Greenpoint seeds!!


Dude I would trust my guys any day of the week over the dispensary.thats where a shit load of bugs come from with all the crap they get in and sources are much smaller scales and can control there environment a little better.every time I read about a bug issue it was a clone picked up from a place that publically sells clones.theres a dude on the forum now lost his whole grow cause he bought some cuts from a dispensary.
For sure, if you get them from someone you trust. I don't have that luxury, that's why I don't fuck with buying clones. Either get them from a dispo, and risk bugs, or get them from some dude on Craigslist that grows mids and risk bugs
Naw it was deliberate. @Dustjesus asked a few pages back if he could give his nuggets to someone.450 dollars worth.he has bought a shit load of greenpoint.he is also a friend of mine.
Gu said it was ok so i asked a couple here and no one wanted them.dustjesus asked me to ask around because people know me a little better and he didnt wanna come off as a scam kind of deal.
So Gu 86'd the nuggets to keep this from happening and any future nugget give aways.
Close but no cigar.

I made an order with nuggets, a few hundred worth. I then get an email from GU saying my order is fuct essentially and there's something wrong with the nuggets and he's not gonna honor the order. I look, and the order is cancelled.

Says I got too many nuggets off a previous order and he's not gonna honor them. So I'm like, well what amount of nuggets are you gonna honor from my order? I haven't heard anything back. I really just want what I was rightfully entitled to?! It's whatever (*shrugs shoulders) not gonna stress it but it does signify a shift in customer service relations.

He said he wanted the nuggets system but there were glitches with it or something n it couldn't stay. Slight paraphrase possibly but that was the gist. Nuggets went down shortly thereafter.

It's a good idea and I don't think any of us want the shirt off GU's back! So it would be nice if they could get it figured out so there aren't any more hiccups with the system.
Yes a way better way to do it if you have the invite is to take the time to go in person. Gives you the chance to see exactly how they are being grown and that it is what you're looking for, rather than getting it by mail and finding out its not what you thought.
That's very true.
One of the things that's kept me from buying clones is the need to quarantine them. I'm still going to follow thru with one but the people I've talked to that deal with these guys have had no issues. Their pics and reviews are pretty incredible and I like that they're right here close to home. Plus, I really want to get one more good ride in before it gets really cold. That window of time is closing in fast.
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Close but no cigar.

I made an order with nuggets, a few hundred worth. I then get an email from GU saying my order is fuct essentially and there's something wrong with the nuggets and he's not gonna honor the order. I look, and the order is cancelled.

Says I got too many nuggets off a previous order and he's not gonna honor them. So I'm like, well what amount of nuggets are you gonna honor from my order? I haven't heard anything back. I really just want what I was rightfully entitled to?! It's whatever (*shrugs shoulders) not gonna stress it but it does signify a shift in customer service relations.

He said he wanted the nuggets system but there were glitches with it or something n it couldn't stay. Slight paraphrase possibly but that was the gist. Nuggets went down shortly thereafter.

It's a good idea and I don't think any of us want the shirt off GU's back! So it would be nice if they could get it figured out so there aren't any more hiccups with the system.

He should just stop with all the gimmicks and charge $45/pack (these are being sold direct from the breeder.. no middleman.. $89 a pack is fuckery imo) maybe give out a couple unreleased testers as freebies with each pack bought.. Buy two packs get free shipping.. have a sale every few months (25% off if you spend $100)..

Feel free to use my ideas @Gu~ .. Tighten your shit up, acknowledge the recent issues/problems and find another male or two.. you can get back on top of the game.. The way things have been going, it reminds me of a slow sinking ship..
He should just stop with all the gimmicks and charge $45/pack (these are being sold direct from the breeder.. no middleman.. $89 a pack is fuckery imo) maybe give out a couple unreleased testers as freebies with each pack bought.. Buy two packs get free shipping.. have a sale every few months (25% off if you spend $100)..

