Flushing Vs Not Flushing

This needs to be clarified post haste. Right here, right now, we must make this thread become the end all authority documentation of this matter....

Once again I propose the "Half Flushing" technique....

Take an empty 1/2 barrel sized container, fill it half way with 1/2 RO water and half tap water. Fill the other half with 1/2 rain water and half vapor distilled water. Take half of that mixture, use a 1/2 gallon jug, and water 1/2 of the media, on half of your plants.
The half of the plants, that were half flushed, will have 1/2 as much nute taste, and only half of the black ashes. The half flushed plants yield about a 1/2 pound, and cure in half the time.
This needs to be clarified post haste. Right here, right now, we must make this thread become the end all authority documentation of this matter....

Once again I propose the "Half Flushing" technique....

Take an empty 1/2 barrel sized container, fill it half way with 1/2 RO water and half tap water. Fill the other half with 1/2 rain water and half vapor distilled water. Take half of that mixture, use a 1/2 gallon jug, and water 1/2 of the media, on half of your plants.
The half of the plants, that were half flushed, will have 1/2 as much nute taste, and only half of the black ashes. The half flushed plants yield about a 1/2 pound, and cure in half the time.
This is a joke right?
Are we trying to duplicate nature? Improve on it? What processes happen to plants in the great outdoors? In soil with rain and sun light we only need good healthy soil and occasional watering and nice weather. No flushing required for good dope! Indoors with pure hydro? Maybe we over feed?
This needs to be clarified post haste. Right here, right now, we must make this thread become the end all authority documentation of this matter....

Once again I propose the "Half Flushing" technique....

Take an empty 1/2 barrel sized container, fill it half way with 1/2 RO water and half tap water. Fill the other half with 1/2 rain water and half vapor distilled water. Take half of that mixture, use a 1/2 gallon jug, and water 1/2 of the media, on half of your plants.
The half of the plants, that were half flushed, will have 1/2 as much nute taste, and only half of the black ashes. The half flushed plants yield about a 1/2 pound, and cure in half the time.

I dont want to agree - but in my experience i get a better taste if i Flush my COCO plants for 5 or 6 days with PH water only.
I get the Runoff to like 100ppm and they eat that for a week. Then i dry and cure properly and my flushed buds always taste smoother.

I tried my darndest to cure better and not flush my one plant. it tasted like shit.
Perhaps the issue is my Dry / Cure process?

I hang the bud for like 5 days and then cut the buds off the stems and they go into jars.
The jars are usually around 60 - 70% RH and i slowly get it down to 50 - 60 % RH
it takes several weeks.

There is the odd occasion where i make a mess of it and the bud is like in the 50s RH
when it hits Jars. When that happens i write it off and just cure it anyway - anything under 55% into Jar is probably too far gone to cure properly if im not mistaken?

How does that dry cure sound? or am i doing it wrong?
This needs to be clarified post haste. Right here, right now, we must make this thread become the end all authority documentation of this matter....

Once again I propose the "Half Flushing" technique....

Take an empty 1/2 barrel sized container, fill it half way with 1/2 RO water and half tap water. Fill the other half with 1/2 rain water and half vapor distilled water. Take half of that mixture, use a 1/2 gallon jug, and water 1/2 of the media, on half of your plants.
The half of the plants, that were half flushed, will have 1/2 as much nute taste, and only half of the black ashes. The half flushed plants yield about a 1/2 pound, and cure in half the time.
ok, so im wondering if, I then roll a Joint, will the first half or the second half of the burnt joint have just the black ash?
man, the object is to get the stored sugars used up before chopping. Burnt sugar is black. I think it would be more beneficial to strip all the leaves off more then flushing with water prior to chop. Leaves are the powerhouse for sugar production because of photosynthesis. SO, if we look at it like that, flushing keeps the microbs happy, because they are always wet, so they continue to work and breakdown the micro for growth. So, we need to stop sugar production, by removing leafs, and letting the buds continue to grow, but use the sugar that is left throught its OWN stored sugars, IN THE SUGAR LEAVES. At this point before chop, we just want trich development and production, and ripen.

We want to sloooooooooo the growth down at the end, so starve it of sugar,
In 13 years of growing I've only had one person complain about my weed, and everyone else raves about the flavor and high.

Ive been told by a guy that runs a compassion club, that it is up there with the best he's had.

