Greenpoint seeds!!

PS smuggle when there is snow/ice on the ground or generally in-climate weather. If its storming you fuckin move with the wind. Never do it on popular days like weekends. And blend in with holiday traffic whenever possible.
Everything you've stated is solid advice...except this one. If the LEOs see someone traveling in shitty weather, they'll follow. Every single time. Do not ride dirty in bad weather. Everyone thinks cops don't want to stand out in that shit and give tickets but its just the opposite. Not to mention if you're not familiar with the road you risk getting hung up...or worse.
During the summer its just the opposite especially weekends because they're too busy to be overly observant.

I wouldn't kid ya. My work radio was programmed on the same frequencies as LE and fire.
Everything you've stated is solid advice...except this one. If the LEOs see someone traveling in shitty weather, they'll follow. Every single time. Do not ride dirty in bad weather. Everyone thinks cops don't want to stand out in that shit and give tickets but its just the opposite. Not to mention if you're not familiar with the road you risk getting hung up...or worse.
During the summer its just the opposite especially weekends because they're too busy to be overly observant.

I wouldn't kid ya. My work radio was programmed on the same frequencies as LE and fire.
When the weather is shitty here the patrol cops are busy with wrecks, pretty much all of them. They don’t have the staff to do traps except the bulls at State borders, and I don’t play with any of that. It is also true here that they are often busy on summer weekends; with drunk assholes and parties and stuff. Busy patrol cars are my favorite patrol cars.

Lots of fatality and injury crashes when there is a foot of snow and ice on the highways.

Disclaimer; I don’t and never have smuggled shit, and this is not advice.
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Everything you've stated is solid advice...except this one. If the LEOs see someone traveling in shitty weather, they'll follow. Every single time. Do not ride dirty in bad weather. Everyone thinks cops don't want to stand out in that shit and give tickets but its just the opposite. Not to mention if you're not familiar with the road you risk getting hung up...or worse.
During the summer its just the opposite especially weekends because they're too busy to be overly observant.

I wouldn't kid ya. My work radio was programmed on the same frequencies as LE and fire.

I will disagree based on word direct from the horses mouth and experience. They couldn't run as many plates and it is much harder in a down pour or when view is obscured to profile and they refused to risk their lives anymore than necessary (one of the main reasons they target the old and women). There were more cops in blizzards and ice but they were busy...very busy and they aren't interdiction. Each area could be different, but they 100% refused to go out in snow and ice (interdiction) and I never see them when it storms which was especially useful in Florida since it happens every other day or daily =) Now to buttress this you are an idiot if you are trying to do anything in a natural disaster or something similar lol...
And maybe, probably, others. (BOG?) Good point. I have several Bodhi crosses and have considered grabbing some packs but haven’t done it. I was being cynical. You have inspired me to support them directly. The number of strains is a bit overwhelming but I have identified a few I would like in their lineup.

I guess I meant; The retail seed game is sort of a clusterfuck, overall. Wouldn’t you agree? Lots of snake oil, bush league business practices and fuck-and-run behavior out there

So sorry you’re ill, I am a big baby about being sick, heal well.
Yep. Forgot about BOG. That old dudes been around a while and his wife is the sweetest woman.

Bodhi has the most vast collection of genetics of any breeder I've encountered. I might still have the link saved to a post he made yrs ago about his fridge. It went on for pages and pages. I cant remember if it was Seedbay or Breedbay. Could've been both as they both have tons of info on his lines, testers, males...pretty much everything.
I used to be on the Bodhi thread frequently but I got hung up running way too many chems and chucks the last few months. I'll be posting there again soon though. I germed a new round of some old and new stuff.

You're right, the seed game is full of all kinds of twisted fuckery. At the end the day though, I'm happy to be growing. Just gotta watch where ya drop the big money :wink:

And thank you for the well wishes. A few more days of antibiotics and I'll be back to myself...somewhat.
I will disagree based on word direct from the horses mouth and experience. They couldn't run as many plates and it is much harder in a down pour or when view is obscured to profile and they refused to risk their lives anymore than necessary (one of the main reasons they target the old and women). There were more cops in blizzards and ice but they were busy...very busy and they aren't interdiction. Each area could be different, but they 100% refused to go out in snow and ice (interdiction) and I never see them when it storms which was especially useful in Florida since it happens every other day or daily =) Now to buttress this you are an idiot if you are trying to do anything in a natural disaster or something similar lol...
Thats just it. Each region is different. This board has members from all over the globe and when you refer to traveling in ice and snow no one is thinking of the Florida. They're thinking of where it actually snows, lol.
I worked EMS on scene along side law enforcement for many yrs. I've heard and listened their tactics and even gone toe to toe with a couple on scene who were compromising my patients safety.

