First time using acid, a little help?


Hey there. So I know this is a marijuana-specific website, but while using the search bar to find my answer, almost all related threads were from way back when. Hopefully I can get the answer I need here and now, though. (Forgive me also if you read this before I added an avatar).

So I’m getting 3 acid tabs for myself today. I was planning on dropping tonight (it’s a Wednesday) and either Friday or Saturday night. Dropping tonight, I’ll be alone and riding through it solo. Friday/Saturday I’ll be with some buddies.

I can’t decide if I should take 1 tonight, then the other two in a couple days due to quick tolerance buildup, or half a tab tonight and 1 full tab, or a tab and a half in a couple days (maybe 2 and a half? I don’t know, doesn’t sound too great an idea for a newbie on this supposedly wonderous chemical).

I don’t want my second trip to be complete ass, since I’m sure my buddies will be off their rocks, but I also hear that relaxing solo in your bed and cruising to some music can be even better. I just don’t want my first time to be lame, because I hear LSD is pretty life changing, and I want my life to change for the better as much as possible lol.

Any thoughts? Help? I’m open to everything you guys have to offer, since like I said, I’m a greenhorn when it comes to psychedelics period. I have tripped on DPH (deliriant) a couple times, so I’m not too worried about a bad trip (if you’ve ever tripped on DPH you know exactly what I’m talking about. Nasty shit).

Thanks in advance
By yourself? First time? Err on the side of caution. I wouldn't try anything over 1/2. Even when you're experienced, it's nice to have someone there to keep you grounded when a full blown trip starts getting intense. Disclaimer, I've never done a deliriant.
Last time I got high on DPH, I talked to my ex girlfriend for half an hour only for her to disappear in front of my eyes. I watched a rock turn into a violently convulsing daddy long legs, my reflection turned into a demon and tried to get me to kill myself, and my blanket turned into a giant scorpion while it was on top of me.

As far as the acid goes however, I will have someone in the house, but they’re not interested in trip sitting. I can go to them should my trip go to shit though, they just won’t be watching over me the whole time.
Last time I got high on DPH, I talked to my ex girlfriend for half an hour only for her to disappear in front of my eyes. I watched a rock turn into a violently convulsing daddy long legs, my reflection turned into a demon and tried to get me to kill myself, and my blanket turned into a giant scorpion while it was on top of me.

As far as the acid goes however, I will have someone in the house, but they’re not interested in trip sitting. I can go to them should my trip go to shit though, they just won’t be watching over me the whole time.

Wow! :shock: ..if all that negative shit happened to me I would seriously question if tripping was what I wanted to be doing? Good luck!
Wow! :shock: ..if all that negative shit happened to me I would seriously question if tripping was what I wanted to be doing? Good luck!
I guess ‘trip’ is the wrong term for what happens to you on DPH. It’s more of a complete mindfuck, and your brain won’t let you distinguish reality from fantasy. Most bad hallucinations are bugs, things you fear most, or bad things you’ve been thinking about prior to taking it. Not many good hallucinations, and if any, good isn’t the right word.

But lsd doesn’t seem to be anything like that from what I’ve heard.
I guess ‘trip’ is the wrong term for what happens to you on DPH. It’s more of a complete mindfuck, and your brain won’t let you distinguish reality from fantasy. Most bad hallucinations are bugs, things you fear most, or bad things you’ve been thinking about prior to taking it. Not many good hallucinations, and if any, good isn’t the right word.

But lsd doesn’t seem to be anything like that from what I’ve heard.

I guess!? :shock: Dude I've tripped my share and I grew a lot of shrooms back in the last century (thanks PF) and I've had a couple bad trips but never anything like you described? I quit tripping in 96 so I was just casually reading but when you said all that shit I was like what the fuck?? Wow!? Anyway you should probably start on half a tab as you can always adjust up, but you can't always turn it down! :peace:
I guess!? :shock: Dude I've tripped my share and I grew a lot of shrooms back in the last century (thanks PF) and I've had a couple bad trips but never anything like you described? I quit tripping in 96 so I was just casually reading but when you said all that shit I was like what the fuck?? Wow!? Anyway you should probably start on half a tab as you can always adjust up, but you can't always turn it down! :peace:
Tell me about it. And it’s Benadryl. You can ‘trip’ off your ass all night for 4 bucks (though I really wouldn’t recommend anybody every try it. Shit sucks.)

I like what I hear about acid though, and I feel as though my learning experiences with DPH has somewhat prepared me for the worst.
You will be fine. If its real acid and not some other chemical BS like CE or some other amphetamine based garbage.

Some nice soft music or visuals or a nature walk would be stellar.

Take the whole thing.

Never take more if you are already tripping.
You got a lady friend who might want to spend some time with you? I know my first trip with cid was a lot more mental than I was anticipating.. It was really nice to talk things out while getting a back rub etc.. Solo trips.. I will start doing a bunch of laundry, old time tv, and watching the clock feel like its going backward instead of figuring out the cosmos or star surfing.. Have fun.. and set the mood.. dont drop if your in an argument or stressed out etc..
Don't drop tonight!!!! You won't be able to get off when you trip with your buddies! If you trip on 1 hit today, it will take two hits tomorrow for the same effect
Don't drop tonight!!!! You won't be able to get off when you trip with your buddies! If you trip on 1 hit today, it will take two hits tomorrow for the same effect
I was asking if taking 1/2-1 tab today and 1/2-2 1/2 tabs Friday/Saturday would still get me high..
Taking 1/2 tab is like taking half a poop. Wait for your friends, you won't regret it. Trust me, I have taken over 1000 hits of acid in my lifetime, some good family shit and some terrible stuff. My friends always made my trip, the stories, the memories . . . An adventure into your soul need not be takin alone.
I was asking if taking 1/2-1 tab today and 1/2-2 1/2 tabs Friday/Saturday would still get me high..

Like Rado said 1/2 a hit is a waste.

I would wait. Sure the anxiety might be a little high leading into it. I always have a couple drinks to level me out as I slide in.

If you have friends around (also on) you will have a better time. Maybe a sober sitter to go get stuff or help keep things safe.
Like Rado said 1/2 a hit is a waste.

I would wait. Sure the anxiety might be a little high leading into it. I always have a couple drinks to level me out as I slide in.

If you have friends around (also on) you will have a better time. Maybe a sober sitter to go get stuff or help keep things safe.
Is that delivery or DiGiorno's haaaaaaa
Ive dropped acid and smoked salvia and took salvia drops all by myself plenty of times. I never killed no body. Even myself.