stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

Who is “we all” apart from you and a few racist losers?

Your little virtual world just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

You are merely a hater. And terrible at this politics spamming job you cling to. You used to be entertaining in your ignorance. Now you are just pitiful.

How many did you get unfairly banned?
How many did you get unfairly banned?

Always seemed like the banned immediately came back. Is it really about fairness if you're back on with an army of socks within a couple of minutes?

Always seemed like the banned immediately came back. Is it really about fairness if you're back on with an army of socks within a couple of minutes?


Who’s back on with an army of socks?

Most banned members do not come back. You can see new threads on other sites often. Buck hate is very real around the weed sites.

Most I see accused have no idea what the accuser is talking about. And then the small but faithful peanut gallery jumps right in.

Very rarely correct about anyone.
If only we could be so lucky as to have Trump be the reason for the whole collapse of the stock market.

It's sickening that a concept where you bet against and hope people become homeless, so you can have luxuries, is beyond contempt and a complete lack of any morality.
If only we could be so lucky as to have Trump be the reason for the whole collapse of the stock market.

It's sickening that a concept where you bet against and hope people become homeless, so you can have luxuries, is beyond contempt and a complete lack of any morality.

If it were Trump's fault the stock market collapsed completely and got us away from it's tyranny, he should be propped up as a hero.

But alas, not even someone like Trump, could give us such a victory.

It's quite odd you all vilify Trump, but hold on a pedestal the very system which causes those like him in the first place.

The stock market is the real life game version of Monopoly. Where the whole point is to bankrupt your opponents.

All Trump is doing is playing according to the official rules, and not adding any house rules (you know, like adding taxes to the middle as a reward for landing on free parking) which agonizingly prolongs the game. He's keeping it real, in your lingo.

You all think that if you're given the illusion of better, then it's ok the game they play screws us. This is just a wake up call to get a brand new guy who'll treat us better. But doing such a "solution" didn't solve anything.

The new guy you get won't care either, but will be like Mother Theresa who virtue signals and doesn't deliver. Who gets off on others suffering, just the same. Will go on vacations sending you postcards.

"Wish you were here. I feels ya. Isn't this prostitute I hired just doing amazing things? Hope that cheered you up!"
Dow up 145 right now. Sitting at 25,555...What tariffs? MAGA.
If you want to see were the money has been going from the US markets due to Tariffs check out the huge gains on the Australian market. No US Tarrifs as yet on Australia and we trade heavily with China. China is our Number one trading partner (like most of the world).

If the real estate market doesn't start cooling soon (40 years of growth) then we may get an interest rate hike to try to slow the economy.

"Australian property has enjoyed consistent growth with an average annual growth rate of 7% per annum in the last 40 years. The doubling in value of properties every 7 to 10 years"
Still trying his desperate best to defend trump

Even after trump said nazis were very fine people

Totally not an obvious white supremacist shrimp dick