I'm too sick to further debate and you don't have to believe me but around here, they stick out like a glowing neon sign.

Then again, few smuggle weed anymore so if someone is smuggling hard drugs IDGAF it they make it to their destination so its a moot point.

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Yep. Forgot about BOG. That old dudes been around a while and his wife is the sweetest woman.

Bodhi has the most vast collection of genetics of any breeder I've encountered. I might still have the link saved to a post he made yrs ago about his fridge. It went on for pages and pages. I cant remember if it was Seedbay or Breedbay. Could've been both as they both have tons of info on his lines, testers, males...pretty much everything.
I used to be on the Bodhi thread frequently but I got hung up running way too many chems and chucks the last few months. I'll be posting there again soon though. I germed a new round of some old and new stuff.

You're right, the seed game is full of all kinds of twisted fuckery. At the end the day though, I'm happy to be growing. Just gotta watch where ya drop the big money :wink:

And thank you for the well wishes. A few more days of antibiotics and I'll be back to myself...somewhat.
Didn't i read you had some goji? Been wanting it for a min, even placed an order with Bud Aroma after reading all the reviews and threads. Some folks that were complaining really hard on the forum's were receiving there orders after several months, so i thought maybe! So 180 some odd dollars for goji and faceoff bx1 and 4 or 5 months and nothing not zip. Several emails , phone calls and lastly a letter, still nothing. What kinda people does that?
Ok heres my 2 cents.

Yes its completely fucked up to be using fake images. Yes if the cuts arent actually what they say they are that is also fucked. There has been some didgy shit going on it seems.


the 2 GPS strains i have grown have produced extremely good results at a rediculously low price. I will still continue to buy them and grow them as long as the results are good.

I personally dont buy into a lot of the hype on the elite clones anyway so i dont base my decisions on the genetics listed. I usually wait until i see some seriously good pics and reviews from trusted growers before i move on anything.

I mean come on if you have been growing for a little bit you have learnt by now that what the breeder says it is or the pic you see on the website is not necesarily what your going to get. Yeah its fucking shit but at the end of the day if you do your research and buy carefully you wont get stung. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

2? a whole 2 strains were fire for you? thats awesome. How about 25 different ones, maybe you were selling off as legit cuts then YOU and your reputation came into play with all the fake pics you pasted to share, even if you didnt know they were fake. that would suck right?
Or taking the time to clean up genetics is expensive, but worthwhile if fake to begin with?
I have two super strains from GP also. Raindance and Shaq Candy. The other half packs remain forever in cold storage now.
I will disagree based on word direct from the horses mouth and experience. They couldn't run as many plates and it is much harder in a down pour or when view is obscured to profile and they refused to risk their lives anymore than necessary (one of the main reasons they target the old and women). There were more cops in blizzards and ice but they were busy...very busy and they aren't interdiction. Each area could be different, but they 100% refused to go out in snow and ice (interdiction) and I never see them when it storms which was especially useful in Florida since it happens every other day or daily =) Now to buttress this you are an idiot if you are trying to do anything in a natural disaster or something similar lol...
and the honest truth is, unless they think you are a big fish or have a red flag, popo don't really like to get out in the downpours, usually working wrecks and looking for drunks. At least in my area. Snitches are usually the one that cause the biggest ruckuses, not getting caught transporting, but rentals or uhauls or not having all paperwork ready if pulled over, all big mistakes. I still hear if you watch what you are doing, and take some precautions, the mail wagin is the best way, albeit not big ole biguns.
Show us the utility that you claim to have used to search the internet for pics that are identical greenpoint.
That's some powerful shit!!!
Did you scan pics of all his strains individually?

How long does it take to search the entire internet?

I still smell bullshit...

you dont have to search the entire internet right....only until you find what you're looking for. Took 12 seconds for me to do a reverse search on the same pic to see the same thing Heisen sees.

