Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

Just a reminder: You took your indoor plants outside and you run your lights during the day. :dunce:
I use the sun because don't have that much a prowerful lights for my plants I trust the sun more then a unlabeled grow light I run my lights during the day because don't have proper ventilation so having tent closed during day make rh high and like I said I work at night so I like to see my plants when I'm home grow room still stay optimal temps when lights are running. But I do plan on eventually stop gowing from inside to outside
good to know I wondered why people said indoor and outfoou bud was different thanks for clearing up that outdoor plants have to fight off the environment

Because we've all been saying STRESS DOES NOT HELP POTENCY, optimal growing conditions & good genetics make potent plants. Stress reduces that, sonwe create as stress free environ's as possible to maximise yield & potency.

You're still choosing to believe a minority opinion that isn't backed by science, when apparently people said that 19 pages ago & you still think you're inexperienced opinion based on things you read on the web is right.
It can help to show sex slightly faster if the plant is sexual mature enough to show its sex yet. However if you want to increase resin production you can add a little not a lot of extra ir. But your not going to get anything in the end by keeping her in the dark. Plants do use light.

those are pretty I really like the pic with the bee. Mother Nature tending your garden.
Ok and yea I didn't go the full 36 hours when I did it
Because we've all been saying STRESS DOES NOT HELP POTENCY, optimal growing conditions & good genetics make potent plants. Stress reduces that, sonwe create as stress free environ's as possible to maximise yield & potency.

You're still choosing to believe a minority opinion that isn't backed by science, when apparently people said that 19 pages ago & you still think you're inexperienced opinion based on things you read on the web is right.
Y are u still hostile that had nothing to do with the stress shit my thread was talking about that was just something I wondered that I heard alot of people say so once again read and understand something before y'all just hop on trying to talk shit
Like I said and just looked back when someone ask a question without throwing insults I gave a answer don't expect to get yo ass kiss cause y'all "professional" growers when ever one was saying where did you hear this from like I was saying something they never heard of, like I said if u didn't agree with the stoner myths then fine just don't expect respect if you hop on this thread and just start talking shit before understanding my thread cause I actually do break everything down in my first post in thread when I said what helped yield and what things I was talking about potency but every one wanted to make me look like a dumb newbie grower when I was just trying to conversate bout something that some agree and obviously strongly disagree with but wasn't looking for the extra stuff but had time to get indulged in it
Jesus H. Christ!
Punctuation is your friend.

Why are all your posts one gigantic sentence???

Please learn how to read & write. It will help you later in life...
Jesus H. Christ!
Punctuation is your friend.

Why are all your posts one gigantic sentence???

Please learn how to read & write. It will help you later in life...
Lmfao read my thread before u just comment like I said I'm not writing no essay for my professor this is the internet and all y'all still know what my post is trying to say If you don't then u the dumb one not me
Now this my last post for the spectators because I will no longer respond to y'all ignorance if u not one of the people on here commenting something at least half constructive like @doublejj @PuffinPine @Lordhooha are then your input not worth my time the comdey show was yesterday I'm over it
Lmfao read my thread before u just comment like I said I'm not writing no essay for my professor this is the internet and all y'all still know what my post is trying to say If you don't then u the dumb one not me
You are barely literate in the only language you speak -- but I'm the dumb one?


I love how you mentioned a "professor", implying that you go to college.

Sorry junior.

Most colleges require basic reading and writing skills...
Y are u still hostile that had nothing to do with the stress shit my thread was talking about that was just something I wondered that I heard alot of people say so once again read and understand something before y'all just hop on trying to talk shit

It directly refutes your hypothesis that stress makes plants more potent. Outdoor plants experience more stress & spend more energy compensating for it. Just like every other crop known to man.

It's comical how you selectively listen as long as it doesn't contradict you & make you wrong. As soon as someone points out that you're acknowledging you're wrong, you get your back up & become defensive again. Hence the round 3 joke.

By all means keep digging yourself deeper & double down on how we're all wrong because we don't understand you because we aren't listening. It's not the poor, hard to understand replies you post, it's not your inexperience or lack of proper terminology, it's not your logical inconsistency like being unable to see that less stress = better plants (indoor vs outdoor), it doesn't matter that this conversation comes up weekly. We're the problem because we're "old growers set in our ways that don't try new things".

