Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

Thanks Char....feel free to stop by anytime. I'm Guna clean the riff raff out and preserve it for all of us to enjoy for generations to come.

Ever need a place to shit. Look no further.

We're really gonna need a condensed "best of" version of the greatest hits of his classics. There's too much gold that'll help future civilisations understand where we went wrong, how some of us abandoned reason & science for emotional "feel good likes". How the coalition of reason fought against the tide of the dark lord of ego & selfies. Kinda like a lord of the rings/canticle for leibowitz mash up.
Ps Long Live Palmy!

Which begs the question, when are we going to start discussing how we can grow an even palmier palmy? Fimming would give a denser cluster of growth on top but I'm thinking we could do better. Time to start reading "how to grow plants from test tubes". With enough work I think I can manipulate them to be even bushier on top & ideally also miniaturize them. We could all have a mini palmy in a baby food jar. Who knew this thread would give my life meaning.

Please feel free to correct my assumptions about micro-propagating palmy's. I'm just learning so my belief is based on a poor understanding & if anyone can direct me to a good info source or correct my assumptions I'd be greatly for helping me learn.
If this work when would you suggest doing it if I may ask
Im not recommending you try it.
I posted that in reference to someone saying not to top in flower.
It triggered my memory that you could basically top the flower.

I don't believe it is going to increase yield or potency just density and shape.

I did it to a few of my airy buds on the outskirts of my canopy just to see the actual effect.

I wont know for about 4 more weeks what the results are.
Update of my plant in week 4 of flowering
Don't let these haters get to you. You keep breaking stems and covering your plants in semen.

But really though.. youre in the newbie area telling the best growers on the site that they are wrong.
Experiments are great but you should stick to actually learning how to grow a plant.
Also I need your address. Not for anything creepy. Just trying to spread some love and get you hooked on phonics


@Blue Wizard ... Thanks for posting this thread lol