The one person to ever say a negative word about it is also a grower.... And he knows how I grow so he has complained almost every time he smoked it that he can tell I don't flush.

Until last time when I told him for fun that I started flushing again. All of a sudden my weed tastes better to him and he loves it.

I didn't change anything about how I was growing. He just thought I did. It was all in his head.

That being said I don't slam my plants with nutrients and over feed them in the first place. I only give the plants what they need and 90% of the time I get a little fade the last 2 weeks anyway because I'm not over feeding them.

I have never gotten better buds from flushing a plant. The thing that should be getting explained to new growers is not over feeding instead of teaching them to flush to fix the over feeding.
What has yet to be demonstrated is showing in some quantifiable way why a fed plant is superior to a flushed plant.

Until this information can be tangibly gone through by all it's foo foo.

There's no reason to add food to plants at end of life. They barely need water.

If you are chopping with 50% white pistils, then for YOU I would say yes keep 'feeding to chop' because we already don't agree on when a plant is finished there's little hope to come to agreement on HOW to finish.
Ive also found out, that to much light, might also cause a shitty and harsh taste. Buds from 200PAR taste better then buds from 800 PAR, lol, so smooth and flavor, and thats before the cure even, just after 5 day dry. But, hey, might have been the fact that i dried with a continuous 55-63% humidity yoyo, lol.. by far the best ive harvested thus far ever.
What has yet to be demonstrated is showing in some quantifiable way why a fed plant is superior to a flushed plant.

Until this information can be tangibly gone through by all it's foo foo.

There's no reason to add food to plants at end of life. They barely need water.

If you are chopping with 50% white pistils, then for YOU I would say yes keep 'feeding to chop' because we already don't agree on when a plant is finished there's little hope to come to agreement on HOW to finish.

I'm pretty sure having seen your posts that we do agree about when to harvest . And I can tell you the absolute biggest reason that I personally don't bother flushing anymore.

The way I grow I have all stages of flowering plants on the same feed from start to finish. The little clones just going in up to fully mature plants ready to harvest all get the same feed. I feed nice and mellow usually around 600 ppm and the plants grow nice and healthy right till near the end at which point I get a gentle natural fade that usually perfectly coincides with the maturity the buds.

I've ran strains that wanted 1000ppm so I gave it and they did the same thing.

So anyway I would have to set up a seperate "flushing" tray to flush the mature plants and not the whole garden. Having not seen any benefit to flushing when I have tried it I don't bother with the extra space and messing around.

I typically tell all new people to try all the ways and see what they like.
Let me pose it to you like this;

feed it or fade it?
i do think the plants that starve at the end of their life cycle gives a much better flavor and a smoother smoke.
Starving a plant doesn't mean theres less mineral content. Plants dont eat minerals, digest it, then shit it out. When the leaves die or a deficiency occurs the nutrients that can be moved are moved. Thats the reason leaf color changes.The buds being the reproductive organs of the plant will be the last part of the plant starved.

What has yet to be demonstrated is showing in some quantifiable way why a fed plant is superior to a flushed plant.

Until this information can be tangibly gone through by all it's foo foo.

There's no reason to add food to plants at end of life. They barely need water.

If you are chopping with 50% white pistils, then for YOU I would say yes keep 'feeding to chop' because we already don't agree on when a plant is finished there's little hope to come to agreement on HOW to finish.
Can you show me some quantifiable evidence that vacuuming the tires of a car doesn't increase MPG? Of course not I just made it up, the same way flushing for taste is made up. It's the only kind of growing where people suggest feeding with a dozen different bottles at ridiculous ppm/ec ranges then tell you to flush it away. They have a name for that kind of behavior, its called Bulimia Nervosa
Your response @KryptoBud is littered with assumptions far off base, try again come correct.

What exact parallel are you trying to draw with your vacuum'd tire MPG comparison?

Are you saying that peoples preferences are non-existent? Should that not suggest that it wouldn't matter? Then why would you still feed?
even if I try to follow your logic..it ..breaks.....down.......
IMG_2602.JPG IMG_2604.JPG What about this one.... feed or fade? i have been on the feed, kelp, water, schedule up till now.
Feeding too much can't be corrected by starving the plant later.
Not convinced that i am overfeeding. Light may have been too close. In promix perlite mix, and feeding at less than 50% nutrient mix every third watering