Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
hey hey, glad to see they've broken the surface, i was getting a bit worried when i saw 4 pages with no pics, thought you might have buried them 2" deep like me....DOH!. they all good now though.

sucks about the light bulb definetly contact them as they will be under waranty no doubt, i bought a 125w cfl on ebay to use for when they were babies, and it broke it transit, couldn't be arsed paying 4 quid to send it back, then another 4 to recieve it, so i just cut my losses and whacked the hps on.

lookin good anyway mate.


Well-Known Member
if they were all the same seeds i would worry more but its a mixed bag and some of the breeds never even got released?

so i have two chances

a, its a new purple lowryder
b, its fucked up and prob grow a little, shrivel up, fall over & die

time will tell though.
The purple one is more than likely struggling to uptake P (phosphorous) Fyfe.

When seedlings sprout they use lots of P to build an initial rootball, my seedlings often have a slightly purple stem and sometimes purple petioles (leaf stems), just until a rootball is established and the P consumption slows down.

Its highly unlikely that its any kind of purple LR pheno showing itself at this stage, even purple strains and crosses dont turn purple right until the very end, and some will only change colour if the temp is dropped by a couple of degrees in the final stages, simulating the coming winter and causing the plant tissue to change colour, just like the leaves on the trees come late autumn.

Job well done on the 100% sprout rate tho man, did you just stick em in the soil without any pre-germing?


Well-Known Member
Well i slept in this morning and did exactly what londoner said i might do and forgot to put money on the electric key, (thank god for the emergency 3 squid) so they had extra dark period last night but im sure they will get over it.

i forgot to take a pic this morning but its not all that exiting anyway. there all standing up now and the purple one is still purple, except its true leaves which are coming through are green so no purple plant me thinks.

Reeeeealy need my f'ing hps bulb. eventually managed to get through to them this morning and there sending a new one out today, still have to wait a week for the post to get here though. :wall:

Anyway, good morning to y'all


Well-Known Member
Well i slept in this morning and did exactly what londoner said i might do and forgot to put money on the electric key, (thank god for the emergency 3 squid) so they had extra dark period last night but im sure they will get over it.

i forgot to take a pic this morning but its not all that exiting anyway. there all standing up now and the purple one is still purple, except its true leaves which are coming through are green so no purple plant me thinks.

Reeeeealy need my f'ing hps bulb. eventually managed to get through to them this morning and there sending a new one out today, still have to wait a week for the post to get here though. :wall:

Anyway, good morning to y'all
Good morning to you kind sir, and how are we today?

AAAAaaaarrrrgggghhhh glad im not the only one that forgets about the lecky key lmao thats funny, nah it wont cause them any harm at this stage lol

Glad theyre sending out another HPS lamp to ya, friggin to right!

Yep the purple one is probably starting to uptake sufficient P now, hence the new green growth.

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats a bit sucky bout ur hps, my offer still stands i got a spare 400w and a spae 250w hps bulb u could borrow while u wait. My emergancy elecy is a fiver, thought they all were lol


Well-Known Member
Good morning to you kind sir, and how are we today?

AAAAaaaarrrrgggghhhh glad im not the only one that forgets about the lecky key lmao thats funny, nah it wont cause them any harm at this stage lol

Glad theyre sending out another HPS lamp to ya, friggin to right!

Yep the purple one is probably starting to uptake sufficient P now, hence the new green growth.

im all good mate thank you.

yeh i usually always remember except those times where you really need it to be kept on like if you have your work jeans in the dryer over night, or you grow plants :lol:

yeh im abit gutted about having no HPS at the minute but shit happens ;-)

and yeh i just popped them in the Ace B&Q soil and watered them with ph'd water and they all popped. i did this with all my other experimental bagseed fails and it worked everytime. im just to dam lazy to wait for a root then pot and wait for a shoot :lol:


Well-Known Member
thats a bit sucky bout ur hps, my offer still stands i got a spare 400w and a spae 250w hps bulb u could borrow while u wait. My emergancy elecy is a fiver, thought they all were lol
i would snatch up your offer mate if you werent so far away, i live on the little rock between ireland and the GB mainland.

