Do you happen to know Mark? I have seen you posting his stuff around here. We were acquaintances back in the day. Played a number of gigs with Screaming Trees. You seem to be a big fan. Lots of mutual aqcuaintances...aka the entire PNW music scene of the nineties.
Holy cow, there’s too much spectacular musicianship on that stage at once. I mean Victor mostly, not that any of them are slouches.
I love that Mondo Cane stuff, so crazy, so Italiano!translation : 'maybe she'll say yes...or maybe she'll say no..'
Mike Patton led me to this.
Do you happen to know Mark? I have seen you posting his stuff around here. We were acquaintances back in the day. Played a number of gigs with Screaming Trees. You seem to be a big fan. Lots of mutual aqcuaintances...aka the entire PNW music scene of the nineties.
I used to be a career musician, until I realized I hated working with other musicians for the most part. I am not flaky enough, nor tolerant enough of flakiness to be a rock musician and not quite talented enough to make it into any decent symphony orchestra, so I sing silly songs at parties and campfires now.
Well, as far as I know he’s a really good dude. One of the few in the grunge scene of yore that I have respect for. I haven’t thought of him in a few years, seeing that video made me nostalgia hard. Actually a pretty nostalgia heavy night for me, for whatever reason.I don't, I just like the song
I love that Mondo Cane stuff, so crazy, so Italiano!
Ooh, this cat’s voice is smooth and greasy, love it
I will spend some time with Fred tomorrow while I am working for the devil to pay off the debt on my soul. Herp derp. I am working for myself tomorrow.Fred Buscaglione. Patton did 3, maybe 4 of his tunes in the Mondo Cane shows, and I severely dig them. But Fred seriously slays me. So saxy.