If you had money to make more money with....?


Well-Known Member
If you had a lump of cash, not retirement money, but a useful amount...say 10-40k.... something like that, what would you do to tunt it into more money?

There's obvious answers, selling crack to school kids, building a massive grow room, stock market etc....but what about something you can tell the tax man about? What can you buy low sell high? What's something you can buy from China, rebrand and turn out?

What have you Mericans got coming out of your ears that people in Europe are crying out for?

This is a hypothetical situation, I haven't even robbed the post office yet, but when I do I want to make good with the dirty money. Really build a future for my kids so they don't have to suck off old men for pocket change.

All suggestions gratefully received. :)
An online church is a good idea....fuck dealing with actual sheep. I could pray for people for a donation. The bigger the donation the harder I pray.
I could probably make something quite professional using SquareSpace, but then I'd still have all the pesky cash hanging around
Well i still think invest in cannabis stocks. The shit is just going to keep going up.
But diversify your portfolio in many cannabis stocks and blue chips

The grower will get screwed but the corp will turn it into a profit business based on cost etc. We missed the hayday by 18 months sort of

I got in a year ago, :D worth it. I am retiring soon.
Oh yeah....property is king. OMG no wealth could have accumulated faster than the speed of property.
Some simple ideas like a new car air freshener design can make someone a million in a month, you hear all sorts of mad stories from friends from china in business
I've been buying vans and busses and converting them.into motorhomes for a couple of years, it pays ok and itsi work on my own terms, thats kind of like pocket real estate.
I don't believe there's such thing as EASY money, but a spatula/dildo combo might be the closest idea to it I've heard yet....