Jordan Peterson

Beefkitty’s Jordan Peterson thread has devolved into him screaming that blacks are just genetically dumber than everyone else


Hey beefkitty,

Two unrelated people raised in the same environment will have closer iq scores, on average, than identical twins raised in different environments

So you may want to rethink the racist YouTube Pseudoscience you are unquestioningly gobbling up

Ya dumb racist cult member
Since you seem sincere, not like many on here I'll clue you into the real Sam Harris agenda.

"Given the degree to which religion still inspires human conflict, and impedes genuine inquiry, I believe that merely being a self-described “Buddhist” is to be complicit in the world’s violence and ignorance to an unacceptable degree."

Seriously? Who besides hard core totally hateful atheists says such non-sense. Anywhere you look, Buddhism is seen as one of the most peaceful religions.

"Indeed, there are ideas within Buddhism that are so incredible as to render the dogma of the virgin birth plausible by comparison. No one is served by a mode of discourse that treats such pre-literate notions as integral to our evolving discourse about the nature of the human mind."

Really? Vedic texts at the time of the Buddha are some of the oldest religious and early scientific literature.

Yes, mine could seem an uncharacteristic response form a Buddhist. But, his views are also very uncharacteristic of what Buddhists believe.

So sorry, my "Fuck you" towards Sam Harris still stands.

And look up his stance on torture. Hint he's very pro-torture. But notice how he says it's Buddhism who are the cause of violence? Odd huh?

You've cherry-picked quotes from that article. On their own, they do seem harsh. However, I read the article objectively and thoroughly and it seems to me that Sam holds the wisdom and insight of Buddhist practices in very high esteem compared to other religions. His argument against Buddhism as a "religion" is that it simply serves to divide - to exclude non-Buddhists, and to perpetuate religiosity. Let's face it, Christians and Muslims could benefit just as much from Buddhist practices - but they don't even entertain the thought of doing so because they are not "Buddhist". Likewise, people who call themselves Buddhists but do not adhere to Buddhist practices are merely "perpetuating religiosity" and in so doing are complicit in the violence borne by religion in general. This may seem like an extreme assessment, but perhaps it is more fair than you think it is.

I will agree that Sam is a stubborn, die hard empiricist who seemingly leaves no room whatsoever for intuition, Mysticism or alternative definitions of "the divine." But I do not believe that Sam harbours specific malice for Buddhists. The fact that he finds some redeeming qualities in Buddhist practices as they relate to the sciences of the mind is noteworthy. I can't remember him saying anything remotely like this about Christianity or Islam.

Perhaps give Sam the benefit of the doubt. I do not believe he is malicious, and I do not believe that he is singling out Buddhism here for any other reason except that he finds some of the Buddhist practices to be full of untapped practical potential - and he would like to see the "religious" portions stripped away so we could all benefit from these practices.

Just the way I see it.
If you had a choice in your next life of being a decent human being of average or low intelligence, or an indecent human being of very high intelligence, which would you choose? Why?
You are a moron.

It is well established that genes make up at least 50% of a persons IQ potential. I don't know which cracker-jack box your "information" came from.... but you really should stop reading buzzfeed and VOX articles. They're bad for your brain.

Try again, Uncle Bumblefuck. Basically everything you believe about IQ is just plain wrong.
Foaming at the mouth

Jesus dude calm down

Black people aren’t just naturally dumber than everyone else because you watched a YouTube video filled with racist pseudoscience

But hey, good thread. Really exposing you for who you are: a racist who thinks YouTube is the best information source. AKA the basis of the professor racist’s cult
Oh Uncle Bumblefuck. I'm calm.

But it's nice to see you resort to silly little antics because you know you're wrong but have no recourse. Easier to change the topic to something like.... youtube evidence that doesn't exist. Peterson is an academic, that cites academic research most of the time.

You don't seem to understand that just because you don't like facts, doesn't make them wrong.

What was that about twins again...?

This foray into you calling black people dumb by nature started when you showcased Peterson citing some idiot who thinks that homosexuality is caused by a pathogen
This foray into you calling black people dumb by nature started when you showcased Peterson citing some idiot who thinks that homosexuality is caused by a pathogen
Another topic change....

You really want to get off the topic of IQ and heredity, don't you?

I'm sure we can agree that being wrong about something doesn't mean you're wrong about everything, right? I mean, the repercussions of you saying 'no' means you're admitting that because you were wrong about heredity and IQ that you're wrong about everything we've been discussing.

