It was their lead story when you tried to complain that they were burying itIt was out for about 4 hours front page on Drudge Report only when it started going viral did CNN put it up
When truckers come in your face do you swallow it
Triggered? You are funny. I'm trying to teach you about life son. You see political parties are controlled by whom?Triggered? You put a lot of effort in that rant. Sorry it was too long so I did not read much of it.
Tell me ONE single thing the Democrats have EVER done for Blacks? Past or present. Ill wait.LOL
I knew it. You have nothing except the distant past to go by. Defending Trump in present day only makes you look ridiculous.
Hey, dumbshit, Trump is fucking up on national security in real time. Your hopeless, helpless and hapless favorite president of the KKK is fucking up on national security TODAY.So the Democrats still love and celebrate Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ? Interesting. Tell me more about this switch that never took place? The party of finger pointers that cannot face their own history but still loves it nonetheless. Sounds about right.
I don't need to go back a hundred years. How about if we talk about Republican voter suppression that targets black people as well as others:Tell me ONE single thing the Democrats have EVER done for Blacks? Past or present. Ill wait.
The GOP doesn't treat blacks any differently because they see all people as equals as opposed to the Democrats who look down on minorities and treat them as their white liberal elite lessers who cannot do anything without their help. You know this. You must.
It's a fact that those states run by the traitorous and anti-democratic GOP have set policies in place that make it very hard to get a photo ID if people don't have the proper paperwork.Thats right I forgot. Democrats don't think blacks can get an photo IDs.
It's OK if you want to capitulate. Just stop lying. Your lies are old, stale and everybody knows the answers to your stupid questions.I asked what the Democrats have done and you cannot answer because they have used the black community for their own gain over and over and over. BLEXIT is for a reason.
Im still waiting on what the Democrats have EVER done for blacks. Don't change the subject tell me. SHOULD BE SO FUCKING EASY RIGHT?
Does not surprise me for a second the left are the most closed minded and intolerant.