potent edibles online in canada>


Well-Known Member
im looking for good potent edibles from an online dispensary.....has anyone tried any high quality edibles from a canadian online dispensary you can recommend?i cant smoke weed anymore,my lungs are fucked
eating it and burning or vaping are 180 degrees opposite. Unless its pure cbd
Ingesting has an opiate effect .
I think this edible deal is going to go south fast when people realize ..same goes with drinkin the shit lol
people nodding off at the wheel lol :sleep:
They dont test for opiates!!:wall::idea::cuss::roll:

An effect like smoking now................................without burning or vaping it for some, would be key!
but it aint possible that we know of...
i just asked for a dispensary....i want edibles.ive been growing/consuming for 40 years,i know all about the different highs....
If you can acquire some good oil at a decent price you can make your own for the least amount of money. Then you can make them any strength you prefer. To me that would be cheaper than paying someone else to make them and mark them up as well. do it your self in this case is the way to go. You just need a cheap oil source. Look for the best online dispensary pricing you can find on oil.
I've tried hundreds of edibles both bought and made by me or a friend. I haven't had so much as a head rush from edibles in 20 years. I wish they worked for me, discreet and virtually undetectable at a roadside checkpoint.
I think the days of online sales of edibles and oil is coming to an end, at least for now. Everything will need government licensing and they are not going to let anyone bypass the tax man. I was talking to the owner of our little dispensary and they are closing at the end of the month. Apparently BC requires you to own a minimum of six stores to get a license.We have a winter population of less than 3000 - we only need one!
my point would have been along with what hippy said..
not sure why people would buy expensive cookies when they could make their own gummies chocolate..etc
are you new?i need to have material to make edibles dummy.....think before you type dumbass
all i asked was a simple question and cant get one solid answer.....
Not sure why you respond to people who are trying to help you with such hostility and anger. Even if it's not the help you're looking for that is their intention.