how come you all get 5 and 6 squid? im going to complain i want a fiver emergency :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol im with southern electric lol they good and cheap
How much they charge you per kw/h mate?

im all good mate thank you.

yeh i usually always remember except those times where you really need it to be kept on like if you have your work jeans in the dryer over night, or you grow plants :lol:

yeh im abit gutted about having no HPS at the minute but shit happens ;-)

and yeh i just popped them in the Ace B&Q soil and watered them with ph'd water and they all popped. i did this with all my other experimental bagseed fails and it worked everytime. im just to dam lazy to wait for a root then pot and wait for a shoot :lol:
Its the best way IMO, theres too much risk of damaging or infecting the taproot in some way with the stupid pre-germing methods, tho i always start mine in jiffy pellets as the compo i use can be too much for first stage sprouts, especially sats and sat doms.


Well-Known Member
it seems to work for me, i tried using the wool,towel method before but soem seeds never even showed face after a week so i decided any further ones i did i would just put in soil.

where the hell do you find such pics londoner?

i have a diffrent laugh everyday with your avatars and sig pics :lol: quality


Well-Known Member
The thing is mother nature never designed seeds to sprout in tissue or in glasses of water lol it just sounds dumb to me, theyre made to sprout in soil or another solid medium, and iv always had a 100% sprout rate just putting seeds straight from the pack into jiffy pellets, with the exeption of my last church grow which only three sprouted due to GHS (ARSE-jan) sending out a dodgy batch of beans.

The pics are just random pics i come across browsing the net, or sometimes i do a google image search for a new avvy or sig pic.


Well-Known Member
The avatar im using now i got bollocked for using on another site yesterday and was told to remove it, had a big row with the moderator via pm's because theres no rules covering avvys and its my right to have my own choice of avatar, as long as its not offensive in any way, he said it could give people an epileptic fit lmao BS! I think the truth is he was stoned and it scared him lol.

The thing is im a paid subscriber to the site and i make regular donations to help with the costs of running the site as its non profit making.

Did i change it?? Did i fuck lmao he can kiss my big white hairy ass!


Well-Known Member
The avatar im using now i got bollocked for using on another site yesterday and was told to remove it, had a big row with the moderator via pm's because theres no rules covering avvys and its my right to have my own choice of avatar, as long as its not offensive in any way, he said it could give people an epileptic fit lmao BS! I think the truth is he was stoned and it scared him lol.

The thing is im a paid subscriber to the site and i make regular donations to help with the costs of running the site as its non profit making.

Did i change it?? Did i fuck lmao he can kiss my big white hairy ass!
is this uk420 your referring to?

for your avvy to cause an epy fit it would need to be speeded up about 10 to 15 times :lol:

it is quite freaky though i can see why he was scared :lol:

im bored!


Well-Known Member
Yep uk420 mate, its a great site but its a bit of a dictatorship at times, they run a real tight ship there, ya know were all stoners and like different things, thats just me, i like things that are freaky and different as iv got quite a dark side to me, but i am normal trust me :lol: if theres such a thing as normal in this fucked up world we live in.

Yea my brother in law has epilepsy quite bad, although its mostly alcohol induced and self inflicted, but my avvy wouldnt start him off??

Oh well i reckon he had nightmares about it that night lol

Il change it on there today cos you gotta keep the locals happy eh :lol:


Well-Known Member
we all have a dark side mate, wouldnt be human if we didnt. cant have a nice life by acting nice all the time :lol:


Well-Known Member
we all have a dark side mate, wouldnt be human if we didnt. cant have a nice life by acting nice all the time :lol:
Precisely! :lol: especially living in London, i wouldnt survive if i was nice all the time and conformed to everyones expectations of how somebody should be, i stick my middle finger up to that mate lol

I get so many anonymous -reps from cowards for being blunt with people and saying shit as i see it, but thats just the way that London these days has shaped me, and what they dont realise is, when they -rep me it just feeds me the fuel to be more of a duck hunt lol And i couldnt give flying fcuk about my rep, love me or hate me, i couldnt care less :lol:


Well-Known Member
at the end of the day a reputation meter on a web forum means jack in the real world.

i dont think iv ever received - rep? iv received 2 +reps but they were from you and mr west :lol: