Well, you gotta understand ...
if his wig gets wet it looks like a wet mop.
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.It's you who need to seek psychiatric help for your DJT obsession
If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.
Maybe you should "open your eyes"
Seek mental health therapyIt's you who need to seek psychiatric help for your DJT obsession
Does it look better dry?Well, you gotta understand ...
if his wig gets wet it looks like a wet mop.
America reacted to the people with the DJT obsession covering him in a big beautiful WAVEIt's you who need to seek psychiatric help for your DJT obsession
He skipped serving in Vietnam due to the threat of light intermittent showers. Brave.
He skipped serving in Vietnam due to the threat of light intermittent showers. Brave.
NoThe brave guys burned their draft cards or refused to go.
Sitting at home with “bone spurs” while others die in your place isn’t brave
Your problem is that you don’t know what words mean