The Daily Nugg,

Favorite time to smoke

  • Morning

    Votes: 70 24.3%
  • Afternoon

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • Nighttime

    Votes: 68 23.6%
  • Naked while yelling at strangers

    Votes: 124 43.1%

  • Total voters
I’ve been trying to find Spinosad products available in aus and the only ones I’ve come across so far are targeted only to fruit flies. I found the one you mentioned above on eBay for about $30 but the postage is thru the roof! I’ll keep looking tho.
I’m looking into the regalia too that’s something I could def benefit from.

Why did u say to stay away from neem? Did u mean in flower or just in general?
Spinosaid would be the active ingredient, look for any other activies then make the decision weather or not to use. The spino will be effective on fungus nats, you would be not following the labeled instructions tho, so in the us that would be a federal crime. You could find one that is, figure the concentration listed for a soil drench then use that conc.

I dont like neem cause 1) its systemic, and 2) the odor. I wont use it at all. I dont think regalia will help ypu either. I'll let c2g speak to her reasons.

Improving soil aeration will help (shale, perlite...) currently Im revegging a couple of plants, they arent using much water at all and i have a bit of a fungus gnat issue, to keep the soil from being too moist I took a container that was same size as one plants are in, taped up all the holes hooked a shopvac up to it and viola the extra water gets sucked out the bottom. Also, 10-20 get sucked up in the process.
Didn't even vent go to the shop yesterday. I needed some alone garden time and sleep. Worked on my girls at them all tidied up and added some more supports. Looking at a staggered harvest for sure. Slept up at the farm while it was hot and then did some pest prevention hopefullyfor the last time. They are looking good and already have buds the size of my arm on some.

Morning penis
Spinosaid would be the active ingredient, look for any other activies then make the decision weather or not to use. The spino will be effective on fungus nats, you would be not following the labeled instructions tho, so in the us that would be a federal crime. You could find one that is, figure the concentration listed for a soil drench then use that conc.

I dont like neem cause 1) its systemic, and 2) the odor. I wont use it at all. I dont think regalia will help ypu either. I'll let c2g speak to her reasons.

Improving soil aeration will help (shale, perlite...) currently Im revegging a couple of plants, they arent using much water at all and i have a bit of a fungus gnat issue, to keep the soil from being too moist I took a container that was same size as one plants are in, taped up all the holes hooked a shopvac up to it and viola the extra water gets sucked out the bottom. Also, 10-20 get sucked up in the process.

My reasons are the same as yours and systemics are necessary at times. As for Neem no matter when I've used it my plants taste like it. So I don't use it since there are much better alternatives, for effectiveness, ease of application and side effects. @Diabolical666 tasted someone's flowers that all tasted the same; like Neem. She tried to help but they knew better LOL.

I had a Lucky Charm clone I did not want to lose. It's the best high I've had in ages but it had systemic Powdery Mildew. I started spraying, then root drenching with Regalia. Since we are endemic here for Thrips there is no way to keep them completely out of your grow room unless you go to Biohazard levels of quarantine; ie outer clean room, positive pressure internally and multiple air exchanges per hour via Hepa filter. It's simply not worth it. So I prophylactically use Spinosad once a week during flower to keep the them knocked back.

I sprayed and drenched with Regalia and ended up with zero Thrips. Far surpassing Spinosad's performance So although it's intended usage may not list Thrips it completely eradicated mine. Since the smallest they had was a gallon if I see another Thrip I'm going with a Regalia drench and spray to see if my past experience can be repeated. I would not expect that from a biofungicide so I'm curious to see if it works again because correlation is not causation.

I still have Monterey Spinosad on hand to use as necessary and wouldn't have a garden without it.
Spinosaid would be the active ingredient, look for any other activies then make the decision weather or not to use. The spino will be effective on fungus nats, you would be not following the labeled instructions tho, so in the us that would be a federal crime. You could find one that is, figure the concentration listed for a soil drench then use that conc.

I dont like neem cause 1) its systemic, and 2) the odor. I wont use it at all. I dont think regalia will help ypu either. I'll let c2g speak to her reasons.

Improving soil aeration will help (shale, perlite...) currently Im revegging a couple of plants, they arent using much water at all and i have a bit of a fungus gnat issue, to keep the soil from being too moist I took a container that was same size as one plants are in, taped up all the holes hooked a shopvac up to it and viola the extra water gets sucked out the bottom. Also, 10-20 get sucked up in the process.
I wasn’t looking for those products in regards to fungus gnats. The regalia is something I could benefit from concerning potential mold outbreak. My usual go to for pests is azamax, which doesn’t actually contain neem oil at all.

