Drilling holes in stalk before harvest-bs right?


Well-Known Member
So i was just skyping with an old room mate. He said he was drilling holes thru his stalks near the base because hes harvesting in a few days. Tried to tell me it makes a noticable difference... ive heard it as a myth, pretty sure its nonsense bs. Hes a smart guy with 10 years experience so i was kinda blown away he does this. Total bs right? Like boiling the rootball and all the other myths
He tried to say it adds potentcy. Stressing em out all crazy their final last few days. Ive heard of it before but thought it had been proven to not have any benefit
Thats where im at. I cant believe he does it and believes it. Hes a smart dude with a very greenthumb, or at least he was
This guy should buy some leds and join here he would fit right in :-)

Any potency increase would be from cumulative stress over the entire flowering period and not just the last couple of days. That said it is not a technique used for weed but wine grapes are stressed to increase sugar content and flavinols etc etc but you end up with a low yeild.

It is endemic that the smartest growers also find the dumbest shit like some kind of latent magic is present in their fingers....
Did it back in the 70’s and nope, didnt seem to do shit lol. Pretty much tried every hippie myth out there and the best way to get potent good tasting product is leave it the fuck alone lol. Feeding and light is the key IMO. It’s kind of like supercropping imo. I do it but only as a last resort when I switched to late. It’s never increased a yield but it has fucked up a plant and pretty much the same as stick a nail through it lol. I’m still on the fence with some trimming methods indoors but haven’t had much luck with that either re yield increase.
Super-cropping is mostly used indoors when a plant gets out of control height.
It does help side branches catch up to the Cola/Top.
Super-cropping is mostly used indoors when a plant gets out of control height.
It does help side branches catch up to the Cola/Top.
Lol yes I know, re I wait to long. And yup the side branches catch up because you just bent the plant in half lol. It made a few of my White Russians turn into foxtailing mofos once. For me it’s a sign I fucked up and had to take drastic measures :(.
I used supercropping years before I ever grew a plant indoors along with topping. Lots of guys did. I learned it. Didn't invent it.

I wasn't claiming to have invented it...not sure where you get that from:confused:
I've never super-cropped outdoor plants, just topping mostly.
What is the point of outdoor supercropping?

Lol yes I know, re I wait to long. And yup the side branches catch up because you just bent the plant in half lol. It made a few of my White Russians turn into foxtailing mofos once. For me it’s a sign I fucked up and had to take drastic measures :(.

Foxtailing means you had heat issues through-out the room or genetics, I've never had super-cropping cause foxtailing…
It's not that drastic, they always recover within a day or 2 for me.
When growing from seed, you never know how much they will stretch + you get surprises sometimes.:hug:
I wasn't claiming to have invented it...not sure where you get that from:confused:
I've never super-cropped outdoor plants, just topping mostly.
What is the point of outdoor supercropping?

Foxtailing means you had heat issues through-out the room or genetics, I've never had super-cropping cause foxtailing…
It's not that drastic, they always recover within a day or 2 for me.
When growing from seed, you never know how much they will stretch + you get surprises sometimes.:hug:
Hiding it from rippers. Started growing on the border in 1966. Sativas getting 12' tall and easy to spot. We did whatever to hide them including from the air. Cops look for the color and a perfect round shape from above.
I super crop the top and bottom cannopies to stretch them out and get everything as much sun as possible. More lst on the bottom tho
I used supercropping years before I ever grew a plant indoors along with topping. Lots of guys did. I learned it. Didn't invent it.
And did you notice a difference in yield? Why were you doing it outdoors? I’ve found I get better yields outdoors by topping a couple of times and letting it do its thing. If it gets to tall I will do a bit of LST but yup tried all the stuff over the years. And yes why would you think anyone thought you invented it lol.
Edit: I read your last post, makes sense
And did you notice a difference in yield? Why were you doing it outdoors? I’ve found I get better yields outdoors by topping a couple of times and letting it do its thing. If it gets to tall I will do a bit of LST but yup tried all the stuff over the years. And yes why would you think anyone thought you invented it lol.
Uncle Ben's Secret Topping technique. Love that old thread. I did it because of cops and rippers. Sativas get kind of tall and noticeable . Especially in Fall.