"Hey guys,
It seems everyone has their own way of germinating, but I just thought I'd show you simply how we always germinate our seeds,
and at the same time make a germination test of some strains.
I guess it's one of those personal things, where if you have success one way, you keep doing it... creatures of habbit
Some people like to soak for some time, then plant,
Others like to plant direct,
But for me, I know I get impatient and start poking around in the soil and that's never helpful.
So usually, for growing large amounts, I know the number of pots/plants I want to start in a given space, If it's a large amount then I'll put in to germinate more than I need (I know that's a luxury to have.. but we are a seed co. at the end of the day

This is more just to have germinated seeds at the same rate when planting, it then means they'll all sprout the same day or very close to, and that keeps things more consistent. After all, 3 days difference when it comes to autos, we know can be a lot.
So, one person messaged me to say they'd had a little trouble germinating chemdogging, but hadn't seen anyone else say they were having trouble. We haven't had any trouble either but I thought i'd do a test just incase.
I took 100 out of the bag, not specially picked, just the first out of the bag at random.
Chemdogging fem x 100
So, I take my beans, put them on toilet paper. I use 6 sheets, and fold over once to halve it, then again to halve that. This provides a nice thickness.
I did the same with 100 fantasmo and 50 walter whites
I write on a slip of paper with permanent marker the strain name, Then I take a spray bottle of tap water, and spray liberally until the paper is wet through.
Fold again, leaving a bit of the paper out (helps to re-open) and spray again.
At this point placing them in a dvd case.
Then I wrap in a spare piece of clothing, t-shirt, jumper, whatever is to hand, and place somewhere warm.
Our house is NOT warm at the moment, and all active g-rooms are on 12/12. Normally if I'm running auto's I'll just place the package somewhere shaded in a grow area that's nice and warm.
But I put on our router as it's on 24 hours and gets pretty warm.
After 72 hours the chemdogging looked like this:
98/100 with long tails. The remaining two had cracked, one looked like it would definitely germ, the other I wasn't sure. But very happy at 98% to be honest.
After the same 72 hours, I had 52/100 fantasmo, and 36/50 walter white.
It could be that these seeds are still a little fresh, or could be the not typically ideal temperatures going on here.
But I took the remaining 48 fantasmo, and 14 walter whites, put them onto fresh toilet tissue (repeating above fold, spray method)
And tonight less than 24 hours later, another 30 fantasmo had popped, and another 6 walter white.
So i'm hopeful that they will all pop, or 95% at least.
I've had seeds in the past, I've had to pre-crack, or scuff or bla bla bla, and really I don't want to have to expect our customers to go through any of that.
Ok I'm not super stoked at the time taken for these to pop, but it goes to show that you shouldn't write off seeds too soon.
I'll report back tomorrow night, with more results.
cheers mitch!"
end of quote..
maybe it helps?