Has tRUMP ever listened to a briefing?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Every day, i read at least one story about what tRUMP has gotten wrong today. How can his supporters believe a word he says when they have to post a list of his "mistakes" daily? he's either stupid, or lying, or both.....

case in point, tRUMP recently said " A VA accountability law enacted last year allows the VA to say "you're fired" to employees. "Before, there was nothing you could do.""....which is complete bullshit, VA employs aren't tenured, they don't have unbreakable contracts...they've always been able to be fired.
so is he too stupid to bother to learn the truth, or is he lying on purpose to make it seem like he accomplished something, when he accomplished nothing?

so once again, the chimp in charge gets the facts wrong. i'll be back tomorrow with the daily misinformation
Every day, i read at least one story about what tRUMP has gotten wrong today. How can his supporters believe a word he says when they have to post a list of his "mistakes" daily? he's either stupid, or lying, or both.....

case in point, tRUMP recently said " A VA accountability law enacted last year allows the VA to say "you're fired" to employees. "Before, there was nothing you could do.""....which is complete bullshit, VA employs aren't tenured, they don't have unbreakable contracts...they've always been able to be fired.
so is he too stupid to bother to learn the truth, or is he lying on purpose to make it seem like he accomplished something, when he accomplished nothing?

View attachment 4172354
so once again, the chimp in charge gets the facts wrong. i'll be back tomorrow with the daily misinformation
He's cut from the same bolt of cloth W was. A multi-time failure at everything. Daddies backed both into the businesses they made fortunes in only to watch both fail repeatedly. The main difference is Trump likes to play golf while W mountain biked and cut firewood. Both at their own properties for many days.
Drumpf acts on "gut" feelings. Since he has a large gut and fills it with fecal matter from Fux Newz, it affects his "thought" process. This has resulted in multiple bankruptcies. Proven lies just roll off him and he goes on to the next lie. He won't listen to people who know their job and they resign in frustration. He is as dumb as it appears. His syphilis infected brain has something to do with it, but he's simply racist. In the end, yes, he's a stupid liar. One would think he'd be better at lying, considering how much practice he's had. You are what you eat and Drumpf eats stool.
Because we know it's all fake news.

do you REALLY believe that? or are you so invested in it now that you would just be embarrassed to admit you've been wrong?
i for one promise not to say "i told you so" if you'll just admit tRUMP is a pathological liar that doesn't give a fuck about this country, and never has. he cares about tRUMP.
come on, do you really believe every news outlet in the country is lying about him? do you really believe he has the best interests of the country at heart?
he's selling off national park land, he's defunding pbs, he's defunding the national arts program. he's trying to privatize the space program, and build a "space force"..... he's trying to remove basic human rights from people he doesn't like, he's separating families at the border, (no president has ever done that, don't even fucking say obama)...he's appointing his friends to important ambassadorial positions they have absolutely no qualifications for, and they're causing world wide embarrassment. he has started a multi front trade war that we have very little chance of winning, china is already building an auto plant in mexico......
in short, he's accomplished nothing good, and has alienated most of the world.....and you support him? are you stupid? is your medication seriously messed up? have you had a cranial injury recently?
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i know!!!..billions to the farm people for subsidies!!!..we'll get them out of this fix, right quick!!!

i'd love to celebrate this is a stream of warm, yellow MAGA!!!!
Every day, i read at least one story about what tRUMP has gotten wrong today. How can his supporters believe a word he says when they have to post a list of his "mistakes" daily? he's either stupid, or lying, or both.....

case in point, tRUMP recently said " A VA accountability law enacted last year allows the VA to say "you're fired" to employees. "Before, there was nothing you could do.""....which is complete bullshit, VA employs aren't tenured, they don't have unbreakable contracts...they've always been able to be fired.
so is he too stupid to bother to learn the truth, or is he lying on purpose to make it seem like he accomplished something, when he accomplished nothing?

View attachment 4172354
so once again, the chimp in charge gets the facts wrong. i'll be back tomorrow with the daily misinformation

because they just don't care..they care that there is someone, in their demented mindset, that's disrupting the system.

the trump disrupt..

and those are THE TRULY HATEFUL..they justify the extra $5 the cashier handed them as 'payback' and not ripping off the employee by shorting their drawer, or the store who has to raise prices for shrink.

gaining from someone else's misfortune is part of their disturbing composite.

embracing his modal hedge-speak, as truth.
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do you REALLY believe that? or are you so invested in it now that you would just be embarrassed to admit you've been wrong?
i for one promise not to say "i told you so" if you'll just admit tRUMP is a pathological liar that doesn't give a fuck about this country, and never has. he cares about tRUMP.
come on, do you really believe every news outlet in the country is lying about him? do you really believe he has the best interests of the country at heart?
he's selling off national park land, he's defunding pbs, he's defunding the national arts program. he's trying to privatize the space program, and build a "space force"..... he's trying to remove basic human rights from people he doesn't like, he's separating families at the border, (no president has ever done that, don't even fucking say obama)...he's appointing his friends to important ambassadorial positions they have absolutely no qualifications for, and they're causing world wide embarrassment. he has started a multi front trade war that we have very little chance of winning, china is already building an auto plant in mexico......
in short, he's accomplished nothing good, and has alienated most of the world.....and you support him? are you stupid? is your medication seriously messed up? have you had a cranial injury recently?

He's the best president we've had lately!

He's the best president we've had lately!

ok, i see that there is no reasoning with you. not sure if you're a racist, a right wing christian extremist, a misogynist, or a mental defective. i'm guessing a combination of at least three.
if you can say that and mean it, you're my enemy. you stand against everything that makes this country good, and for the evil people who make us an enemy of the rest of the world.
i'll fight against everything tRUMP wants to do, because i can see at least some of his ulterior motives, which you are apparently unable to do. do yourself a favor, when you hear the fighting start, stay in your house and flush your maga hat
ok, i see that there is no reasoning with you. not sure if you're a racist, a right wing christian extremist, a misogynist, or a mental defective. i'm guessing a combination of at least three.

you can say that and mean it,

I do.

you're my enemy. you stand against everything that makes this country good, and for the evil people who make us an enemy of the rest of the world.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

i'll fight against everything tRUMP wants to do, because i can see at least some of his ulterior motives, which you are apparently unable to do. do yourself a favor, when you hear the fighting start, stay in your house and flush your maga hat

Don't own a MAGA hat. Send me one, ok.

how can someone be so fucking blind? was your grandfather the captain of the titanic? you don't seem to be able to see an iceberg, either