The Real Reason Brett Kavanaugh is So Dangerous to Democracy

You fucked yourself with all the negative talk. Now you make bullshit threads about Trumps SCOTUS pick.
dude STFU.
I don't dislike ALL people who were for Bernie, but you Bernie fucking babies are a different bunch of weirdos
Fuck your STFU. You're one of the most Intolerant and least worthwhile posters here.

My opinion is at least as valid and far better researched yours.

The current mainstream parties are both hopelessly corrupt and bought. Rather than acknowledge that, you'd rather play into their hands by alienating those who could be your allies in building a better country.

Worst of all, it's not even your idea; you're too lazy for that. You just rode someone else's coattails.

No, I won't shut up.

Thanks for telling me that I'm a thorn in your side.
Fuck your STFU. You're one of the most Intolerant and least worthwhile posters here.

My opinion is at least as valid and far better researched yours.

The current mainstream parties are both hopelessly corrupt and bought. Rather than acknowledge that, you'd rather play into their hands by alienating those who could be your allies in building a better country.

Worst of all, it's not even your idea; you're too lazy for that. You just rode someone else's coattails.

No, I won't shut up.

Thanks for telling me that I'm a thorn in your side.
Bernie was with her. You are not a thorn in my side. You are a joke.
Now stop shitposting in my thread
Fuck your STFU. You're one of the most Intolerant and least worthwhile posters here.

My opinion is at least as valid and far better researched yours.

The current mainstream parties are both hopelessly corrupt and bought. Rather than acknowledge that, you'd rather play into their hands by alienating those who could be your allies in building a better country.

Worst of all, it's not even your idea; you're too lazy for that. You just rode someone else's coattails.

No, I won't shut up.

Thanks for telling me that I'm a thorn in your side.

It was definitely a meltdown.
you're disabled and in failing health.

you're sickly

Actually I am in pretty great shape and my shoulder is getting strong quickly.

I have always had my illness. And I am still going strong.

You sit in front of a computer mostly and cast lies and insults.

You should feel shame not boosted ego. You see you are a lowlife dishonest blogger. And you are terrible at it.

It’s obvious you are the one lying. No one who feels successful needs to put down others.

It was a fun game for a while you taught me.

But you suck at it and can’t handle your feelings being hurt from it for almost 18 months now.

Let it go. Your wife can teach you about acceptance.
Intolerant liberal ^^^^
Hardly. I've been showing a different perspective. You and the rest of your crew of angry establishment zealots have been as abusive as you possibly can, up to and including regular use of totally manufactured personal attacks and even doxxing.

Your desperation to drive away every differing perspective is telling.
Hardly. I've been showing a different perspective. You and the rest of your crew of angry establishment zealots have been as abusive as you possibly can, up to and including regular use of totally manufactured personal attacks and even doxxing.

Your desperation to drive away every differing perspective is telling.
you're intolerant of anyone who doesn't pledge allegiance to bernie

hence why pada and schuy are your ONLY two allies here
Actually I am in pretty great shape and my shoulder is getting strong quickly.

I have always had my illness. And I am still going strong.

You sit in front of a computer mostly and cast lies and insults. s ?

You should feel shame not boosted ego. You see you are a lowlife dishonest blogger. And you are terrible at it.

It’s obvious you are the one lying. No one who feels successful needs to put down others.

It was a fun game for a while you taught me.

But you suck at it and can’t handle your feelings being hurt from it for almost 18 months now.

Let it go. Your wife can teach you about acceptance.
Why did you complain so much about your chronic rectum pain keeping you down at times