Greenpoint seeds!!

Can anyone tell me what's your best yielded from gps? I've grown out a few packs already and so far one thing I've noticed are none are super big yeailders I mean their not bad at all, I'm very happy just wondering who's got the biggest yeilder and what strain is it?
I would have to say Snake Oil and Dream Catcher, were the biggest yielding Greenpoint strains, that I have grown.
The yields were impressive!



Snake Oil
Yeah, I don't remember all the details but it had to have bad enough for me to skip over his work cause I usually don't fuss with breeder drama. That threads gone now isn't it?
You can still visit the thread.
I met @Amos Otis on that thread. Good times!
Edit: I clicked the link and could not visit the thread, whoever, I can visit the thread through my post history.
In Tony Green's defense, he believed a certain member on the thread "Not Amos", was a former member of IC Mag turned snitch and the guys paranoia started to run rampant.
He begged the administration to close his thread and actually closed shop for a while.
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the biggest yielder I finished was probably Iron Horse. Big seeds. Big plants.

currently in flower, Cowboy Cookies is super impressive with 5 foot single stalks growing out of 1 gallon pots

Those two pics from Big Horn and Bakersfield are probably 2 of my top favorite 3 Greenpoint pics ever. (The third was that super impressive Hickock Haze from THT.) Very impressive grows from you all!! :clap:
You wouldn't even be able to wipe your ass it weren't for truckers. They may not "own the road" but they do keep this country moving.

I don't want argue but I see and hear these kind of comments all the time. Do understand why they line up? Load differentials, engine displacement?
And do you honestly believe that guys that spend yrs of their life on the road have time to mess cage drivers? C'mon now, lol.
And its damn near impossible to "fudge" log books. That shit is all computerized and wired into the trucks system. They know when its idling, they know when its running and at what speeds.
The misconceptions that float around one the most highly regulated industries in the US still leaves me baffled.

I stand by what I said. They save countless lives every yr and they're never recognized for their efforts.

Most of that is true, but I drove for 25 years and I went will beyond the "fudge" method. Destroyed my spine in the process due to driving so much. Only the big companys use electronic logging and thats only 5 or so.

Last time a DOT cop ask for my log book, I was in Louisiana and had drove straight through from Kalifornia, I was redeyed from no sleep. He ask for my logbook and I handed it to him but he did not bother taking it after he saw I was running loose leaf logs, he simply said get the fuck off my scales and get out of here. :-)
Just from my experience outdoor isn't as pretty or compact , is a little more leafy, but the buds are bigger. And it's nice to see a plant at its full potential, size wise anyway.
I chopped six outdoor plants yesterday and yield was pitiful.
It rained a lot while the buds were ripening, and it diminished yield big-time.
They really could have used that extra week of sunshine around mid September. :-(
Most of that is true, but I drove for 25 years and I went will beyond the "fudge" method. Destroyed my spine in the process due to driving so much. Only the big companys use electronic logging and thats only 5 or so.

Last time a DOT cop ask for my log book, I was in Louisiana and had drove straight through from Kalifornia, I was redeyed from no sleep. He ask for my logbook and I handed it to him but he did not bother taking it after he saw I was running loose leaf logs, he simply said get the fuck off my scales and get out of here. :-)
LOL. Yep you're absolutely right. I just didn't want post a wall of text explaining how things have changed and how E-logs are why a lot self-drivers buy 99s and older.
It just kinda ribs me to see people hate on truckers while typing on a device brought to them by trucks. They're just guys (and girls) like you trying to make a living and its not easy by any stretch.
I certainly never meant to stir shit up here.
I've made LOTS of cannabutter but never tried making bubble hash.
Is there a trick to making the gooey chunks that are good enough to dab?

Years ago there was a dispensary that sold bubble hash that was so good, you could literally stick a toothpick in a gram and do dabs with it.

Fabulous! :eyesmoke:
Gotta find the sweet spot for which bags you're using for every strain/plant unfortunately. The better your starting material the better your end product will be, minimize wash time/battering your material and do multiple batches that are kept separate.

I'm kind of lazy and don't make bubble anymore because I can just make bho or edibles with whatever is left over/I don't feel like trimming properly.
Gotta find the sweet spot for which bags you're using for every strain/plant unfortunately. The better your starting material the better your end product will be, minimize wash time/battering your material and do multiple batches that are kept separate.

I'm kind of lazy and don't make bubble anymore because I can just make bho or edibles with whatever is left over/I don't feel like trimming properly.
I've heard horror stories about BHO.
Everything from people blowing themselves up to getting poisoned because they didn't purge properly.

Have you ever made RSO?
Seems like that's the easiest.
I even have the black & decker rice cooker that Rick Simpson used in his "how to" video! 8-)
I've heard horror stories about BHO.
Everything from people blowing themselves up to getting poisoned because they didn't purge properly.

