Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Well-Known Member
Now I see why they tag you retarded...
The altitude of the commercial airliner is many miles lower than the satellite. The satellite IS NOT larger than the airliner. Does the satellite have lights? Reason and logic. That is not a satellite Globetard. I have also seen what you have seen and it moves very fast indeed. BUT it has freakin blinking lights and we can't confirm it's flight path just because we see it fly over every 30 minutes or so. It is without a doubt a high speed plane. I'm not ready to say it's part of the 5,000 m.p.h. Aurora program though. Named after Aurora, Texas where in April 1897 a flying machine crashed into Judge Proctor's windmill and the town folk buried a little alien in the cemetery.
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Well-Known Member
The Aurora has been in development since 1989. A vast improvement on the SR 71 and 72 Blackbird program It has intakes that spin turbines that increase power. The faster you go the more power you generate in the turbines and so on and so on until you are moving 6 times faster than the speed of sound.


Well-Known Member
The Aurora has been in development since 1989. A vast improvement on the SR 71 and 72 Blackbird program It has intakes that spin turbines that increase power. The faster you go the more power you generate in the turbines and so on and so on until you are moving 6 times faster than the speed of sound.
No blinking light. Not an aircraft. You know they have a rt map of satellite positions so you can know exactly what bird it was. Your flawed thermosphere logic again?

Aurora? Try Taw-50


Well-Known Member
During the summer the sun follows a path closer to the north pole. In the winter it's path is deeper in the southern hemisphere. It's not the opposite of what happens during summer in the north. That is a misconception. Antarctica does not have super long days on Dec. 21st as opposed to June 21st in Alaska. I doubt you understand how the equinoxes and solstices work though. :dunce:
Well it's pretty fuckin' obvious you don't!

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Australia is in the southern hemisphere and Flat Earthers don't belive Australia exists..

I don't exist...This sadden me.

I was told the English Flat earth conference cost over $150 POUNDS to attend. This tells me that someone is making a HUGE income off the stupid and must be fake. When did you hear of people charging to attend a "round Earth" conference?

Joke: Flat Earthers have converts from all around the globe.


Well-Known Member
Low earth orbit satellites are 1200 miles up. Some are purported to be 22000 miles out. So you can see a satellite that's smaller than a commercial airliner from 1000s of miles up? Lack of logic and reason which is typical of a kool-aid drinking Globetard who believes in 1960's sci-fi moon landings. The footage from Apollo 11 is so retarded and fake looking you should all be embarrassed and ashamed.
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