all you need to deal with all your problems. Of course you like them they put on a hell of buzz.
I know what I was getting my self in too. I'm a research hound. Plus two in patient rehab stays my health insurance paid for. I know I'm fucked if I quit them.
It's amazing I quit drinking alcohol. Actually I switched to opiates. But it is amazing. I don't drink any more. I drank super heavy for 9 year's crazy I was crazy
What's wrong with big pharma. It's better than dragging ass every single day. Coffee,dank home grown weed and Suboxone. I never have smoked a cigarette in my life and I'm 35. I bet not to many people can say that.
Never took suboxone when I was detoxing. At the time I was 17 going through 10 & 15 mg oxys 4-5 times a day. One day I woke up with thee worst anxiety of my life. Thinking back I'm sure it was Serotonin syndrome but not completely sure. Was diagnosed with GAD, was prescribed 120 0.5mg alprazolam for about a year. Took about half and started to see a change in my anxiety/panics. All of this was done cold turkey. No help,no meds, no nothing. The meds I was prescribed above wasn't until 30days after my initial withdrawal. Now currently I'm on hydroxyzine 50mg, taking 150mg a day. Helps sometimes, works better when paired with CBD & minimal THC. Currently growing some bagseeds for RSO. Got my hands on some Mephisto gear & High CBD strains/20:1 some 30:1 . Glad you found some help though mate. Getting by in life without opoids suck. Cheers
If you got to take something like suboxone to stay off opiates then so be it. Hell of a lot better than being a junkie living on the streets like my 35yo son has been doing for the last 20 years. Used to be meth but has been street opiates for the last 5 years or so. ODs every few months but lives near Vancouver and he and all his buddies pack multiple doses of Narcan and often use them to save each other from the fentynal/carfentanyl overdoses they all happen across.

I grew up out there and did all the stuff floating around in the late 60s and 70s but never got hooked on anything but booze and tobacco, All legal and perfectly respectable dontcha know. ;)

Booze fucked up my life just as bad as anything else could have. I did a lot of coke, heroin, speed, DMT, MDA, mescaline, acid, 'shrooms and anything that fucked me up for 30 years but never had to crawl back to anything but booze. Still drink every few months and am working on a bottle of Smirnoff's tonight but have a damn good reason to do so.

Waited almost 6 months to get an MRI of my prostate because the urologist thought my lab tests indicated I had a cancer going on in there. Got that done last Thursday and Monday morning they called and told me I scored a 1 on a scale of 5. Like golf the low score wins! It's just normal prostate enlargement common to old farts like me and zero sign of cancer! happydance.gif

If that ain't an excuse to fall off the wagon for a day or two I don't know what else could be. Still a lousy excuse but goddammit I'm taking it and screw anybody that thinks different! ;)

Cudos to you guys that are beating back destructive addictions and building a life for yourselves and your families. I got into AA in my early 30s after crashing my '70 Bonny chopper and sobering up in AA for a year then went back to school for 3 years and earned a diploma in Environmental Chemistry and still don't have a high school diploma. Ended my working life a few years ago driving SuperB oil tankers all over the bush in northern Alberta were I live on my 7.5acre chicken ranch out on the highway 10 miles from a 1 horse town but can grow my pot in peace. I'll be 65 in Oct and take no pharma meds but have a doctor's permission to use 12g/day of pot that would allow me to grow up to 59 plants indoors should I ever decide to register with Hellth Canaduh but I never will. I've has way more than 59 going when I'm pheno hunting and will soon be double that tho only a few will ever be flowered to the end. Catch me if you can but I grew my first buds in '78 and they ain't got me yet! :D

The last offense I was convicted for was impaired driving in '93, Never charged with a drug offense and the last ticket I got driving was a speeding ticket in '01. Dumb luck as some of my most drunken driving was up here in the boonies in n. AB. Drive for 100s of km and never see another car much less a cop car so chances of getting pulled over are greatly reduced. You basically have to crash into the ditch and even then some drunk-ass redneck with a 4x4 will stop and tow you out for nothing more than a thank you!

Kind of like the law of the north. When it's deep winter and -40 out there you have to be some sort of asshole not to stop and offer assistance when someone flags you down on some remote highway in the middle of nowhere. I've personally saved at least 10 lives by making room in my water truck or tractor taking folks to somewhere warm. Had to toss out my own gear to make room a couple of times but always got it back from those I helped or their family/friends. How many others I've helped by donating blood 46 times I'll never know but I'll keep doing that until they tell me I'm too old to do it. Cutoff is 72 without a doctor's note to say it's OK to keep giving. No reason I can't keep going until I wake up dead.

Donor notation on my driver's license along with registration with the gov't plus telling my spousal unit and all my other family members that they can have whatever part they want to help someone else, Just cremate what's left over and dump the ashes in the lake near the family cabin like we did with dad's 30 years ago. He's still alone in there but almost everybody related to me has expressed a desire for the same end. Mom turns 92 this Aug so should be next but who knows. I damn near busted my hump on the ice at buddy's front walk today so I could be next. LOL

Sorry for the babble and good luck to you all!
