Health Canada Testing of Cannabis for Medical Purposes for Unauthorized Pest Control Products

Why not provide some knowledge and answer the question? Seems everyone just slaps “poison” on anything that is sprayed on plants. Just cause you don’t like my information you could verify doesn’t make it false. Tell me how I could keep 2000sqft of rolling tables bug and pest free indefinitely.
I completely understand what your saying Manc. And I see your point. I think with the right VERY rigid setup it could be done. But as was said it would not be easy if any sloppyness was ignored.
I also agree the bigger the grow the harder it would be to control. Possible......but hard without some help.
The only solution is a near completely sealed room and entrances. It would require a lot of fucking with. Feet washing..air chamber entrance......
Personally I dont believe indoor growing at scale is possible without some kind of pest control or fungicides. Anyone that says different has never done it.
Im assuming IG means instagram? theres a trustworthy source of info
Off the top of my just have to separate the wheat from the chaff on IG.

Off the top of my just have to separate the wheat from the chaff on IG.

I know a dozen girls that are models...on instagram anyways. Ive heard of a couple of these breeders but who is growing commercially?
Nope! You were talking 2000 sq/ft of indoor. Don’t change the tune in the middle of the dance. Again, read a book and maybe your 30 lighter will finally pay off!
Maybe keep on topic. What your internet buddies say they do and what they actually do is 2 different things. Your small time tent doesn’t equate to commercial growing. I’m asking you and gb123, how do you keep 2000sqft pest free indefinitely?

Dman the southern ontario scammer, piss off weasel
I know a dozen girls that are models...on instagram anyways. Ive heard of a couple of these breeders but who is growing commercially?
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. If it comes out of as a mist and is sprayed....poison!!
You were talking 2000 sq/ft of indoor. Don’t change the tune in the middle of the dance. Again, read a book and maybe your 30 lighter will finally pay off!
That’s all I need to know, lack of knowledge just babbles like the scammer he is...would post pics of his name and number wasn’t in it
And again...the RAT in you surfaces! Just who did I scam?!?!
your damn right im going to out you as a scammer, take a hike pal. Youve ripped off, misrepresented your product more then 3-4 times ive heard about. Over pricing your outdoor seeded ditch trash as indoor and cant even take the product back. Your a bozo buddy. Ive helped people here sourcing deals for equipment, licenses, dispensaries and have even given meds and clones away for free. Now we have your bottom of the barrel type that should be culled. You speak of shit you have no idea about. I told you factual knowledge backed up by government and manufacturers labels and you still ramble off. Tell me to read a book then send me some wack ass internet profiles. SHOW ME THE KNOWLEDGE!!!
Maybe keep on topic. What your internet buddies say they do and what they actually do is 2 different things. Your small time tent doesn’t equate to commercial growing. I’m asking you and gb123, how do you keep 2000sqft pest free indefinitely?

Dman the southern ontario scammer, piss off weasel
All commercial grow opps , use pesticides , you need to have a pesticide applicators course just to get a job at these grow opps ,plain and simple. , if you think any differently , you have a lot to learn
All commercial grow opps , use pesticides , you need to have a pesticide applicators course just to get a job at these grow opps ,plain and simple. , if you think any differently , you have a lot to learn
Im well aware of that. I hold a exterminators license through the government of ontario for all 12 license classes. HC has listed 20 class 3 pesticides being able to use with cannabis. Also hold a cannabis profile with plant products in ancaster. Im confirming all commercial grows use pesticide or atleast will at some point and if there not as a preventative.....oh boy!!