Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Ok, yes you're right... I was wrong. I guess he didn't specifically set out to prove that. That was never my original point tho. I don't know why you chose to focus on that... The only point I originally set out to make in this thread was that the idea of a flat Earth did not originate in America....

Well, I focus in that cos only same post before of yours, I have said the same about Colon intentionsintentions (that why I said "Cant you read?"). But I was very, very rude with you: this was the problem n my fault: you feeled yourself offensed by me with all your rights, n it afected the " quality" of our comunication. Besides of it, my Gibraltar monkeys' Spanglish is enought to kill again Sheakespeare if he will be able to resurrect...

So please "te pido de nuevo que seas tan generoso de disculparme" (I rogue you excuse me again).

N of course, the idea of a flat Earth was borned in all the World cos it was the first that Human thought about the Earth's forme...

Have a good day, buddy. Sorry I called you a retard earlier. I hope you know in the heat of the argument these words mean nothing. Considering your difficulty with English, it was a frustrating argument, to say the least. No hard feelings...

My English is enought to understand n to know that you are, like Cervantes saids Todo un Caballero: honorable en la derrota, valiente en la disputa, y generoso en la victoria y en el perdón

Look at the dumbasses who liked this photo. Do you see this from a commercial airliner which is higher in altitude? NO !!! So fuckin stupid !!! LMAO !!! The globe is rapidly crumbling.
Some satellite solar arrays are actually much bigger than air liners and are highly reflective the light you see isn't actually lights on the satellite but the reflection of the sun on the solar array that powers the satellite, the idea that the earth is flat is just ridiculous, how do you explain solar and lunar eclipses? Especially lunar eclipses?
It was blinking lights i saw not the suns reflection dumb ass.
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