Recommend $300 budget light..... For a friend

The downside to the heatsink just seems to be the added cost VS a board that doesnt need one.

Since I'm only interested in a 300-400watt setup it seems you can possibly use the qb's without heatsinks

I'm willing to make an aluminum frame just because I have alot leftover
The downside to the heatsink just seems to be the added cost VS a board that doesnt need one.

Since I'm only interested in a 300-400watt setup it seems you can possibly use the qb's without heatsinks

I'm willing to make an aluminum frame just because I have alot leftover
No disrespect, but 4xQB120s cost $125 and are max rated at 274W (4x 68.4W)

2x QB324s with heatsinks are $139 and max rated at 320W - but in reality will go up to 350-360W with no active cooling (we're running them at 400W).

That's $14 more for an easy 50-80W including heatsinks and arguably a better flowering spectrum.

As always, the decision's yours.
Darn I'm kinda bummed there are no lights without heatsink with a good veg spectrum

Because he is running autoflowers 18hr a day he is set of more blue spectrum that the 3000 board provides
Go over to LED Gardner, he strongly recommends 3000k to 3500k for the color temperature to get if you want to use the lights for both veg and flower
Darn I'm kinda bummed there are no lights without heatsink with a good veg spectrum

Because he is running autoflowers 18hr a day he is set of more blue spectrum that the 3000 board provides
Also, what's the big deal with heat sinks when the link I gave you to the qb288 that come with heat sinks cost the same as the four other boards without heatsinks? By the way, they were available when I first started telling you about it but you let them sell out. I tried to warn you
The downside to the heatsink just seems to be the added cost VS a board that doesnt need one.

Since I'm only interested in a 300-400watt setup it seems you can possibly use the qb's without heatsinks

I'm willing to make an aluminum frame just because I have alot leftover
Dude, two groups of four QB132s in 3500k just appeared back on Amazon! No heat sinks or frames required. This is the color temperature that I use for veg and flower and it works beautifully, really tight nodes in veg and really rock hard buds in flower. Better hurry.
They are sold out sorry I missed that. Im sorry if I sound misinformed, its because I am, and have not done diligent research, if it were my own project and money being spent I spend hours learning before asking for help. I was just hoping to recomend a good light for a friend to blowout a 3x3 or even up to 4x4

Im not against heatsinks, I didnt actually cost compare them when I said that, I just assumed it would be more money for a comparable LED board wih a heatsink

He is still interested in pulling the trigger on a light setup, and I will mention 3500 is perfectly fine for veg aswell. Cheers and thank you @TPTB73
this stuff is still available. i stand by this recommendation. comes 3000k or 4000k. there is an assembly video by led gardener on youtube. he puts together 3 of these in half an hour. its not hard.

I just built exactly this except with v1 slates. Really digging it. Compares well with the strip builds I've done. Still to new to say better or worse but it appears to be crushing so far.
Spare a thought for HLG
They list a couple of 4 packs on Amazon and voom, they are gone
List a couple more 4 packs and voom they are gone again

Any cunning sod who really wants them would need to check their listings twice a day

Throw some alloy extrusions at them they look nifty doohicky
Come on now, let's not exaggerate. They've been in stock for months and then just ran out last week.
Just to proof test, you are not a top hps grower. So in reality, you are like one of those chavs who put slick wheels on a 1.1 fiesta?.

No just not going down the same path which i know where leads. Too long in the tooth for that ill tested led v hps crap that gets played off everyday.

Im a grower and member with my eyes open not shut, where am i wrong on anything anywhere?

Still leds get a bad rap and hps is still not extinct, bend them facts with your ppfd.... :-)
No just not going down the same path which i know where leads. Too long in the tooth for that ill tested led v hps crap that gets played off everyday.

Im a grower and member with my eyes open not shut, where am i wrong on anything anywhere?

Still leds get a bad rap and hps is still not extinct, bend them facts with your ppfd.... :-)

Yet 95% of your posts are hating led, even in topics not related you keep bringing it up or referencing it since you have some egotistical desire for everybody to validate your bias stance. Too long in the tooth?, more like nose, Pinocchio ^^.

Where are you wrong on anything? ''wind isn't natural'' -Kingrow1 2018. Seems to me your eyes are wide shut, it's your mouth that's wide open.