Feel free to use my ideas @Gu~ .. Tighten your shit up, acknowledge the recent issues/problems and find another male or two.. you can get back on top of the game.. The way things have been going, it reminds me of a slow sinking ship..
I know man.100 dollars for a pack of 6 fems is rediculous when a good size mom puts out over 1000 seeds.its highway robbery.
Just offer up some solid genetics price them and give away free testers with the orders.the end
Lmfao idk where you get your info from but absolutely none of what you said is true about the American pitbull terrier. I've grown up around them from the age of 3 and I'm almost 40 now. I've been in and around UKC and AKC as well as the APBA which is strictly pitbulls. And none of what you said is even remotely true. My uncle breeds them for show dogs. And cost upwards of 8 to 10 grand. He has several grand champions. Please do not spout off shit info on a breed you know nothing about. Especially being your first time owning one. When people make false claims that's what gives dogs a bad rap. Theres never bad dogs. Just bad owners.
Okay so what exactly is not true? I'm going by my experience with my dog and everything I've researched once I got one. What I said seems to be the general consensus. Please point out what's wrong. Rather than just telling me I'm full of shit, please point out exactly what's not true and why. I really would like to have my information straight. I mean I've had friends with pitbulls before and they act just like the one I have so I don't know what you're talking about. I don't see what I said that could give the dogs a bad rap. All I've been doing is praising the damn dog. And it is friendly as shit toward all people. And so were the ones my friends have. As a matter of fact, my friend had his house robbed with two pit bulls in there and if they apparently didn't do shit about it. So, how about some details.

Dude I would trust my guys any day of the week over the dispensary.thats where a shit load of bugs come from with all the crap they get in and sources are much smaller scales and can control there environment a little better.every time I read about a bug issue it was a clone picked up from a place that publically sells clones.theres a dude on the forum now lost his whole grow cause he bought some cuts from a dispensary.
I always assume clones have bugs and treat accordingly.
Okay so what exactly is not true? I'm going by my experience with my dog and everything I've researched once I got one. What I said seems to be the general consensus. Please point out what's wrong.

Not trying to really step into this but you did make a lot of blanket statements.. There is a lot of intentional inbreeding with pits which can actually lead to aggression and wonky genetics.. For every breeder who actually knows what theyre doing there is a byb who is actually looking for aggressive dogs.

The stats dont lie.. pitbulls are responsible for a large portion of serious dog attacks.. All dogs can snap but the difference between getting bit by most dogs and getting bit by a pit is a puncture wound vs getting stapled shut.
No the part about they are friendly to be able to reach in to get a fighting dog. The part about them not being good guard dogs, and the part about them being killed about attacking humans. None of that is true. Pitbulls were started as bloodsport dogs. Setting up bait for bear and bulls. Then made into cattle dogs in America
Bred from the British isles. They used up until around 1835 as bloodsport dogs. Then used in the military. Then used a companion dogs.

Edit: I have 3 now. And I foster rescue pits every month. They are very friendly if raised that way. If you raise them as guard dogs they will be nothing but guard dogs. Theres a guy on YouTube that trains them. To be protective guards. Its upwards of 15 grand for this guy. But when you get your dog back. He is a guarding machine. Very strict. Very nimble. And strong as an ox. My female can climb a 20 foot tree to grab a rope that's 15 foot off of the ground. And she will grab it and hang for an hour. Or until shes ready to come down.
@TPTB73 This post he goes into detail explaining why. Did you not see this follow up?
I always assume clones have bugs and treat accordingly.
I use some orange smelling neem extract stuff the first time, week later spinosad, and maybe spinosad again week later. Didn't do the soil drench, but prolly should have. I let a friend throw me something called bhangi haze, chock full, took six months and every plant start of flower treated to get rid of the damn bugs. I told her never again, no offense. She's a window open all the time huge compost pile kind of grower. I got so mad, I tossed the flowering plant, especially after reading about it and I usually won't do that. But prior, no pests whatsoever. I trust her skills, but dont' want her clones, lol. She don't take advice very well, either sometimes, lmfao. I'll get better and taking my own clones. Bout only thing I don't have down pretty good. Get too impatient, sometimes too wet, etc. But I figger practice makes perfect
This is that Blizzard Bush I was talking about earlier

84 days of flower, still white pistils all over, 90% cloudy the rest amber

Huge yield , but mid grade smoke, very faint flavor and smell

2 gallon hempy bucket

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This is that blizzard bush from couple weeks back, let it dry, pretty quick too as I had no intentions of smoking it, I couldn’t even bare to take a pic of the nugs, pathetic looking no frost, muted smell still white hairs all the fuck over, and kinda fluff.... on the other hand the yield was a mother fucker