Have you ever made RSO?
Seems like that's the easiest.
I even have the black & decker rice cooker that Rick Simpson used in his "how to" video! 8-)
I make killer oil, had it tested at 92%. I use extractohol. It's 200 proof food grade ethanol, so residuals are no concern. I freeze it and the weed for 24 hours, then break the buds up, do a one minute wash, strain through a screen strainer, then strain that through coffee filters. Then simmer off the alchohol on low. Lots of fans and windows open. Then I decarboxylate the oil. When done this way, it is snap and pull at room temp. Basically like shatter. And it is edible and strong. A piece the size of half grain of rice will give you a strong, clear, trippy high for twelve hours.
All those horror stories are from idiots imo. I run stainless steel turkey basters circa 2007-8ish. I've only had one blowout making lbs of oil over the years, never an explosion because I do it outdoors. Basically pressure broke a coffee filter at the end and fucked up a batch, no biggie not an unsafe situation.

Never made rso but I did come across a large amount of it in gel caps a couple years back. They did the trick for sure lol.
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I make killer oil, had it tested at 92%. I use extractohol. It's 200 proof food grade ethanol, so residuals are no concern. I freeze it and the weed for 24 hours, then break the buds up, do a one minute wash, strain through a screen strainer, then strain that through coffee filters. Then simmer off the alchohol on low. Lots of fans and windows open. Then I decarboxylate the oil. When done this way, it is snap and pull at room temp. Basically like shatter. And it is edible and strong. A piece the size of half grain of rice will give you a strong, clear, trippy high for twelve hours.
I like the new wave of solvents but don't like the minute+ wash it takes, seems like you'd get a darker waxy oil. I'm probably wrong about that, it's probably nice and golden/amber.
yes, after poster commented on the derailed thread I used some tongue in cheek humor to point it out.
that upset others so I did my part to bring the thread back on track to where it was before I made the funny.
seemed very relevant too, since he was the op of this thread, speaking of exclusive pics and parents.
It wasn't tongue and cheek. You posted that to incite a response. So here it is.
You're a previously banned member back again to troll some more. You don't give a shit about this thread but I suppose you thought it was a good place to fly under the wire. I knew it was you days ago but figured it was best just to ignore you. I have no doubt you have other sleeper accounts or even active ones. You seem to get some "likes" on some shitty posts sooo...
You've posted horrible racist homophobic rants and personally attacked other members and their grows. I wont even touch on the morbid shit you sent me in a pm. You're spineless, so post what you will but this is the last response you'll get from me.

To everyone else here. I'm truly sorry. I try not to talk about my daughter but I am who I am and this grief is a part of me. Its the only death worse facing than your own and I'm doing my best to absorb this and endure it, but some days are more difficult than others. On those days I can get a little manic and yappy...and a little argumentative. But this forum and its members have helped me more than I could ever express in words. Even you guys I argue with.
And I knew early on, months ago by sharing the details surrounding my childs death that it could potentially be used as ammo should I offend someone but I also knew that most people here have precious children of their own and have lost loved ones so the chances were low.

I've had disagreements with other members but no matter how heated those arguments became it never went to a level of attacking each others kids, let alone mocking the loss of one.
Egos aside, I truly believe for the most part, no matter how blunt or abrasive, the posters here have a conscious, a backbone, and are better than that.
Soo, enough of that. I didn't mean to put such a downer on the thread or derail it and again, I really am sorry to everyone.
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It wasn't tongue and cheek. You posted that to incite a response. So here it is.
You're a previously banned member back again to troll some more. You don't give a shit about this thread but I suppose you thought it was a good place to fly under the wire. I knew it was you days ago but figured it was best just to ignore you. I have no doubt you have other sleeper accounts or even active ones. You seem to get some "likes" on some shitty posts sooo...
You've posted horrible racist homophobic rants and personally attacked other members and their grows. I wont even touch on the morbid shit you sent me in a pm. You're spineless, so post what you will but this is the last response you'll get from me.

To everyone else here. I'm truly sorry. I try not to talk about my daughter but I am who I am and this grief is a part of me. Its the only death worse facing than your own and I'm doing my best to absorb this and endure it, but some days are more difficult than others. On those days I can get a little manic and yappy...and a little argumentative. But this forum and its members have helped me more than I could ever express in words. Even you guys I argue with.
And I knew early on, months ago by sharing the details surrounding my childs death that it could potentially be used as ammo should I offend someone but I also knew that most people here have precious children of their own and have lost loved ones so the chances were low.

I've had disagreements with other members but no matter how heated those arguments became it never went to a level of attacking each others kids, let alone mocking the loss of one.
Egos aside, I truly believe for the most part, no matter how blunt or abrasive, the posters here have a conscious and spine.
Soo, enough of that. I didn't mean to put such a downer on the thread or derail it and again, I really am sorry to everyone.
I lost a son at 6 years old.hardest shit to ever go through.i definitely feel your pain.

The way I see life it's mostly business and a few acquaintances and fewer friends.pick all three wisely and keep on keeping on always do what u say your gonna do and never bend over backwards for the same person twice.usually the second time there mooching.stay away from broke ass people cause there always broke for a reason and always tell it like it is cause if you dont someone else will