All techs get a bad rep in some way, you just seem to latch onto one issue you have with led while overlooking issues with hps. Nobody said hps is extinct.. diesel cars are not extinct either, that don't make them as good as cleaner energy. Again, I have to tell you that I've not once mentioned ppfd, eyes open you say?. But then of course, you are not really talking to me are you?.. it's meant for some guy you had a ppfd argument with probably months ago..
No just not going down the same path which i know where leads. Too long in the tooth for that ill tested led v hps crap that gets played off everyday.

Im a grower and member with my eyes open not shut, where am i wrong on anything anywhere?

Still leds get a bad rap and hps is still not extinct, bend them facts with your ppfd.... :-)
I will show you exactly where you are wrong. It is based on logic and documented (historic) yield - please try to follow.

Exhibit A - grow room. Please examine the photo below and answer the following questions:

There are eight 3'x3' stations in this room. Six stations are lit by 600W HPS. Two stations are lit by 400W LED. Which stations in the photo benefit most from overlapping light from neighbouring and adjacent stations?
Answer: the station in the middle of the room - it benefits from overlapping light from two neighbouring stations and five adjacent stations.

Which station most benefits next?
Answer: Middle station on the right- it benefits from overlapping light from two neighbouring stations, three adjacent stations, and reflected (ambient) light from the wall next to it.

You are following this so far? Good. The fact that the middle and right rows each have three HPS lights overlapping, and also benefit from ambient light from three adjacent stations, means these rows have the biggest light advantages.

The row that benefits least is the LED row on the left, that has only two neighbouring lights and three adjacent lights.

Advantage: HPS
Disadvantage: LED


Exhibit B - LED station. Please examine the photo below and answer the following questions:

How many plants are there in each LED station, and where are they situated?
Answer: two, diagonally opposite.

Are there any "holes" in the screen"?
Answer: Yes - front right and back left, corresponding to the structure of each diagonal plant.

Do the plants closest the adjacent HPS row get additional ambient light?
Answer: Yes

Do the HPS plants in the other rows also get additional ambient light?
Answer: Yes

Do the LED plants get a light advantage over the other HPS plants?
Answer: No - as explained above, with reference to first photo.

Which bud in the photo is biggest?
Answer: Right in the middle, next to the wall, with the bleached white top.

Are the buds nearest the wall noticeably smaller than others?
Answer: No. There are holes in the screen matrix corresponding to individual plant structures, but the buds themselves are not noticeably smaller.


Final questions:

If the LED stations, on average, produce the same yields as the HPS stations - despite being powered by only 400W compared to 600W, and despite having the biggest disadvantage in terms of overlapping ambient light - does this prove that LED is more efficient than HPS?
Answer: Most certainly

Is Kingrow1 full of shit?
Answer: Clearly he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about and has no idea about light matrices and yield per watt.

End of argument.
Two hard facts you miss and are undisputable -

1- leds trolled 95% of this site, they aint plesant and their science is poor.

2- Greater minds than you and i asked if wind was needed or not, they used the term natural when they wrote the paper. The found the plant neither needs or wants it but i dont expect you lesser growers to be anywhere near my level or understand stuff like leaf thermals and free cooling vs forced as most are mere weed growers not biologists. This rings true with your led info you copy and paste, its very low ppfd science and not accurate to what real growers are doing.

Fuck most recently you all struggled to read air temps let alonre know where to place q thermometer.... and im the wrong one here....

Fucking new to science growers are such dicks, give it a few tears to learn the correct sciene then get back to me in this forum :-)

Yet 95% of your posts are hating led, even in topics not related you keep bringing it up or referencing it since you have some egotistical desire for everybody to validate your bias stance. Too long in the tooth?, more like nose, Pinocchio ^^.

Where are you wrong on anything? ''wind isn't natural'' -Kingrow1 2018. Seems to me your eyes are wide shut, it's your mouth that's wide open.

All techs get a bad rep in some way, you just seem to latch onto one issue you have with led while overlooking issues with hps. Nobody said hps is extinct.. diesel cars are not extinct either, that don't make them as good as cleaner energy. Again, I have to tell you that I've not once mentioned ppfd, eyes open you say?. But then of course, you are not really talking to me are you?.. it's meant for some guy you had a ppfd argument with probably months ago..
You can grow without wind, we merely need to extract the heat and that causes air exchange enough for co2.

Many growers aint worked this stuff out and still have windy grow tents thinking the plant cant exchange gas inless its being blown on it.

I teach the pure grow science and can answer the relevant questions on wind light and heat, dont be fooled by the imitations, they learnt from grow books and stuff not pros :-)