Civil Discourse

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I do not wish to harm anyone, just do not force a person in that situation. As far as getting in a fight, I have encountered bullies in my lifetime, I stood up for myself and others, with no thanks wanted or needed, you win and you lose, if you make a stand you have never lost, even when you do lose, learn from it, use it to better yourself, do not be the victim nor the assailant, be just.
Cool. No worries. I agree.
I always stood up for myself too. But they were always bigger, until i was in my teens.

Glad we can get along.

I do have to ask though.
Would you turn away a 5yr old illegal child trying to cross the border without its parents?
If the answer is no, would you let them in if they were with their loving parents too?
Illegal is Illegal. Bus them back to Mexico, give them a good meal, maybe they can go home and fix their country.
Tangerine, I say what I mean, I mean what I say, I am clear, if you have a problem grasping it, that is your hang up, not mine.
Herb and suds, not a game, to many cookie cutter thinkers, very sad that ignorance is prevalent within most societies.
Tangerine, asylum for what, they were not allowed to ride their bike, herb and suds, those that accuse are usually the most guilty. Are you guilty H and S?
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