NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

Lol.....all the people that end up trying it will need to get there towels ready!! When I first started brewing I picked up the whole BounTea line and I don't care who you are, if you have a sufficient brewer, that shit is going all over the place. I didn't know what yucca even was at the time but its on their label in one of the foodstocks and it foams like crazy. My guess was most people think foam is a good thing so Bountea guarantees it!! B.S., the more I learned about teas, the more I realized how stupid the Bountea products are if used per instructions. There is great stuff in the Bountea system but they are just out to sell sell sell. They recommend like 8 cups of their compost, like a Cup of there dry food and then another cup of fertilizer the last 2 hours of brew. This seems crazy as all hell to me now!! I still use it from time to time but only like a couple & learn.

damn !!! think im gonna keep my brew teas simple...
and now on youtube with bob people are going ape shit with bk .... lol... I left out of the bag how you can control the plant height with foliar or root drench ... of course I went in some detail how you can root drench bk in veg plants get lengthy or do as said as a foliar and keep the nodes tighter ... didn't want get into how you can make a sativa shorter and make a indica longer ... hell ...
BK is such a cool product!! I've got a good trip on it now but always tinkering!! Its not for beginners.
BK is such a cool product!! I've got a good trip on it now but always tinkering!! Its not for beginners.
got that right !! not for beginners ...

sounds like you guys learned the hard way one point I was foiler and drenching at the same time lol I got it master now and as a matter of fact, I only hit them in veg maybe three times and only a couple key times in bloom, to get what I need out of it. But I do have the same horror story as well ...its a must have for me!!!
So Be-1 sounds like another must-have product for me, I'm checking out the web site now and loving what I'm reading. can you tell me how YOU use it .

for me I only start using it , using it as a TD sprinkle a few on ....I mite be late in the game at week 5 bloom will see ...
as far as foliar , nothing after week2 of bloom.. in veg I mite bk foliar once or twice and use cultured trigger as a foliar last week in veg and 1st week in flower.. again some times I do some times I don't .. I mite not foliar at all with bk and root drench in mid flower...
for me I only start using it , using it as a TD sprinkle a few on ....I mite be late in the game at week 5 bloom will see ...
as far as foliar , nothing after week2 of bloom.. in veg I mite bk foliar once or twice and use cultured trigger as a foliar last week in veg and 1st week in flower.. again some times I do some times I don't .. I mite not foliar at all with bk and root drench in mid flower...
You should be good in week 5, even a little later with 10/11 weekers
So Be-1 sounds like another must-have product for me, I'm checking out the web site now and loving what I'm reading. can you tell me how YOU use it .

They have a feed schedule on their site thats pretty much 2 tsp a week per 3 gallon full term....I think....I TopD like 3 times at that measurement with 2 Tbs. Castings or compost, and sprinkle bokashi and malted barley, applied before a AACT every other week-----Start of late Veg, Transition, and bloom week 3ish/4. Its pretty much a great base Top D and easy to build on without burning!! So other stuff can added if needed. I like to push the longer BE1 Pellets straight down like pegs, helps them breakdown quicker and stay moist longer.
Be-1 has palm ash in it, pretty sure that's its potassium source, and I think ashes are loaded with magnesium. I'm gonna look into that, might be good to apply earlier to have some available mag on those mag hungry plants.
cool !!!! did some ppm and ph reading on my amended soil ...ppm are 2570 ph of 6.0 and little wet ... the dry ones have ppm 850 with ph 6.6 ...
I think 850 is a good range for a living soil grow, from some reason I think I've heard that?? I never scurried a LOS before but seems right anyways.......that 2750 is prolly cause its wet and not an accurate measurement to use as a guide.
On another note......did you hear Scott mention the Canadian NECTAR they are developing? Pig bone, Porkulean Harvest, can't wait to see results!! Canadian Bacon Grown!!!
Be-1 has palm ash in it, pretty sure that's its potassium source, and I think ashes are loaded with magnesium. I'm gonna look into that, mighr t be good to apply earlier to have some available mag on those mag hungry plants.
3% mag from palm ash, I have some more reading to do on the BE1 SITE, its been updated with way more info than it used to have.....makes it that much better, the site was never this detailed!! Great products tend to separate themselves from the crappy ones, the company is growing, better reviews, better marketing, and for hidden ingredients, or secret sauces!! Just quality info about whats packed in their pellets. WIN!!
They have a feed schedule on their site thats pretty much 2 tsp a week per 3 gallon full term....I think....I TopD like 3 times at that measurement with 2 Tbs. Castings or compost, and sprinkle bokashi and malted barley, applied before a AACT every other week-----Start of late Veg, Transition, and bloom week 3ish/4. Its pretty much a great base Top D and easy to build on without burning!! So other stuff can added if needed. I like to push the longer BE1 Pellets straight down like pegs, helps them breakdown quicker and stay moist longer.

I just order it Amazon and il do the same except I'll water in em-1 every 7 days or so,or AACT made with Bu"s Blend work it out
On another note......did you hear Scott mention the Canadian NECTAR they are developing? Pig bone, Porkulean Harvest, can't wait to see results!! Canadian Bacon Grown!!!
I thought it was already made from pigs bone, this may be a blond moment for me lol
now to work nectar in to all of this ....this where slurries will play a big part on feeding and teas and Herc comes to play ...
now to work nectar in to all of this ....this where slurries will play a big part on feeding and teas and Herc comes to play ...
Its so gentle, I just back off a hair to see but, yes, through SLURRIES and backing off a bit(mainly for lite feeders) you will be good to go. And I do the EM1 too, so Damn expensive though...SCD Probiotic EM1 is half the price of terraganix too, and there is a company called COUNTRY ROOTS that sells other Ferments and a lactic acid bacteria(LAB) for real cheap. Its just EM1 brings some microbes to the table that you don't get thru all the other stuff we use.