Welcome New Members!

Hello, I'm a Native American from the northeastern United States. I prefer to focus my energies solely on the plant. I am in a legal area where I am hoping to meet maybe a farmer or two. I have a few gardens under my belt with harder to grow plants than these varietals so I should be good to go to start! Who knows though! Hello to the community! Hope everyone has a drama/stress free 2019.
Natives are welcome everywhere... in my book
Welcome, learn together man, the growers friendship here last 4ever, maybe i know how to choose lamps for growing well,and you know the grow tips, then we learn and share with each other. :hump::hump::hump:
I do would look for something funny blogs to read for my daily sometimes, and i love to search very new and affordable grow lamps for ppl around me, i am willing to help you guys if needed.

From my last SP250 LED I ran it my self and yeilded 1.6LBS on 4 week veg 9 week flower, 12.6% CBD 5.4% THC 1.3% CBN was test on it,I plan to sell my buds now

If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.

Hi :) Finally trying this out for myself, after watching others grow & helping trim, for decades. Information was not shared so much back then, and many of my searches kept leading back to this site - so it just made sense to join. So far, this comedy of errors has been a fun, but huge, learning curve. Anyway, if you want to see how this all started and where I'm at now, I have some info on my profile page, if you're up for a good laugh that'll make you feel really good about your own skills.
I have tons of questions, have been keeping a diary, and am quite embarrassed by the state of my girls compared to all your pretty pictures. But I'm going to see them through, experimenting and learning - before getting better seeds and putting it all to use "next time".
PS - still waiting to be recognized as a real person here, so have no "like" button or journal available. I'm okay with that for now, as I don't have a whole lot to offer - just a lot of questions... Thanks for all the info, in advance :) Nice to meet you.
...So that's the plan at present. My main concern is how to maximize yield in my small growing space. I am all ears if anyone has any suggestions.

Welcome to RIU @everest_dope -- and how is your plan progressing? Do you know how your temperatures range in your small space and what you have for retaliative humidity?? I'd say this is single best thing you can do to ensure good yields, keeping your temperature and RH "in the zone."

If its ok to stick my nose in as this is only my 2nd post, but i do have a few decades :shock: of cannabis cultivation experience! Personally when taking cuttings the key/s are keep all your instruments including your hands or gloves as clean as possible, i personally put all my materials (scalpels, scissors, rooting gel) on a clean tray...

Hey @ukcannabisonline thanks for sharing and welcome to RIU. I agree that CLEAN is a big deal and all the way around. I wanted to raise a plant up several inches and found a pot saucer and standoff out in the garage that worked nicely. Next thing I know the plant is destroyed by spiders. How the hell? Its winter. This isn't supposed to be possible, there are no spiders but oh, wait, I brought this stuff into the tent from the garage, don't remember cleaning them before I did. Opps.
I have purple kush. Banana kush California orange and MK Ultra. Wanted to skrog a full canopy in the bottom of the tent
So it's fine, just a little worry about it. 2*3 for me it's a little small, i think use 2*4 tent would be better, i use 2*4ft tent from marshydro, and it works fine for my 4pots plants girls there :)
Welcome to RIU @everest_dope -- and how is your plan progressing? Do you know how your temperatures range in your small space and what you have for retaliative humidity?? I'd say this is single best thing you can do to ensure good yields, keeping your temperature and RH "in the zone."
Thanks for the welcome. Things are going ok. I now have 3 little baby seedlings in my cloner. Temps in my clone/seedling cabinet are roughly room temperature when I leave it open. It got up to 85 overnight with the lights on all night. I am probably replacing this with a grow tent that is made for such things and has room for fans etc. RH where I live is pretty low, usually about 25% on average outside. I do not have a way to measure RH in my cabinet at the moment, that stuff has been ordered and will be here soon. In the meantime I am just reading everything I can to make sure I make as few mistakes as I can.
What's up. Long time lurker finally signed up. Been growing about 15yrs and trying to get a business going now that it's legal in my state. I never write shit down so I figured a journal on here would help me get more technical with my grows. See ya around.

First post on here but I am no stranger to note taking. I kept grow notes digitally for a while and actually moved back to handwritten notes recently. Super helpful in remembering and noticing stuff you would have missed otherwise. I find that the key is to make a system of notes that works for your style.
Welcome to RIU @everest_dope -- and how is your plan progressing? Do you know how your temperatures range in your small space and what you have for retaliative humidity?? I'd say this is single best thing you can do to ensure good yields, keeping your temperature and RH "in the zone."

Hey @ukcannabisonline thanks for sharing and welcome to RIU. I agree that CLEAN is a big deal and all the way around. I wanted to raise a plant up several inches and found a pot saucer and standoff out in the garage that worked nicely. Next thing I know the plant is destroyed by spiders. How the hell? Its winter. This isn't supposed to be possible, there are no spiders but oh, wait, I brought this stuff into the tent from the garage, don't remember cleaning them before I did. Opps.

Ahhh Dude, Yer I think you learn the hard way sometimes! I'm a bit OCD with bringing anything especially things like cuttings from an outside source or even taking other peoples weed into my grow rooms as spidermite eggs can lay dormant for ages. All you can do after an infestation like that is carefully bin bag the plants and literally clean your tent with disinfectant, rinse it down and start again and pop some new seeds.

All the best fella,

Hey everybody. First time posting here on the Rollitup Forums. I'm looking forward to having people who are equally excited to talk about growing with. My housemates are close to killing me if I keep mentioning Arbuscular Mycorhyzal Fungi and nutrient needs.

Most of us here are new, people here can learn from each other , share and discuss, how to choose light, how grow weed well. or etc. ..