Newbie grower

Lmfao there's a new one ever minute I tell you y'all really don't know how much entertainment y'all really gave me all day glad I can bring some people out the shadows and get under some old school ass growers skin I bet y'all really think I'm mad about all these comments lmao never still sleep good at night
Your trimmers are mission ready

I know all y'all topped or fim, LST, bend and tie down so like I stated you stress your plant to increase yield don't know why y'all still making jokes like I said something false so yes stress do work I mean what do you think LST mean (wink)
I know all y'all topped or fim, LST, bend and tie down so like I stated you stress your plant to increase yield don't know why y'all still making jokes like I said something false so yes stress do work I mean what do you think LST mean (wink)

Sounds like you've been reading on the internet....good for you.

Doesn't increase potency at all.

Whats the name of this thread you started?
I know all y'all topped or fim, LST, bend and tie down so like I stated you stress your plant to increase yield don't know why y'all still making jokes like I said something false so yes stress do work I mean what do you think LST mean (wink)
I don't consider that stressing for yield
I consider them tactics to manipulate apical? Dominance.
Stress is involved but its not the point
And its not the cause