Yeah i get that. My point isnt to defend him. Im just saying dont race out and buy a pack of seeds that has not been tested just because it has wedding cake written on it yeah?

Tons of you all jumped on those seeds when they were released without testing. This is called speaking with your wallet and what it is saying is its ok to release untested genetics.
Bottom line, pictures sell. This isn't something new. I been collecting since before 9/11
you dont have to search the entire internet right....only until you find what you're looking for. Took 12 seconds for me to do a reverse search on the same pic to see the same thing Heisen sees.

Yep, just right click on pic. Scroll to the last line which is Google Image Search. And click and there it is.
Damn Gu!
Take pics of what these seeds are you're selling.
Don't use other growers pics. This is 2018 dude.
This is gonna leave a mark.
Everything you've stated is solid advice...except this one. If the LEOs see someone traveling in shitty weather, they'll follow. Every single time. Do not ride dirty in bad weather. Everyone thinks cops don't want to stand out in that shit and give tickets but its just the opposite. Not to mention if you're not familiar with the road you risk getting hung up...or worse.
During the summer its just the opposite especially weekends because they're too busy to be overly observant.

I wouldn't kid ya. My work radio was programmed on the same frequencies as LE and fire.
Thanks for the advice. However, I must say that I've seen on YouTube videos made by an ex drug interdiction officer who became a stoner and actually released DVD's trying to help other stoners not get busted. He specifically said that one should always try to travel with it in the rain. Of course, he didn't say extreme weather, and I can see why the police might think it was odd if you were traveling in extreme weather. But in rain that wouldn't look too abnormal at all.

Also, I should mention another thing that he said. He looked for bumper stickers that would indicate someone who was a church-goer or something that indicated somebody was not a stoner. He would pull those people over thinking that they might put the bumper sticker there to throw the police off. These guys are not stupid.
I dont buy shit from logic and i havent spent over a thousand dollars with Logic,If you can cough up a receipt stating otherwise Ill fly out to CO and kiss Gu's ass.
Not sure what this has to do with Greenpoint seeds other than the fact im a moderator on THC Farmer forum which is not the seed store.You have no idea the connections i have made over there and people i deal with.If you saw my mom room right now you would be over there asking logic to be a mod to.As a matter of fact message me your resume i think a spot just opened up.I can make that happen for you.
as a matter of fact
Why dont you head over to the Greenpoint forum and let everyone know about the fake pics or ICMAG greenpoint thread.exactly my point,Not my monkeys not my circus.
You don’t post about logic is the point. Why treat gu differently? It’s hypocritical to me
Yep. Forgot about BOG. That old dudes been around a while and his wife is the sweetest woman.

Bodhi has the most vast collection of genetics of any breeder I've encountered. I might still have the link saved to a post he made yrs ago about his fridge. It went on for pages and pages. I cant remember if it was Seedbay or Breedbay. Could've been both as they both have tons of info on his lines, testers, males...pretty much everything.
I used to be on the Bodhi thread frequently but I got hung up running way too many chems and chucks the last few months. I'll be posting there again soon though. I germed a new round of some old and new stuff.

You're right, the seed game is full of all kinds of twisted fuckery. At the end the day though, I'm happy to be growing. Just gotta watch where ya drop the big money :wink:

And thank you for the well wishes. A few more days of antibiotics and I'll be back to myself...somewhat.
As I'm collecting genetics this year, I've been eyeing bogs stuff. I was looking at Instagram pictures, and the Lifesaver sounded really good to me, but the pictures of it pretty much look like home grown Mexican schwag, not frosty at all. A few pages back someone posted that they had grown that Lifesaver and it was just really bad. From what I can tell it seems that the sour bubble is pretty much his top, but he's honest about the fact that it is prone to mold and mildew. However, Swami seeds used bogs blue moon rocks in one of his lines, so it must apparently be pretty good. But, if I remember correctly, in the seed description, Swami says there were intersex issues and the blue moon rocks had to be culled after a lengthy process to some avail.
Which accounts for approximately half of all people, at least half of the time.
Bottom line, pictures sell. This isn't something new. I been collecting since before 9/11

Yep, just right click on pic. Scroll to the last line which is Google Image Search. And click and there it is.
Damn Gu!
Take pics of what these seeds are you're selling.
Don't use other growers pics. This is 2018 dude.
This is gonna leave a mark.
I see web developers doing shit like this all the time, sometimes business owners are not aware, but usually they are willfully being cheap asses about content. In this case, I feel there are too many red flags to be an accident. I noticed a long time ago the Blizzard Bush pic was a shot of Pura Vida, I think it was straight from Bodhi, but that seemed okay to me and I didn’t dig further. But then Heisen got wound up about the veracity of Gu~’s cuts, and did the digging.

