Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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It’s definitely drivel, and you posted the identical said drivel twice.

Another driveler. Just what we needed. Science is an option, sorta guy.
lol, you
It’s definitely drivel, and you posted the identical said drivel twice.

Another driveler. Just what we needed. Science is an option, sorta guy.
i hope you are not surprised to find esoteric thinkers and psuedo science on a cannabis forum, if that frustrates you then you sir are a masochist being here as long as you have ;)
More like pseudo bullshit.

Esoteric casually implies a concept of worth. These are completely useless concepts spouted here.
Please, I understand English. The intellect behind the definition implies some value. These hysterical bits of whimsy are of no value, and certainly not associated with intelligence
ahhh yes the hubble space telescope, aka the latest piece of human excrement to be left behind in the personal toilet they call space.
NASA is leaving floaters in the bowl left and right and nobody seems to care. doesn't anybody flush anymore?
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