i hope you are not surprised to find esoteric thinkers and psuedo science on a cannabis forum, if that frustrates you then you sir are a masochist being here as long as you haveIt’s definitely drivel, and you posted the identical said drivel twice.
Another driveler. Just what we needed. Science is an option, sorta guy.
actually it implies a concept of exclusion, often based on intellect or knowledgeMore like pseudo bullshit.
Esoteric casually implies a concept of worth. These are completely useless concepts spouted here.
Lmao I love itAnd none of this should be in the science forum. There should be a fairy tale forum for this nonsense
head your own advice maybeoh originator of all this drivel.
actually it implies a concept of exclusion, often based on intellect or knowledge
oh no!!!!! the great white knight i mean north came to save the world from misspelled words~ Heed ~
Intellect and knowledge require precision of thought and projection with others so that a meaningful conversation can be attained.
So how do we reconcile that Australia is part of the myth?? Hmmmmm???
That’s a biggie.