yes...actually that is what i'm can have this stand that "rights" are intrinsically bestowed to you at birth.... but that's just a load of horseshit. we like to think that we stand on some moral high ground....but we do not. society does indeed make morals and ethics, and at the time slavery was in practice, it was considered alright. some things are just wrong though, and when people finally have enough time to think about social issues, it starts to bother them, until they make changes....that is social evolution. it used to be ok to make black people ride in the back of the bus, but it's not used to be ok to shoot people who were trespassing on your property, but it's not anymore....women used to have to cover themselves from neck to ankle to go out in public, but not anymore....
things change. i don't really understand what it is you want. you want to get rid of the centralized government and operate on an honor system? do you believe for one second that that will work? that's fucking keep suggesting things that might work if people could be trusted to mind their own business and not bother anyone else....but that's not going to happen in our lifetimes....people talk shit, back stab, manipulate, lie, cheat, steal, bugger, murder.......and you want to trust them to do the right thing on their own, just because it's the right thing?........i'm not trying to be mean or antagonize you....but the only way i can describe that is fucking expect that to work in this reality means you do not operate in this reality often enough to know how it operates at all.....if you remove the central authority from any immediately falls to shit....people go out in disasters to loot.....people steal christmas packages from porches....fuck can you think anything you've ever suggested would work?
and by the way..Lysander Spooner was a fucking nutbar...a failed lawyer, failed real estate speculator, tried to start a competing mail delivery service and was shut down by the government for price fixing, he even suggested that the government be forced to loan money to people with business ideas.....just some of the crap you say has a source....a stupid source.....