Redeyedfrogs Aussie outdoor 2018 grow

Did the guys from thc farmer give you that name..picked up the wrong bottle .atleast your honest dude.not many would own up to that..
the boys from aussie growers thread
they thought they would run me off by picking on me, didn't work lol. then they started cannabalising each other was strange to see. of course myself and another member got the blame until I was told it was them doing it to each other lol was pretty toxic.
the boys from aussie growers thread
they thought they would run me off by picking on me, didn't work lol. then they started cannabalising each other was strange to see. of course myself and another member got the blame until I was told it was them doing it to each other lol was pretty toxic.
They were being bitches that's for sure . They were the "days of our lives" .
U remember that androgynous plants topic , lol I found a recent thing about it on Google, splitting the stem to make it seed, from female to get females.. not work so well but does work..
was kinda fun and sad at the same time watching it implode, I was on there a few years ago and it was the best page on this site, but yeah it went to shit.
was kinda fun and sad at the same time watching it implode, I was on there a few years ago and it was the best page on this site, but yeah it went to shit.
It was a shame they weren't accepting newbie as much and that's when a few "un-named" ppl took it to far with those sock profiles... Like someone else said is hard enough .
bet the 2 stooges didn't expect that to happen though..
when I said that's sad and Reza said what you call sad we call fun I realised I'm fighting with a page full of psychopaths I was like let me take a breath and I'll get back to you lol! but after I stirred the pot a bit I realised I wasnt being a real good person either so I got on and apologised for my part and left it there. bad energy breeds bad energy hate makes hate, I'm a fucking hippy deep down and I csnt really operate on that level very long without the guilts.
Yields fairly good ?
average but great smoke I wouldn't recommend it as a dealers cut but for personal hell yeah, the other one is blue og. my best yielders will be Burmese Kush and chemdawg#4 I expect half lb from mk half from blue og 1lb from Burmese 1lb from chemdawg#4 2lb from the other Burmese 2lb from echidna
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