Can we discuss god, evolution or flat earth theory next?
I use the sun because don't have that much a prowerful lights for my plants I trust the sun more then a unlabeled grow light I run my lights during the day because don't have proper ventilation so having tent closed during day make rh high and like I said I work at night so I like to see my plants when I'm home grow room still stay optimal temps when lights are running. But I do plan on eventually stop gowing from inside to outside
Have you ever heard of insects?
There are lots of them outside.

And only a fool would run lights during the day. :P
Now this my last post for the spectators because I will no longer respond to y'all ignorance if u not one of the people on here commenting something at least half constructive like @doublejj @PuffinPine @Lordhooha are then your input not worth my time the comdey show was yesterday I'm over it

But you like my post & appreciated me pointing out that beginners like you should focus on the basics (like not moving indoor plants outside & exposing them to pathogens) instead of techniques that haven't been proven & are a waste of time? That is until I pointed out people have been saying that for pages but you're too egotistical to listen.

What's the ratio of posts that you misunderstand as being supportive to those you get defensive about for us to make the cut to be considered worthy of your attention as you "teach" us stuff?
It directly refutes your hypothesis that stress makes plants more potent. Outdoor plants experience more stress & spend more energy compensating for it. Just like every other crop known to man.

It's comical how you selectively listen as long as it doesn't contradict you & make you wrong. As soon as someone points out that you're acknowledging you're wrong, you get your back up & become defensive again. Hence the round 3 joke.

By all means keep digging yourself deeper & double down on how we're all wrong because we don't understand you because we aren't listening. It's not the poor, hard to understand replies you post, it's not your inexperience or lack of proper terminology, it's not your logical inconsistency like being unable to see that less stress = better plants (indoor vs outdoor), it doesn't matter that this conversation comes up weekly. We're the problem because we're "old growers set in our ways that don't try new things".

Can we discuss god, evolution or flat earth theory next?
Like I said when anybody said anything about optimal conditions is that I understood that. However I said that theses thing DONE IN THE RIGHT WAY help with potency nobody said just give plant unwanted stress just to make more potent so once again stop trying to flip my words to make yourself sound smart cause like I said u ain't told me nothing I already didn't know bout growing if u disagree with the stoner myths then fine it's ok I might still test some out to see how they work and the only reason y is cause like u said genetics matter and my seed is a bag seed so don't know the genetics. So I want to make the most out of
Or an absolute beginner that doesn't understand what they're doing. I can't believe that no one has pointed out it's a bad idea but I assume true to form he knows what's best.
Someone have on my other thread and like I said wish I could run lights at dark but based off my setup and when I work I prefer to run lights during day and I sometimes use the sun can't get no sun at night time so grow how u grow I grow how I grow but don't mistake that I don't know what I'm doing or what I could do different and I use other plants to help with pests like I said I know the risks I'm taking with the stuff I do
Like I said when anybody said anything about optimal conditions is that I understood that. However I said that theses thing DONE IN THE RIGHT WAY help with potency nobody said just give plant unwanted stress just to make more potent so once again stop trying to flip my words to make yourself sound smart cause like I said u ain't told me nothing I already didn't know bout growing if u disagree with the stoner myths then fine it's ok I might still test some out to see how they work and the only reason y is cause like u said genetics matter and my seed is a bag seed so don't know the genetics. So I want to make the most out of
Holy shit, he used ONE period!

At least he's trying.

That's so cute... :clap:
Someone have on my other thread and like I said wish I could run lights at dark but based off my setup and when I work I prefer to run lights during day and I sometimes use the sun can't get no sun at night time so grow how u grow I grow how I grow but don't mistake that I don't know what I'm doing or what I could do different

This reply clearly shows you don't know what you're talking about & I will laugh my ass off when you're struggling with the issues we're warning you about but "so grow how u grow I grow how I grow but don't mistake that I don't know what I'm doing or what I could do different" is the reply.

I interpret that as saying "you grow based on science/experience, I grow based on emotional belief's that are more important to me then fact because I think I know more then I do".