The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out
so at least half of what he said was bullshit? NO FUCKING SHIT! why are you dumbasses surprised a fucking liar lies? is it going to surprise you when he says something antisemitic? something anti black or latino? something anti women? have you had your heads in the sand with bernie? trump is a low life hater piece of shit. that's all he has ever been, and all he'll ever be. accurate reporting is important, surprise when a piece of sub human filth tells more lies is just stupid.

Red states are also the fattest states, have the highest rates of venereal disease, and highest disability rates

Lowest education too

Supporting trump is basically just a bunch of dumb, fat losers trying to get revenge for correctly being called dumb fat losers their whole lives
I think you're making things up again.