Runnin about 500w cobs from timber grow lights , most of the time it was prob dimmed to about 400w.... in. 4x4 tent, on the perimeter too which is impressive

It’s all gonna be qwiso most likely

Yield was about 3.8 to 4 zips off one 2 gallon hempy... pretty impressive also,but nothing else at all about her is...only real did I’ve had from GPS... my garlix had been curing and it’s also not impressing me , I sparked a j an just put it out after a couple puffs , mid grade to the fullest.... that was it’s 2nd and final run

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Not trying to really step into this but you did make a lot of blanket statements.. There is a lot of intentional inbreeding with pits which can actually lead to aggression and wonky genetics.. For every breeder who actually knows what theyre doing there is a byb who is actually looking for aggressive dogs.

The stats dont lie.. pitbulls are responsible for a large portion of serious dog attacks.. All dogs can snap but the difference between getting bit by most dogs and getting bit by a pit is a puncture wound vs getting stapled shut.
Also not true. Of you look up stats on pitbulls from 2010 to 2017 they are not number one nor number two or even 3. In leading dog bites.

Excerp from canine society for the nation.
None of those areas ban pit bulls, yet the figures from 2010 to 2017 consistently show that incidents of pit bulls biting people lag well behind those involving Labrador retrievers and German shepherds. In no area do pit bulls finish higher than fourth in the number of bites against humans.

Edit: sry I thought you said they are leading in dog bites. You said large portion. I misread it.
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I use some orange smelling neem extract stuff the first time, week later spinosad, and maybe spinosad again week later. Didn't do the soil drench, but prolly should have. I let a friend throw me something called bhangi haze, chock full, took six months and every plant start of flower treated to get rid of the damn bugs. I told her never again, no offense. She's a window open all the time huge compost pile kind of grower. I got so mad, I tossed the flowering plant, especially after reading about it and I usually won't do that. But prior, no pests whatsoever. I trust her skills, but dont' want her clones, lol. She don't take advice very well, either sometimes, lmfao. I'll get better and taking my own clones. Bout only thing I don't have down pretty good. Get too impatient, sometimes too wet, etc. But I figger practice makes perfect
Healthy plants can defend themselves and become more unattractive to pests as brix increases.
I've got 4 plants outdoors right now and none of them have problems with bugs -- even though there's a shitload in the immediate area.
Here's my little half & half (cannaventure).
She's pushing 8 feet, easy.
10 gallon cloth pot.
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View from the front:
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Okay so what exactly is not true? I'm going by my experience with my dog and everything I've researched once I got one. What I said seems to be the general consensus. Please point out what's wrong. Rather than just telling me I'm full of shit, please point out exactly what's not true and why. I really would like to have my information straight. I mean I've had friends with pitbulls before and they act just like the one I have so I don't know what you're talking about. I don't see what I said that could give the dogs a bad rap. All I've been doing is praising the damn dog. And it is friendly as shit toward all people. And so were the ones my friends have. As a matter of fact, my friend had his house robbed with two pit bulls in there and if they apparently didn't do shit about it. So, how about some details.
I think you misunderstood. I wasnt downing pitbulls. I love them as much as my kids. Pitbulls act the way you raise them. Basically jus like any other dog. Jus a tad more ADHD. So to speak. They do make amazing guard dogs. That's why there are tons of trainers across the U.S. that train only.pitbulls for that reason. They can also be used for drugs, bombs, ect ect ect. Theres no love like one from a pitbull. If your pit is friendly to everyone. Thats bc you raised/raising him that way. Which is a good thing. Bc as stated by someone a bite from one is horrifying. Bc of the power of their jaw muscles. You can make a pit act like anything from a yappy dust ruffle to a vicious killing machine. And like I said before. Theres no bad dogs. Just bad owners. If you have a pic of your pup. I'd love to see it.
Well chopping the CnC tonight. I just csnt take it anymore this bastard could go 90+ days. And I'm jus not. I have a clone of it I topped in flower. And she looks like shes gonna yield an assload. So the clone should be even better yielding. But I just cannot running it that long. I pitched the vegging clones of it I had. It's completely covered in white hairs again this evening.