Leaf discoloration

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Those baby leaves usually wither and die 3-4 weeks after sprouting. Bottom leaves that touch the soil for any length of time usually yellow off and wither too. Try to keep the leaves from touching the soil but don't worry too much about that one yellowing bottom leaf. It will probably die on its own; pull it off then. Look to the newest growth and if those are yellowing then you may have a problem.


Those baby leaves usually wither and die 3-4 weeks after sprouting. Bottom leaves that touch the soil for any length of time usually yellow off and wither too. Try to keep the leaves from touching the soil but don't worry too much about that one yellowing bottom leaf. It will probably die on its own; pull it off then. Look to the newest growth and if those are yellowing then you may have a problem.
Not a nitrogen deficiency?


Not with fresh FFOF soil transplanted 4 days ago; this plant can't be more than a 3-4 weeks old. If the new growth from the top looks like that than yeah maybe but it's the baby leaves they always wither and die. Don't get out your nutes just yet...
Sorry for the pic with the lights on but the one in question is the top right. Everything looks great and has been the fastest grower so far.



gonna have to agree with richard here, don't break out the nutes just yet.
Got it. If other leaves start to yellow I will start nutes but for now just water as normal.

Thanks for the help. I’m a noobie and get worried when something is off


Well-Known Member
Got it. If other leaves start to yellow I will start nutes but for now just water as normal.

Thanks for the help. I’m a noobie and get worried when something is off
no worries, we were all there once. i'm sure you can find a post of me asking the same thing if you look hard enough, haha.


Well-Known Member
Just went to water them. The leaf was no worse and the rest of the plant is fine. So just water for them today and a quick pic of one of the Jack Frosts. I have to say it’s pretty addicting watching these things grow!
yes sir it is. how often are you watering him and how much?


Well-Known Member
Well that picture was taken just after watering. Normally it seems to be about 2 - 3 days between waterings and I water until I see a fair amount of runoff
do you soak your entire pot? for my 5 gal pots, i water 2-3gals of water every week or so, they love the cycle, especially when you let them get bone dry before you water.


do you soak your entire pot? for my 5 gal pots, i water 2-3gals of water every week or so, they love the cycle, especially when you let them get bone dry before you water.
What I do is soak the pot then go to the next one and the next until they are all watered. Then I go back to the first and soak it until there is run off. Today I only had about 1.5-2 gallons handy (I use deionized water) but it seemed to be a decent amount of run off. Also, I’m using 5 3 gallon pots and 1 1 gallon pot


do you soak your entire pot? for my 5 gal pots, i water 2-3gals of water every week or so, they love the cycle, especially when you let them get bone dry before you water.
I’m figuring out when to water. I used to wait until they would start to wilt but I didn’t really like doing that so I think today I watered them about 12 hours before wilting started (I check them twice a day 12 hours apart). Every time I water I notice the growth goes crazy.


Well-Known Member
I’m figuring out when to water. I used to wait until they would start to wilt but I didn’t really like doing that so I think today I watered them about 12 hours before wilting started (I check them twice a day 12 hours apart). Every time I water I notice the growth goes crazy.
the only time they'll like it when you wait for them to wilt is if you heavily water them after. the LOVE that. that's what i was doing my last grow.
here's how i like to think of it, just like how your leaves want to reach for your light, your roots want to reach for moisture.
so in order to get them to reach for moisture, you water heavily and let it completely dry out, because the top layer of the soil will dry out first, and slowly start to dry out the rest of the pot. by soaking it, you're giving the roots plenty of room to go, and directing them to the bottom of your pot, which is exactly what you want.
for the 1 gallon pot use half a gallon of water.
3 gallons 1.5 gallons.
make sure you only water this heavily when they are 100% completely dry. your plants will be shocked about it at first, and will droop quite a bit, but it won't be a wilted type of droop. your leaves will look plump and filled almost. this is OKAY. 100% normal. after a while of doing this your plants will start to get used to it, and they won't even droop from being watered that much by the time you're into flower.
everyone has their own ways of watering though, so feel free to do it as you want, i suggest you try my way a few times and see if it works for you.


the only time they'll like it when you wait for them to wilt is if you heavily water them after. the LOVE that. that's what i was doing my last grow.
here's how i like to think of it, just like how your leaves want to reach for your light, your roots want to reach for moisture.
so in order to get them to reach for moisture, you water heavily and let it completely dry out, because the top layer of the soil will dry out first, and slowly start to dry out the rest of the pot. by soaking it, you're giving the roots plenty of room to go, and directing them to the bottom of your pot, which is exactly what you want.
for the 1 gallon pot use half a gallon of water.
3 gallons 1.5 gallons.
make sure you only water this heavily when they are 100% completely dry. your plants will be shocked about it at first, and will droop quite a bit, but it won't be a wilted type of droop. your leaves will look plump and filled almost. this is OKAY. 100% normal. after a while of doing this your plants will start to get used to it, and they won't even droop from being watered that much by the time you're into flower.
everyone has their own ways of watering though, so feel free to do it as you want, i suggest you try my way a few times and see if it works for you.
Quick question. Some of the bottom leaves are droopy. Is that because those lower leaves are not exposed to the light? Should I do something like LST?