I was looking into Spinosad out of curiosity and it’s always good to change things up a bit, even tho I’m pretty sure I remember reading azamax is one particular spray pests can’t form resistance to.
I also use insecticidal soap which I’m happy with too.
The main problem I’m having atm is that I can’t spray anything at all (hence the sticky cards) because Im too scared to get any overspray on a bulb and have it pop on me.
I wasn’t looking for those products in regards to fungus gnats. The regalia is something I could benefit from concerning potential mold outbreak. My usual go to for pests is azamax, which doesn’t actually contain neem oil at all.
View attachment 4192336

I was looking into Spinosad out of curiosity and it’s always good to change things up a bit, even tho I’m pretty sure I remember reading azamax is one particular spray pests can’t form resistance to.
I also use insecticidal soap which I’m happy with too.
The main problem I’m having atm is that I can’t spray anything at all (hence the sticky cards) because Im too scared to get any overspray on a bulb and have it pop on me.

Ok here's how you do it. Wait for your lights to go out, spray, everything is dry by morning or burns off as the light turns on. Use a flashlight if you need to.
Ok here's how you do it. Wait for your lights to go out, spray, everything is dry by morning or burns off as the light turns on. Use a flashlight if you need to.
That’s what I thought to do too but I’d probably have to wait an amount of time for the bulbs to cool wouldn’t I? I have a green light torch I could use.
But then the next problem is by that time it’s dinner bathing and bed time too, lol.
I guess I could organise one evening that his dad takes charge for once!
I wasn’t looking for those products in regards to fungus gnats. The regalia is something I could benefit from concerning potential mold outbreak. My usual go to for pests is azamax, which doesn’t actually contain neem oil at all.
View attachment 4192336

I was looking into Spinosad out of curiosity and it’s always good to change things up a bit, even tho I’m pretty sure I remember reading azamax is one particular spray pests can’t form resistance to.
I also use insecticidal soap which I’m happy with too.
The main problem I’m having atm is that I can’t spray anything at all (hence the sticky cards) because Im too scared to get any overspray on a bulb and have it pop on me.
I have not used azamax, I imagine it would not have the same residual taste/odor as neem but is still systemic and IIRC requires 6 weeks before harvest? Regailia and the other products made by that company look interisting tho, thanks for sharing. My .02, I think you're far enough along I wouldnt spray anything.
Girls are fed and looking heavy. Got some indacas that are bicep size with a month to go still. My sativas are starting to stack decent but look like nothing sitting next to there indica sisters. The Thai plants are doing great. I ended up with some good parents from a lemon and a mango. Super thin leaves and beautiful structure. So I have some gals if each going as well as a male and female in the mini house on the other property near my house. Well away from Fuck Farms. I wish it was as easy as throwing a mango and a lemon together and having both characteristics......(sigh) oh well, took me almost a decade to get the Bubbas where their at. Ive got high hopes though. It's been years since I've seen such huge skinny sativa leaves with the exception of my SSH ........I knew I held on to these beans for a reason.

Gotta go water the parents and head for the shop.......Morning Penis
*right arm fist pump*
Was gonna search for the little kid fist pump meme but decided nah


Lol.....every time I walk by my seed storage I think about you.

Watch for the pigeon. He should be landing on your head with in a week from now. I tied the letter to his penis. In all fairness I thought it was his leg. He's named after me.

Might wanna wear gloves when you remove the letter. He's a feisty one.
Lol.....every time I walk by my seed storage I think about you.

Watch for the pigeon. He should be landing on your head with in a week from now. I tied the letter to his penis. In all fairness I thought it was his leg. He's named after me.

Might wanna wear gloves when you remove the letter. He's a feisty one.

I figured I'd use my mouth to remove the letter... they seem to be more willing to "release" their load.
So that dude at the shop got caught doing drugs((hard drugs)) and drinking with the new pill cam. So my brother confronted him and it was a mess to say the least. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. Even had to check him a few times during his rant. Only when he said threatening shit. He would calm right down and then work himself back up. I'm not sure if he's the postal type. But I got 6 reasons it wouldn't go well for him if he did decide to be foolish.I'm almost finished watering then off to the shop I go.

The dude actually came with the shop when my brother bought it. Long story, but he was never suppose to stay from the beginning.

Should be exciting. People get very nervous in high stress situations. I just stay calm and let homeboy know I'm in control always regardless of how crazy he thinks he is. Even my brother and the other artist were surprised at how I handled that fool like 4 times for trying to get physical crazy with shit at the shop. He's a talker. It's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for.