Your statement proves my point better then anything I could say. Especially when the facts, including statements from Gu himself say otherwise.
It is widely known this gear is untested. But hey "it is just being sold to those who can't wait", "it is dogshit plain and simple and has been discontinued" ( almost a year ago now ) and something "blah blah blah I worked hard on this description for gelato 33 x stardawg" turns out it was cut and pasted from the description of gelato 33 already online. Wow musta been hard work to "write". And of course my personal favorite " I looked him in the eyes for hours" from the s1 bullshit. We can add the CC BS and all the BS of how he even got his male.
Karma is a bitch and people like Gu only make me appreciate breeders who actually put in the time and work that much more. I would be honored to run just about anything in the chuckers paradise thread before I would ever think of running this over hyped trash again.
Fan boys have at er.