Can i 12/12?

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Well-Known Member
lol, i see no preflowers.

are they growing under candlelight or something... jeez 6-8 weeks.


Active Member
haha I think what everyones trying to say is those are really underperforming for the amount of time you've had them, due to improper lighting... what system are you running?


New Member
Sorry meant to mention in previous post that they were started under cfls, only been under hps for 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Yea id let em go a bit more before you flower, theyre not pre-flowering yet mate, i think your seeing stipules at the nodes.

Iv never seen pre-flowers before 7 or 8 nodes of growth, id drop the light now you got extraction mate and get em to at least 6 nodes.

But of course you can flower now though if you want, theres no reason not too.

I thought you was gonna drop the light a bit per day since the last time we spoke?

medi grower

Active Member
Your light is way too far away! At this point the light should be about 6-12" above the canopy. Start them at 12" and let them grow into the light. Keep a close eye out for heat stress and keep lights about 1" above the danger mark. I would veg for another 4-6 weeks. Keep a close eye on moisture levels, too. The light generates heat which evaporates the water faster. The plants will need to be watered more often. Remember, farming isn't instant results; don't try to flower too early. if those are from seed, they need another 6-8 weeks to mature or you run the risk of light stressing a female into a hermie and that is hard to catch...especially for a new grower. Take your time.
Good luck!


New Member
thanks very much.
and i cant get the proper zoom on the camera but there is definately pistils clearly emerging i can see without a magnifying glass???.
and i dont want huge plants or much yeild i just want to complete the cycle so i can start again.

medi grower

Active Member
I felt the same way my first grow, but I regretted early flowering. You really are better off not flowering yet, but then I'm a professional grower so I don't have time for a 1' plant. Still, I think you'll learn more seeing the plant through its full cycle than rushing it. BTW, are you already on a 12/12? You mentioned pistils showing and they shouldn't without you inducing flower.


New Member
i have grown before.i vegged for 6 weeks and knew that you cant sex the plant untill its in 12/12. so when the plant was 9"tall i put on 12/12 and as expected after 14-18 days it grew balls(fuck) but it was my only plant and i just kept it on 12/12 untill i seen the outcome(and the pollen sacks open) so i would learn for my next grow witch is the one i am on now.and they are still on 18/6 and i know from what i have read that some strains preflower.


Well-Known Member
I felt the same way my first grow, but I regretted early flowering. You really are better off not flowering yet, but then I'm a professional grower so I don't have time for a 1' plant. Still, I think you'll learn more seeing the plant through its full cycle than rushing it. BTW, are you already on a 12/12? You mentioned pistils showing and they shouldn't without you inducing flower.
:lol: professional grower?? lmfao all cannabis plants preflower in 18/6 or 24/0, mine always show at around 4-6wks old while still in veg it means theyre at sexual maturity.

And even if he flowered now theyd still be taller than a foot, iv done 12/12 from near onset of the second set of leaves and theyved finish at two foot tall :lol:
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