Random Jabber Jibber thread

Yeah, it took out half of the tree, sort of cracked it in half down the middle. It was funny because we used to hang out by that tree all the time..

Lightning hit my dad's stainless steel flag pole once. Like 50 years ago when you had to take pics with a camera.

That's the garage and house I remodeled 2 yrs. ago.

Place looks a lot different there now.
we used to hang out by that tree all the time..
uh huh...
Did the tree explode?

We have a lot of summer time lighting ( heat lightning ), as the thunderstorms roll in. Once back in '94 I was trying to leave a job before the rain set in and the driveway got to muddy, lightning strikes a big pine about 30' away. I was struck by flying bark and was burnt ( like severe sunburn ) on my face and arm. Another time I had left the job and was heading home when lightning struck a popular tree and it exploded like something off a Hollywood movie. We live near tornado ally I've seen so many of those mf's it ain't funny.
We have a lot of summer time lighting ( heat lightning ), as the thunderstorms roll in. Once back in '94 I was trying to leave a job before the rain set in and the driveway got to muddy, lightning strikes a big pine about 30' away. I was struck by flying bark and was burnt ( like severe sunburn ) on my face and arm. Another time I had left the job and was heading home when lightning struck a popular tree and it exploded like something off a Hollywood movie. We live near tornado ally I've seen so many of those mf's it ain't funny.
I was smoking a bowl with a buddy when lightning struck a tree about 20 feet from his truck.
It was loud and bright as fuck!

Pretty sure I peed a little... :shock:
I drove through 2 tornados and never knew I was in one until later. Never saw the funnel but kept seeing trees freshly twisted off.

Then a trailor park that looked like a bomb hit it. Ugly shit.

The thing I remember most was the sky had a distinct green hue to it.
Yea it was like eerie like this weird gloomy color and everything stopped raining but there was stuff blowing but no wind sound and it was quiet like dead quiet and all the cars were pulled over