You are an abrasive motherfucker, @Heisengrow, you spell like shit and you sound like a backwater hick on youtube, I hate tattoos and biker culture and that whole scene, (I grew up around it and my stepdad is an artist who had a tattoo shop for about a decade.) I also fucking hate Florida except for the fish and reptiles, I guess I just have a strong distaste for Floridians, and you don’t even smoke weed...but in spite of my vast personal prejudces against almost everything about your world; I’ll be damned if your brain doesn’t work just fine and you bring real value to a lot of threads, including this one. Thanks for putting weight behind your assertions by doing a little research. I have a lot of respect for that, sincerely. (Your YouTube channel is actually pretty cool, I am fucking with you, the part about hating tattoo culture is true, but keep up the work on the channel.)

Misrepresentation of hot hype-strains using totally unrelated pics? Not cool, GPS. Taking pictures is hard, growing takes a lot of time, everyone loves a chance at a cash grab but at what cost, long term? Is GPS a real grown up company or a fly by night racket? I don’t think the trend looks good at the moment. I like a lot of folks in this thread, I love some of the girls I popped from GPS, but I am definitely done sending them any money until something changes. We are even looking for a different CBD product supplier, on principle. Sad and surprising
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you sound like a backwater hick on youtube, but I’ll be damned if your brain doesn’t work just fine
It's funny that you say this. After growing up in Washington state, and then spending my adult life in the southeast, it's funny how many of us perceive people with southern accents as not being smart, but I know from direct experience that some people that sound like complete hicks are some of the most intelligent, creative, and ingenious people I've ever met.
Which accounts for approximately half of all people, at least half of the time.

I see web developers doing shit like this all the time, sometimes business owners are not aware, but usually they are willfully being cheap asses about content. In this case, I feel there are too many red flags to be an accident. I noticed a long time ago the Blizzard Bush pic was a shot of Pura Vida, I think it was straight from Bodhi, but that seemed okay to me and I didn’t dig further. But then Heisen got wound up about it and did the digging.

You are an abrasive motherfucker, @Heisengrow, you spell like shit and you sound like a backwater hick on youtube, but I’ll be damned if your brain doesn’t work just fine and you bring real value to a lot of threads, including this one. Thanks for putting weight behind your assertions by doing a little research. I have a lot of respect for that, sincerely. (Your YouTube channel is actually pretty cool, I am fucking with you, keep up the work on that.)

Misrepresentation of hot hype-strains using totally unrelated pics? Not cool, GPS. Taking pictures is hard, growing takes a lot of time, everyone loves a chance at a cash grab but at what cost, long term? Is GPS a real grown up company or a fly by night racket? I don’t think the trend looks good at the moment. I like a lot of folks in this thread, I love some of the girls I popped from GPS, but I am definitely done sending them any money until something changes. We are even looking for a different CBD product supplier, on principle. Sad and surprising

In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
you're one honest sunofabitch and I love you for it:hug:
It's funny that you say this. After growing up in Washington state, and then spending my adult life in the southeast, it's funny how many of us perceive people with southern accents as not being smart, but I know from direct experience that some people that sound like complete hicks are some of the most intelligent, creative, and ingenious people I've ever met.
It is absolutely true, I am just trying to fuck with the man a touch. Plenty of hicks in the northwest too, they sound different but they are not smarter.

British accents are the opposite of this, I have met some real morons who speak the queen’s English and it is weirdly easy to assume they are smart.
Hey guys, have had a long break for me. However, in a new house at the moment and I found this crazy loud ticking noise coming from this box/picture I posted below. Thing is so loud, damn. This house is super upgraded and very very nice. I highly doubt this technology matches the house. Any ideas what this thing is??? The light switch next to it that I am guessing controls it, shows that it is in the off position. So it should absolutely not be ticking. The people working on the house who have done all upgrades/built the house, really are very good and know what they are doing. Please help me figure this out if it is anything to need fixing asap. Thanks!

Ticking in House.jpg