The word you were trying to use is "drivel"
Dribble is something you do with a basketball or something a child does with its milk.
wrong again inflated self value the problem i have is the repeating of offencive hate speech w/ no regard for proven fact , it's not u that is wrong its every one else . if i am attacking any one here that dont have it coming just by the way u theat others im sorry , u still haven't addressed ur inconsistant self promotion
i use the word dribble because it describes what I was trying to say. it likens one to a simple vegitable just dribbling things everywhere no real clue what is going on
I sliced a ripe tomatoe last night and the freakin' thing dribbled all the way over to the salad bowl.
I've never seen a vegetable dribble things everywhere. Nice cover story.
In the USA, saying things like this will bring on a storm of wrath from every woman in earshot, and probably any black people too. It will also discredit you in the eyes of most Americans who would read it.
no but ofcoarse i meant a human vegitable like somone who is brain dead but still alive and awake
like Terry Schiavo
so ya it was a real sneaky cover story![]()
Gosh, I bet her family wouldn't think very kindly of you poking fun of her, considering she's dead. Did your mother not teach you that speaking ill of the dead is a really horrible thing to do. Do you show your own family as much compassion?
Hey maybe some day your family member will be in the same situation and the rest of here can sit around and make up derogotory terms to refer to them by.![]()
man i need some of what ur taking , badly delutional fanticy land somewhere over a rainbow make hate speech and i find it im going to pointwrong again palomino its quite convinient to label things as "hate speech" when you cant rebut them with normal argument or even comprehend them as what they are which it not hate speach but
important values and opinions defended and fought for as opposed to your way of trying to defraud and defame other peoples securely held observations.
if you cant take a healthy argument then dont get in one. but if you do, dont start crying about it.
thanks so much
hauge is there for when the home country don't have the guts to do it . either way it goes , gw has nothing to worry aboutHe commited war crimes in foriegn lands. That sets him up for the Hague, by the international war crimes act. You must be forgetting again that, yes, you actually are a part of the world community, even though you deny it, and yes the USA is a part of that community also and when the USA commits acts of atrocity in a foriegn land, the man at the helm is held accountable. By international law, if Bush steps on foriegn soil, he is subject to arrest and prosecution at the Hague. I hope and pray that someday this comes to bear. In fact, I'd buy him a one way ticket to Holland, with my own hard saved money. All the Neocons that started this Iraq atrocity need to be prosecuted. If you want to do it in house then so be it, The problem is, no-one in the US has the balls to do it. Maybe Vincent Bugliosi can get it done, if the neocons don't get him first.
friend who live in iraqactually im an arab with a lot of friends who live in Iraq and they are happy they could fight for thier freedom which they have now, with relativly little bloodshed.
they are now free forever
u guess it wasnt worth it to fight the american revolution in your eyes right?
but americans would beg to differ for they now are all free and have been ever since, although it too much more bloodshed
just like Iraqis would beg to differ with you seeing that they are free and thier country is poised to be one of the richest nations on earth
comparativly to Saudi Arabia in riches
so the planks my freinds are not over your eyes, they are in your brain because you cant comprehend
and you cant use the Iraqis to spread around your weakminded and negative attitude to further your own political steamy shit pile of a view
ur former countrylook man you know nothing of what you speak of, your talking about my land and my former country so I think i know more than u "freind"
also what u guys are not mentioning in your little post about ayers which just came out last week due to a forced disclosure, is that ayres hired obama to be his chief executive officer to distrubute $60 million dollars in grant money
so ya he didnt just sit on a board with him that met just a few times.
he also worked with him on the $60 mill thing and that is his only, his only executive expiriance, working for this fucking terrorist!!
stop trying to cover that up
thank up![]()
you wish,
how am i proven lier? you know nothing about me and where I was born and in which countries I have lived and walked the walk instead of sitting in one little town thinking i know everything like you, when in fact you know very little. just like me, except i know more than you
I was born in Jordan, Lived in Saudi Arabia, lived in Iraq, lived in Lebanon, lived in the united states of america
so pls you and ****** think u can dismiss me and my views with your dribble but never the less i remain as a pain in your brain, you can never be rid of me just like you can never be rid of your own ignorenceatleast without my help
you need me
you need me, just like you need bush
and just like you need the boogy man,
so you can have somthing to whine about, somthing to rebel against like a child trying to find thier authority, sombody to blame for your own problems and deficits.
very similar in the way arab leaders blame the jews for everything to divert thier peoples attention from their own oppression and corruption
tips are you a guy or a gurl really you should let a nigga know, after all Im not into bashing women too hard as they are more sensitive and delicate than men should be
now do i have to find examples of hate speech
ur former country
Gosh, I bet her family wouldn't think very kindly of you poking fun of her, considering she's dead. Did your mother not teach you that speaking ill of the dead is a really horrible thing to do. Do you show your own family as much compassion?
Hey maybe some day your family member will be in the same situation and the rest of here can sit around and make up derogotory terms to refer to them by.![]()