Few Questions on Ebb and Flow


Active Member
Whats the cheapest pump i could get away with with a 3x3 table?

Is there a easy way to make a over flow kit with just pvc pipe? i would have to order the kit because i have no hydro store

When cutting down plants every 2 weeks, what is a cost effective medium to use for SoG 4 plants per sq foot?


New Member
whats the cheapest pump i could get away with with a 3x3 table?

An eco water pump....396gph submersible....it's black, and 25 bucks at hydro shops everywhere. Or online for you

is there a easy way to make a over flow kit with just pvc pipe? I would have to order the kit because i have no hydro store

ya you can make one but there only a few dollars and you know they're perfect. Dont skimp now and you wont pay for it later.....wow that was deep man. I should quote myself more often....bongsmilie

when cutting down plants every 2 weeks, what is a cost effective medium to use for sog 4 plants per sq foot?
chunky perlite and granulated rockwool.....can not be beat.


Active Member
Can you go out of town for about 4 days while growing hydroponically or would the nutrients and p.h go way off scale and ruin your plants? I heard you can not leave your plants at any time to go out of town while growing hydro because of the constant attention. Is this true?


New Member
Can you go out of town for about 4 days while growing hydroponically or would the nutrients and p.h go way off scale and ruin your plants? I heard you can not leave your plants at any time to go out of town while growing hydro because of the constant attention. Is this true?


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Some ppl have good water/nute combos that don't fluctuate much, mine goes up .1 or so every day. Topping with water usually fixes it in my case though. And yes on the overflow with pvc. I zip tied a mesh screen to keep anything from clogging it


Active Member
Awesome, thanks for the support. I just ordered a homebox s and I have a 400 wt hps. Do you think it will get too hot. The homebox is 31.5" X 31.5" X 63". Is that enough space to handle a 400 hps as long as I have an adequate intake and exhaust system? Thanks


Well-Known Member
NO, BUY A good vent system, i mean u need a cool tube or vented hood, cooltube looks the best, and inline fan, and a charcoal filter. buy now i learned the hard way.lol, i had to scramble to get all after i got light and thought it a lot cooler than it was!


New Member
Yo Dopeman... lava rock is like $5/ cu.ft. Rockwool will eventually have to be thrown away and perlite is an algae magnet.

Budlightman.... drain-to-waste drip systems can be left alone for as long as the resevoir is big.


Well-Known Member
I figure that from personal experience, and the fact that you're circulating water in small amounts, that will be able to evaporate much faster than a pool of water, it's simple science.


New Member
If you read that again you'll see that I said "drain-to-waste". If you didn't notice that... well then your skills of observation are suspect my fiend.


New Member
ahhh wonderfull.....i see this thread wasted no time in getting ignorant......here we go boys and girls. (getting popcorn)


Well-Known Member
Naw this one's over, he's too ignorant to continue his stupidity.

If you wanna see some stupid replies from ES click his name then click find all posts by ES, I've replied to a bunch of his ignorance, and yet it continues... :wall:


New Member
Naw this one's over, he's too ignorant to continue his stupidity.

[or are you underestimating him....lmao...ok i'm done.....see there that's what happens kiddies.....see how they lured me into doing exactly what i was bitchin about.]

If you wanna see some stupid replies from ES click his name then click find all posts by ES, I've replied to a bunch of his ignorance, and yet it continues... :wall:
no thanks, i'm sure you dont need my help:-P