A thread for White Evangelicals that support trump

Yeah, well, you are not very bright.
Neither are you. You accuse others of being blinded by their preconceptions; right back at you, bright boy. You too have fallen into the trap of thinking no one else can have better answers than you.

And you go out of your way not to challenge your biases.

Good luck with that.
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Neither are you. You accuse others of being blinded by their preconceptions; right back at you, bright boy. You too have fallen into the trap of thinking no one else can have better answers than you.

And you go out of your way not to challenge your biases.

Good luck with that.
You stick with your Caitlyn Johnstone's Tty. Maybe Mr. Putin will take pity on you in the future for being such a useful idiot. You might get an extra blanket or even a pillow.
You stick with your Caitlyn Johnstone's Tty. Maybe Mr. Putin will take pity on you in the future for being such a useful idiot. You might get an extra blanket or even a pillow.
Keep being a tool and sucker for the American propaganda machine.

Other people know better, even if you never will.
Keep being a tool. And a sucker for the American propaganda machine.
I was kidding about useful idiots getting an extra blanket. Usually they are the first to be killed. Say "Hi" to Caitlyn.

perfect! i'm going to leverage 23:3, i can remember it and all the beaters will know it because they 'read' the bible.

reading doesn't equate to practice.

im going to be my own version of jules:

Iv actually found most evangelicals to be rather ignorant of Matt, Mark,Luke and John... they spend tons of time in the OT and Paul’s writings... so it may be a new one for em.

I actually had to teach an old Baptist friend of mine this week that the Holy Family were refugees in Egypt!

I meantioned how if Egypt was ran by Trump that Jesus could have been separated from Mary n Joseph...

He says to me they were following the rules going to his home town for the census....

I said correct but I’m referring to after the nativity when Herrod was going to kill all boys under two they went to Egypt n stayed there until herrod died... I pointed out they fled their country to save their child’s life- very parallel to today’s situation on the southern border... I got a “oh yea yea I mistook you” type response - it was clear it was a stuttering excuse for not knowing or forgetting that part of story.

Lol. Kinda took the argument out of him when I black n white out navigated him in the good book!

I’m not an evangelical- was somewhat at one time but haves spent much time in their services and rarely are their sermons based off a gospel- usually OT or Paul...
Iv actually found most evangelicals to be rather ignorant of Matt, Mark,Luke and John... they spend tons of time in the OT and Paul’s writings... so it may be a new one for em.

I actually had to teach an old Baptist friend of mine this week that the Holy Family were refugees in Egypt!

I meantioned how if Egypt was ran by Trump that Jesus could have been separated from Mary n Joseph...

He says to me they were following the rules going to his home town for the census....

I said correct but I’m referring to after the nativity when Herrod was going to kill all boys under two they went to Egypt n stayed there until herrod died... I pointed out they fled their country to save their child’s life- very parallel to today’s situation on the southern border... I got a “oh yea yea I mistook you” type response - it was clear it was a stuttering excuse for not knowing or forgetting that part of story.

Lol. Kinda took the argument out of him when I black n white out navigated him in the good book!

I’m not an evangelical- was somewhat at one time but haves spent much time in their services and rarely are their sermons based off a gospel- usually OT or Paul...

very true, they love the OT and Paul.

Leviticus is all about Jewish law, but that eat that shit up...