Well-Known Member
I think many of us are guilty of that same false assumption. I've found one of the themes with all Chems...they develop intensely over time. From each phase of growth, chop and onto the cure.One of the 3 phenos (which was the one that was whorled phyllotaxy) is 100% garlic. If I didnt pull the seed from the pack myself, I'd think it was "GMO". Frosty as fuk and smells like a fresh crushed clove of garlic, but taste like chem. Unfortunately, I didnt keep any cuts or reveg because on the plant, none smelled like anything but chem. Whoever it was that said to me "wait til the cure" you were right. The citrus that was there on the one pheno was very tasty and translated nicely to the smoke as well. I honestly didnt expect it to come out from the cure. All 3 phenos are a quality buzz I might add.
Cookies as well. I've had them smell very bland even up until the end but then the magic happens during the cure.
So now, a plant has be exceptionally bad to not get a second run. I just don't feel like seed plants can be judged fairly as "one and done".
Now your review has me giving OBS a second look.