It doesn't matter what evidence is shown, clearly you don't care about facts.

I'm curious what your next outlandish claim or strawman will be though... please, go on.
Another topic change....

beefkitty: jordan peterson is an academic! he cites academic research!

me: we're talking about how you think black people are just naturally dumb because you posted an article in which jordan peterson cited a guy who thinks homosexuality is caused by a pathogen

beefkitty: why are you trying to change the topic! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

You really want to get off the topic of IQ and heredity, don't you?


i want you to keep spewing pseudoscience about how you think black people are just born dumb because you watched a youtube video featuring a known white supremacist

i think you talking as much as you can about how dumb you think black people are is a fitting topic for a thread about professor racist
beefkitty on monday: i'd never heard of this charles murray guy but i am watching a youtube on him now

me: good luck on your indoctrination into white supremacist pseudoscience

beefkitty on monday: i'd never heard of this charles murray guy but i am watching a youtube on him now

me: good luck on your indoctrination into white supremacist pseudoscience


I'm curious what your next outlandish claim or strawman will be though... please, go on.

Keep proving my point. Yet another strawman....

It looks like the collected data correctly (of course I can't say for certain), and it's corroborated by multiple other academic sources, including the APA, that have done studies on IQ. There are physical differences between races, and there are genetic illnesses that specific races are prone to developing, are those things racist too? Is it racist to mention that things only affect one race? Why is it only when we talk about IQ that suddenly differences in races\groups is bad? In a diverse group of people you expect difference, don't you? And AFAIK you're the only one who thinks IQ ranks you in the hierarchy of life. I'm certainly not claiming IQ determines your human worth. (Neither is JP)

Again, just because you don't like something doesn't make it less true. If new and compelling studies are released on the topic that show the inverse is true (blacks are at the top of the heap, Asians at the bottom, etc), or that all races are equal in IQ then what I beleive will change.

What you are doing, and what you're expecting others to do is to ignore the science because it makes you feel "icky". Well, you can live in "delusion world" where everyone has asafe space and doesn't need to hear facts they don't like.

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Keep proving my point. Yet another strawman....

It looks like the collected data correctly (of course I can't say for certain), and it's corroborated by multiple other academic sources, including the APA, that have done studies on IQ. There are physical differences between races, and there are genetic illnesses that specific races are prone to developing, are those things racist too? Is it racist to mention that things only affect one race? Why is it only when we talk about IQ that suddenly differences in races\groups is bad? In a diverse group of people you expect difference, don't you? And AFAIK you're the only one who thinks IQ ranks you in the hierarchy of life. I'm certainly not claiming IQ determines your human worth. (Neither is JP)

Again, just because you don't like something doesn't make it less true. If new and compelling studies are released on the topic that show the inverse is true (blacks are at the top of the heap, Asians at the bottom, etc), or that all races are equal in IQ then what I beleive will change.

What you are doing, and what you're expecting others to do is to ignore the science because it makes you feel "icky". Well, you can live in "delusion world" where everyone has asafe space and doesn't need to hear facts they don't like.

What science?

Are you talking about the dozens of times Murray cites nazi eugenicists?

This YouTube cult you’re in is pretty weird.
What science?

Are you talking about the dozens of times Murray cites nazi eugenicists?

This YouTube cult you’re in is pretty weird.
The science where they test people with questions to find "G", or general intelligence. Then they check the data for errors, and change the questions if need be to help eliminate cultural differences. For example, eliminating words that disadvantaged people might not use or understand, but that more 'well-to-do' people would most likely understand.

The team that was created by the APA as a result of the backlash when "The Bell curve" was created found pretty much the same thing. Are you suggesting the American Psychological Association are racist, Nazi supporters?

The hyperbole is strong with this one.
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The science where they test people with questions to find "G", or general intelligence. Then they check the data for errors, and change the questions if need be to help eliminate cultural differences. For example, eliminating words that disadvantaged people might not use or understand, but that more 'well-to-do' people would most likely understand.

The team that was created by the APA as a result of the backlash when "The Bell curve" was created found pretty much the same thing. Are you suggesting the American Psychological Association are racist, Nazi supporters?

