Yellowing leaves at start of flowering


These are about 3 weeks into flowering under a LED light (that may have been a bit too close). GH Flora series nutrients. Plant is a White Widow. They started yellowing around the time of flowering. Water is city tap water that runs 480 ppm and 8.1 pH out of the tap. I'm using GH Flora series nutes, and adjusting pH down to 6.5.
I can see light speckling on most of the leaves, but don't see any bugs. Photo taken under flash, so it shows pretty much accurate colors.
Maybe someone with good eyes can take a guess at what's going on?? Would be much appreciated!


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What is the medium?
What's the ppm of the feed water?
How often do you feed them?

What color are the spots?
Spots whiteish kinda shiny?
What is the medium?
What's the ppm of the feed water?
How often do you feed them?

What color are the spots?
Spots whiteish kinda shiny?

Plants are in soil (cheap Kellog's Patio-Plus). In cloth grow bags, 10 gal..
Feed water is around 900 ppm
I feed them with each watering.

Spots are a lighter yellow, not at all shiny.
You are going to have to stay on top of that shit or else you are going to wake up one morning with webbed buds, and there goes your harvest.
Never had bugs but the experienced guys talk about mighty wash and green clean for times like this.
You can also hang some Hot Shot No-Pest Strips in there. You are limited in what you can do at this point in flower.
If you manage it you can still harvest.
Look on the underside of the leaves for tiny red or brown spots. Looks like mites. If it is the get some captian Jack's spinosad. It's organic and will wipe them out.
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Have you switched to bloom nutes? If so they may need some N. Nitrogen is needed in flower just not as much and they really burn through it during stretch.

Are you feeding full strength? If so cut back a bit. You can either feed, water, feed water etc at full strength or feed everytime at lower strength. You also need to water until good run off to prevent salt build up.

Didnt you have another thread and I asked for pics in natural light?
Look on the underside of the leaves for tiny red or brown spots. Looks like mites. If it is the get some captian Jack's spinosad. It's organic and will wipe them out.
View attachment 4232500

Have you switched to bloom nutes? If so they may need some N. Nitrogen is needed in flower just not as much and they really burn through it during stretch.

Are you feeding full strength? If so cut back a bit. You can either feed, water, feed water etc at full strength or feed everytime at lower strength. You also need to water until good run off to prevent salt build up.

Didnt you have another thread and I asked for pics in natural light?
Glad you said bugs and low N. Cause that's exactly what I thought but was waiting for confirmation from someone else.

I just finished an outdoor that looked just like that. In the end it was low N and critters.
Glad you said bugs and low N. Cause that's exactly what I thought but was waiting for confirmation from someone else.

I just finished an outdoor that looked just like that. In the end it was low N and critters.
Yea. Bloom nutes are over hyped. I've grown quite a few plants with dynagro foilage pro 9-3-6 start to finish and it worked great.

Some strains will like a p and k boost in flower but it's not needed for every plant.

My take on it is use a balanced feed from start to finish. Keep it super simple and less is more.
Yea. Bloom nutes are over hyped. I've grown quite a few plants with dynagro foilage pro 9-3-6 start to finish and it worked great.

Some strains will like a p and k boost in flower but it's not needed for every plant.

My take on it is use a balanced feed from start to finish. Keep it super simple and less is more.
This is good advice. Although I run hydro, my last run I just stuck to straight GH Trio 1-1-1 all through. The second I deviated from that I had issues. It worked great for me.
Yea. Bloom nutes are over hyped. I've grown quite a few plants with dynagro foilage pro 9-3-6 start to finish and it worked great.

Some strains will like a p and k boost in flower but it's not needed for every plant.

My take on it is use a balanced feed from start to finish. Keep it super simple and less is more.
I agree. Once I upped the N from 5-15-14 to 10-10-10 the plant started acting right and took off. Gave colors I didn't even know it had in the finish.

Im through with specialty nute lines.

Lady bug's and wasp's solved the critter issues except for that big azz caterpillar I took off by hand that was munching on a bud.
Thanks so much to everyone who looked at the photos and made suggestions!
I looked at the leaves under a magnifying glass, and sure enough, REALLY tiny black spots that seem clustered near the damaged areas. These things are SO small, even under magnification I still can't make out any form, legs, anything, just tiny black specs.
Off to the nursery this AM to get spinosad(?) and some N heavy ferts.
Yea. Bloom nutes are over hyped. I've grown quite a few plants with dynagro foilage pro 9-3-6 start to finish and it worked great.

Some strains will like a p and k boost in flower but it's not needed for every plant.

My take on it is use a balanced feed from start to finish. Keep it super simple and less is more.

I am so coming around to this way of thinking. Aside from getting tired of measuring out liquids from 4 bottles (pH Down included), it just doesn't seem to be working well. I've read other threads where folks have used Jack's 20-20-20 (or 20-10-20) and have had good luck. I've been giving them the bloom mix for a couple weeks, and that's about when the real yellowing started. Funny that the two plants I left outside are doing much better (same nutes)!
I am so coming around to this way of thinking. Aside from getting tired of measuring out liquids from 4 bottles (pH Down included), it just doesn't seem to be working well. I've read other threads where folks have used Jack's 20-20-20 (or 20-10-20) and have had good luck. I've been giving them the bloom mix for a couple weeks, and that's about when the real yellowing started. Funny that the two plants I left outside are doing much better (same nutes)!
The outdoor plants will.habe more light and handle heavier feeding.

Look into water only organic soil. Get a bag of worm castings and bag of espoma garden tone and be done. I grow organic and it's the easiest.

Make two batches of soil. Grow in one and let the other cook in totes while you wait. Alternate them out. Organic soil gets better over time. You can use many amendments or just a few.

Check the organic section and look at the living soil thread. Many good recipes.
Thanks so much to everyone who looked at the photos and made suggestions!
I looked at the leaves under a magnifying glass, and sure enough, REALLY tiny black spots that seem clustered near the damaged areas. These things are SO small, even under magnification I still can't make out any form, legs, anything, just tiny black specs.
Off to the nursery this AM to get spinosad(?) and some N heavy ferts.
Mix the spinosad as directed and spray plants a couple times a few days apart. Also add a bit to your water for a couple waterings for systemic action.
Look on the underside of the leaves for tiny red or brown spots. Looks like mites. If it is the get some captian Jack's spinosad. It's organic and will wipe them out.
View attachment 4232500

Have you switched to bloom nutes? If so they may need some N. Nitrogen is needed in flower just not as much and they really burn through it during stretch.

Are you feeding full strength? If so cut back a bit. You can either feed, water, feed water etc at full strength or feed everytime at lower strength. You also need to water until good run off to prevent salt build up.

Didnt you have another thread and I asked for pics in natural light?

Plants all sprayed down now with that brand of Spinosad. Will spray again this weekend. I guess time will tell now.