My First Grow!!! check it out...


Well-Known Member
ok sooo today is day seven of my girls...and well they seem to be looking pretty ad green...the only problem i really have is the stretching but i think i can handle that much...i pulled one of the cubes out of the planter and i can finally see roots...i think imy probly gona put them in the ebb and flow real much longer do u guys think????


Well-Known Member
my temperature is about 84 to 86 degrees and the humidity is about 45 to temp is kinda high but it never gets higher than that...


Well-Known Member
Nice start! Baz is right, just keep the CFL's close, and bury the seedlings a little deeper when you put them in the E & F. What kind of seeds did you start?

Have you decided on nutes yet?

Good luck. I'll subscribe and follow.


Well-Known Member
im going to use general hydroponics nutes and i used only bag seed since it was my first grow i didnt want to waste any money...heres some pics of day 8:



Well-Known Member
today is day 9 and i put them into the ebb and flow system today and introduced them to 1/4 nutes......they seemed to not mind it because they didnt wilt when they were feed.....i have 2 extras that i didnt really have room for in my system...soo i threw them in a box and i gess ill water tehm myself until i find something to do with check ummm out....ohh yea the lights are lower than in the pics i have to raise them to see under neath my reflecter....i only filled my resevior up half way...i figured that would be easyer to maintain....idk but this time forreal here they are:



Well-Known Member
LMAO, I CAN SEE YA IN PIC 1 IN THE REFLECTION AND YA DONT LOOK TOO HAPPY HA HA! they looking good tho, keep us posted


Well-Known Member
is 24/0 better compared to 18/6. what im asking is does 24/0 hour lighting schedule speed up growth?

im new to the hydro growing so i was wondering can i transplant a 3 week old out soil making sure the roots are cleaned, into a hydroponics with out the rockwool, just straight up put the plant in the rocks. i ran out of room for some of my ladies when there older sisters went to flower so i thought i would use the little sisters for a learning experenice.

pointers,tips, knowledgE?


Well-Known Member
today is day 10 i had to take them out of the net pots and put them lower because they werent getting enough water....but i think there goin to be of my plants leafs are turning a little yellow on the not sure if its getting burned or its not takin to the nutes...but ill give it some more tim i might just be parionid.but the others are doin great...i still dont know wat to do with the extra ones though i just cant seem to throw them ill have pics up later!!


Well-Known Member
well heres them pics check out my leafs on my plant s what do you guys think that is??like it looks yellow in tha pic but idk its more of a brown watering them every 4 hours....maybe im over watering them thats the only thing i think it could be...its on a couple of my other plants but its not as bad...and the plant that does have the brown ends its a litte lighter green than the other plants..



Well-Known Member
k soo ive spent like 2 hours trying to figure this mess out...and since im a new grower i tend to over react..but its a learning thing...any way ive came to the concluson that im eather over watering my plants, nute burn opr a combation....but ive decided to cut back on the flood fequencys...i was waterin them every 4 i decided to water them every 6 and see wat that does...the only problem is after they get watered at 8pm they want get watered again till 6 tha next morning...but well see what happens....


Well-Known Member
well today is day 16 but the pics are from yesterday...i changed the nute solution this is the schedule im using im on week one idk i hope i didnt change too early... i finally stoped nute burn and now its happin i added another gallon of water...soo now i have 10 gallons of water in a 9 gallon solution and im using 1/4 strength:

USE ¼ for first week to second than half for the rest

Plant Phase---Hours Of Light-------Grow------Micro -------Bloom-------------PPM Range
Clones -------------18 -------------2.5ml------2.5ml --------2.5ml------------200-400ppm
Week #1 -----------18 ---------------5ml------2.5ml --------2.5ml------------400-800ppm
Week #2 -----------18---------------10ml ------5ml ----------3ml-------------800-1000ppm
Week #3 -----------18---------------12ml------6ml ----------3ml-------------1000-1400ppm
Week #4 -----------12-----------------6ml ------6ml ---------10ml------------1000-1400ppm
Week #5----------- 12----------------3ml-------7ml --------12ml-------------1000-1400ppm
Week #6----------- 12 ----------------3ml -------8ml --------14ml-------------1000-1400ppm
Week #7 -----------12----------------3ml -------8ml-------- 16ml-------------1000-1400ppm
Week #8----------- 12--------------2.5ml------- 7ml-------- 18ml--------------1000-1400ppm
Week #9----------- 12---------------- 0ml------- 7ml-------- 20ml--------------1000-1400ppm
Week #10---------- 12----------------0ml------- 6ml --------20ml---------------1000-1400ppm

heres some pics:

leave comments tell me wat u think..


Active Member
lookin good! and i dont see what all the fuss was about how they were "stretching" as seedlings, ive done a few grows now and all my seedlings will look similar to that. Now that their in their new homes you cant even tell there was an early stretch or whatever