The hyperbole is strong with this one.
I’m just asking questions about your latest white supremacy propaganda, relax

How many times did Charles Murray cite the nazi-founded pioneer fund in his pseudoscience fairy tale?
Look, I don't give a fuck what David Duke does or says. I don't give a fuck about anyone else that the Pioneer fund has supported or given grants to. None of that matters regarding Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson cited "The Bell Curve" because it's a scientific study, albeit a controversial one, in the field of Psychology which JP is an expert in. What other studies or motives Charles Murray has are irrelevant to the validity of "The Bell Curve", or to Jordan Peterson. The fact that JP sees some merit in "The Bell Curve" does not mean he supports any of Charles Murray's other beliefs or those of the people that fund him. If that is what you are claiming you are an even bigger idiot than previously suspected.

Fuck off with the Red Herrings.

To claim Jordan Peterson is a Nazi, because he cites a book written by a guy that was funded by a group that also had Nazi ties 80 years in the past is ridiculous. Where the data comes from is irrelevant to whether or not the information is true or not. Some medical knowledge we have today is based off of Nazi experiments, specifically pertaining to hypothermia. Should we not use the data just because of where the data came from? It dodesn't make the means of obtaining it any better, but it also doesn't affect the validity of the data collected.
So what you’re saying is that your new white supremacy dig does indeed pull from nazis, white supremacists, and eugenicists and is touted by klanman leaders and neo-nazis, but jordan Peterson is NOT RACIST

ok makes sense
Nope. That's you being an idiot. Big difference.
so charles murray does not cite over a dozen "scientists" whose work was only possible thanks to money from the pioneer fund?

i think he did

true or false: when charles murray published this nonsense, was the president of the pioneer fund a man who said, and i quote, that "desegregation has wrecked the public school system"?

true or false: when charles murray published this nonsense, was one of the board members of the pioneer fund indicted for sedition after calling for the release of all nazi war criminals?

true or false: did charles murray rely on anyone's work more than richard lynn, who served on the editorial staff of several white supremacist publications?
Look, I don't give a fuck what David Duke does or says. I don't give a fuck about anyone else that the Pioneer fund has supported or given grants to. None of that matters regarding Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson cited "The Bell Curve" because it's a scientific study, albeit a controversial one, in the field of Psychology which JP is an expert in. What other studies or motives Charles Murray has are irrelevant to the validity of "The Bell Curve", or to Jordan Peterson. The fact that JP sees some merit in "The Bell Curve" does not mean he supports any of Charles Murray's other beliefs or those of the people that fund him. If that is what you are claiming you are an even bigger idiot than previously suspected.

Fuck off with the Red Herrings.

To claim Jordan Peterson is a Nazi, because he cites a book written by a guy that was funded by a group that also had Nazi ties 80 years in the past is ridiculous. Where the data comes from is irrelevant to whether or not the information is true or not. Some medical knowledge we have today is based off of Nazi experiments, specifically pertaining to hypothermia. Should we not use the data just because of where the data came from? It dodesn't make the means of obtaining it any better, but it also doesn't affect the validity of the data collected.

i know buck has spent alot of time here muddying the water but did peterson actually cite charles murray?

as far as i recall peterson cited the study by Gregory Cochran

this is just another example of bucks bullshit and playing 7 steps of bacon but adding in his own steps

peterson say's "post modernism" or "neo marxism" and buck spends 10 pages pretending that peterson actually said "cultural marxim"

peterson cites Gregory Cochran and buck spends 10 pages pretending that it was murray...

its a classic of "repeat a lie often enough......"

now wait who was it that said that

oh yeah fucking Goebbels

buck is using goebbels techniques
i know buck has spent alot of time here muddying the water but did peterson actually cite charles murray?

as far as i recall peterson cited the study by Gregory Cochran

this is just another example of bucks bullshit and playing 7 steps of bacon but adding in his own steps

peterson say's "post modernism" or "neo marxism" and buck spends 10 pages pretending that peterson actually said "cultural marxim"

peterson cites Gregory Cochran and buck spends 10 pages pretending that it was murray...

its a classic of "repeat a lie often enough......"

now wait who was it that said that

oh yeah fucking Goebbels

buck is using goebbels techniques

So, now he's using Nazi and Maoist techniques to prop up his extremist left-wing ideologies.


Oh, by the way;

None of that has any bearing on Jordan Peterson whatsoever. It says nothing about his beliefs, or what he supports. He vehemently loathes Nazis and has stated this many times in books and lectures while specifically denouncing right wing extremism and fascism.

Again, you are a moron. For someone with 130+ IQ, I'd expect better arguments.... :D
So what if he cites people who think homosexuality is caused by a pathogen? Or cites people who think blacks are born dumb based on nazi funded research?

hE iS nOt RaCiSt