Va Governor Blackface or KKK robe? Your choice!

Triggered? You put a lot of effort in that rant. Sorry it was too long so I did not read much of it.
Triggered? You are funny. I'm trying to teach you about life son. You see political parties are controlled by whom?
Party affiliation Believe in God; absolutely certain Believe in God; fairly certain Believe in God; not too/not at all certain Believe in God; don't know Do not believe in God Other/don't know if they believe in God Sample Size
Republican/lean Rep. 73% 17% 3% 1% 5% 1% 13,731
No lean 62% 20% 5% 1% 9% 3% 5,658
Democrat/lean Dem. 55% 21% 7% 1% 13% 2% 15,682

I knew it. You have nothing except the distant past to go by. Defending Trump in present day only makes you look ridiculous.
Tell me ONE single thing the Democrats have EVER done for Blacks? Past or present. Ill wait.

The GOP doesn't treat blacks any differently because they see all people as equals as opposed to the Democrats who look down on minorities and treat them as their white liberal elite lessers who cannot do anything without their help. You know this. You must.
So the Democrats still love and celebrate Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ? Interesting. Tell me more about this switch that never took place? The party of finger pointers that cannot face their own history but still loves it nonetheless. Sounds about right.
Hey, dumbshit, Trump is fucking up on national security in real time. Your hopeless, helpless and hapless favorite president of the KKK is fucking up on national security TODAY.

You: BBBut Democrats were the party of the racist south 100 years ago, so Trump is great.

Trump (today): I didn't read the intelligence report but

'They are wrong!' Donald Trump crosses swords with intel chief Dan Coats – again

They are wrong!" Trump tweeted Wednesday, after Coats and other leaders of the intelligence services backed differing views of the president's on Iran and North Korea when testifying before Congress this week.

Trump backtracked Thursday, accusing the news media of incorrectly describing the testimony, after initially telling reporters that time will prove him right and his intelligence leaders wrong.

That's become a familiar pattern.

The Republican Party has become a pack of lying traitors selling US security in order to get access to the national treasury. Since when has the Republican Party been the party who is weak on national security? Well, at least since today but probably for some time now.
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You see oppression of others different isn't a political thing. The Spaniards tried to teach the Pueblo Indians their religion. They killed over 300 friars etc. and ran them off. The south justified slave ownership via the Bible. I can suggest books or documentaries to help you. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Did you know that Dwight Eisenhower was the first evangelical President. Saved by Billy Graham! Eisenhower later said he needed the evangelical votes. Bushwhacker Jr. Wanted the evangelical Hispanic votes. Lots of good info now. Back when I was much younger my mom bought a set of encyclopedia Britannica. No internet back then. I fell in love with truth. It didn't hurt that I listened to soul on Chicago's am station at night when the band opened up. No excuses for ignorance today. Just trying to help.
Tell me ONE single thing the Democrats have EVER done for Blacks? Past or present. Ill wait.

The GOP doesn't treat blacks any differently because they see all people as equals as opposed to the Democrats who look down on minorities and treat them as their white liberal elite lessers who cannot do anything without their help. You know this. You must.
I don't need to go back a hundred years. How about if we talk about Republican voter suppression that targets black people as well as others:

First, I'll just point out that the traitorous Republican Party and Trump, the same people who are selling this country out to Putin are suppressing the votes of of those black people you say are loved so much by GOP hacks:

Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities
October 23, 2018

Since the 2010 elections, 24 states have implemented new restrictions on voting. Alabama now requires a photo ID to cast a ballot. Other states such as Ohio and Georgia have enacted "use it or lose it" laws, which strike voters from registration rolls if they have not participated in an election within a prescribed period of time.

many of the restrictions are part of a broader Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot. As a result, "You're seeing a national effort by the Republican Party to try to restrict voting rights, and it's playing out in states all across the country."

So what are Democrats doing to restore voting rights that the GOP have been working so hard to take away? Everything they can.

Democrats Seek Voting Rights, Campaign Spending Reforms

From changing the way candidates fund their campaigns and addressing foreign election interference to automatically registering voters and reversing a U.S. Supreme Court decision on voter suppression, this ambitious legislation would significantly alter many areas of the democratic process.

And here is Mitch the Bitch's response.

“They’re trying to clothe this power grab with clichés about ‘restoring democracy’ and doing it ‘For the People,’ but their proposal is simply a naked attempt to change the rules of American politics to benefit one party,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrote in a Washington Post editorial published last week. “It should be called the Democrat Politician Protection Act.”

In a nutshell, he says that eliminating obstacles to peoples access to the polls is a "power grab" LOL as if getting more people out to vote is somehow anti-American. Why do Republicans fear voters? Oh right, because they know they are dead ducks in a free and fair election. The Party of McCarthy never lost it's fear of a free election.
I asked what the Democrats have done and you cannot answer because they have used the black community for their own gain over and over and over. BLEXIT is for a reason.
Thats right I forgot. Democrats don't think blacks can get an photo IDs.
It's a fact that those states run by the traitorous and anti-democratic GOP have set policies in place that make it very hard to get a photo ID if people don't have the proper paperwork.
North Carolina admitted that a voter ID law was at least partly enacted in response to African-American voting tendencies that went against conservative interests.

Getting a photo ID so you can vote is easy. Unless you’re poor, black, Latino or elderly.
HOUSTON — In his wallet, Anthony Settles carries an expired Texas identification card, his Social Security card and an old student ID from the University of Houston, where he studied math and physics decades ago. What he does not have is the one thing that he needs to vote this presidential election: a current Texas photo ID.

For Settles to get one of those, his name has to match his birth certificate — and it doesn’t. In 1964, when he was 14, his mother married and changed his last name. After Texas passed a new voter-ID law, officials told Settles he had to show them his name-change certificate from 1964 to qualify for a new identification card to vote.

So with the help of several lawyers, Settles tried to find it, searching records in courthouses in the D.C. area, where he grew up. But they could not find it. To obtain a new document changing his name to the one he has used for 51 years, Settles has to go to court, a process that would cost him more than $250 — more than he is willing to pay.

The post article details every little trick your racist, traitorous GOP uses to cheat people from the right to vote.

So, quit lying, man. You know all of this but your right wing radio has trained you losers to play their tune. I still don't understand why losers like you side with people who are selling you out to not even the highest bidders, they sell you out for practically nothing.
Im still waiting on what the Democrats have EVER done for blacks. Don't change the subject tell me. SHOULD BE SO FUCKING EASY RIGHT?

Proved any good American can become president.

What party is pushing a $500 Oil billion deal with Russia so American Auto/Jet Makers in China have the gasoline market to make sales?
All the while failing to fill Diplomatic offices around the world??
